BULLETPROOF (Waterproof : Navy SEALS 9) by Jo Chambliss- a review

BULLETPROOF (Waterproof : Navy SEALS 9) by Jo Chambliss-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 11, 2022.

Spending a lifetime in the SEALs can teach a man a lot about himself. Getting shot several times trying to protect a pregnant woman can change a lot of the things you think you know… if you survive.

Commander Timothy “Stone” O’Reilly did survive and now knows that he wants more from this life than a successful career and his ten-year marriage to the intelligent and beautiful Dr. Cassidy O’Reilly. He wants the family he’d never desired before. Finding out that nearly losing him has made Cass feel the same way, the two decide it’s time to make a baby.

With Tim recovered enough to return to his men, life is as good as it can be and about to get better with the thought of becoming a father. That is until a close friend and former SEAL teammate ends up dead under suspicious conditions.

No one knows why Bishop was targeted until the killer decides to play a game with the two remaining members of the long-time trio, Commander O’Reilly and CEO Dillan “Warden” Knot.

Invoking the name of a SEAL that died seventeen years ago, Bishop’s killer uses his vast reach to cast all of Tim’s world into chaos before making his final move.

Tim soon finds out that he’s the target on a chess board full of power players determined to destroy him. And if the enemy can’t get to Stone O’Reilly, they’ll gladly start picking off everyone else in the commander’s life. Beginning with Cass.

No one is safe, not Dillan Knot and not the commander’s hand-picked squad of seals, the Wendigos.


REVIEW: BULLETPROOF is the ninth and final instalment in Jo Chambliss’ contemporary, adult WATERPROOF: Navy SEALS erotic, romantic, military suspense series focusing on the US Navy SEAL Team two aka Wendigos. This is Commander Tim ‘Stone’ O’Reilly and his wife Dr. Cassidy O’Reilly’s story line. BULLETPROOF can be read as a stand alone but I recommend reading the series in order for back story and cohesion as a number of the events in the current timeline are as of a direct result of events in several of the previous instalments. BULLETPROOF picks up several weeks after the events of book eight FOOLPROOF.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise including graphic violence, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Cass and Tim) BULLETPROOF follows in the aftermath of a shooting that left our hero, Commander Tim O’Reilly struggling to survive. Weeks in recovery find Tim returning to base only to be told one of their own, James ‘Bishop’ Stoddard, had died, and a suspicious note reveals it was murder. As Tim and the NCIS begin an investigation, there is an attempted abduction of Tim’s wife Dr. Cassidy O’Reilly, an abduction linked to Bishop’s murder, an abduction that will not be the only try. With Cassidy serving with Doctors Without Borders, Tim quickly realizes his wife is no longer safe when Cassidy becomes the victim of yet another abduction. As Tim and his fellow SEALs do a search and rescue for the woman he loves, the investigation begins to reveal a seventeen year old betrayal and vendetta, one in which the entire team has been targeted in an effort to take down the man in charge. What ensues is the search for Cassidy O’Reilly, the rescue of several members of Commander Tim O’Reilly’s SEAL Team two, and the take down of the people responsible for destroying so many lives.

The relationship between Tim and Cassidy has already been established but the author reveals some of the background about how they met. Years have past, both have become successful in their fields, and our couple must decide about their future going forward. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful, and energetic secondary and supporting characters including most of the members of Team Two: Skin, Judge, Dallas, Ink, Hawk, Wrench, Bandaid, Fish, Devil, as well as the return and introduction of a group of private military contractors including Sadie Phelps and Aaron Hosfeld.

BULLETPROOF is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, obsession and misdirection, death and destruction, family and love. The fast paced premise is intriguing, detailed and raw; the romance is seductive; the characters are powerful, dangerous and strong.

Copy supplied by Netgalley

Reviewed by Sandy
