PRINCE OF HATE (Kings and Villains 6) by Jagger Cole -review tour

PRINCE OF HATE (Kings and Villains 6) by Jagger Cole -review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 2, 2023

He’s my curse. I’m his cure.

To settle my father’s debt, I’ve taken his place as prisoner to a monster.

A dangerously beautiful beast of a man with cold blue eyes and ice around his heart. A vengeful, reclusive billionaire cloaked in scars and haunted by pain and violence.

He looks at me like he can’t decide if he’ll kiss me or destroy me. He has rules I’ll follow and commands I’ll obey—willingly, as per our deal.

But “eagerly” isn’t something I expected. “Desperately” makes it even worse.

Because with every possessive touch.

Every brutal, stolen kiss.

Every claimed part of me, piece by sinful piece.

I fall deeper into the beast’s clutches. And closer to finding the answer to the curse that will destroy us both.


REVIEW: PRINCE OF HATE by Jagger Cole is the sixth instalment in Jagger Cole’s contemporary, adult, KINGS AND VILLAINS dark, erotic, romance series. This is forty-two year old, billionaire investment banker Oliver Prince, and twenty year old, Greek Heiress Rose Carson Laurent’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Oliver and Rose) PRINCE OF HATE follows in the wake of the disappearance of Rose’s father Paul Laurent. Rose Carson was raised by nuns in an orphanage, never knowing her parents or her family history until the day crime lord Paul Laurent announced he had found his long lost daughter. Paul’s discovery of his daughter coincides with the man’s need to make reparation, payment for a debt, to the head of the Greek Mafia, reparation in the form of Rose Carson but Paul finds himself a prisoner of billionaire businessman Oliver Prince, who will exchange one prisoner for another, when Paul is sent on a mission for Oliver Prince. Rose Carson is an innocent in a world of crime lords, an innocent who will discover her dark and damaged captor holds secrets of his own. As the story line progresses, Rose Carson’s family history is revealed, pulling together several of the original members of the Kings and Villains of Lord’s College where the heads of the Russian Bratva, Irish and Greek Mafia’s, and the Cross Crime Family learned to rule the world of business and crime. A prisoner in a gilded cage, Rose will learn that all is not well with her current jailer, and if her father fails, Oliver Prince’s life hangs in the balance. What ensues is the acrimonious relationship between Oliver and Rose, and the potential fall-out when Rose becomes a pawn in the dangerous life of underworld crime.

Oliver Prince is a beast; scarred inside and out, Oliver has become a recluse in the face of dark family secrets, murder, betrayal and the death of his only son, a recluse whose time on earth comes with an expiry date, a date that is fast approaching.Desperate, Oliver claims Rose Carson as his own, forcing Paul Laurent to go in search of information, information that may arrive too late for our story line ‘hero’. Rose Carson knows nothing of her father, of his life, or the life of mobsters and crime. Caught between the father she doesn’t know, and the man with whom she will fall in love, Rose discovers that everything she thought she knew is a lie, and when the truth is revealed, Rose’s family is much larger, dangerous and more powerful than she could have ever imagined.

The relationship between Rose and Oliver is an age-gap, forced proximity, captive and captor, Beauty and the Beast relationship in which Rose is a prisoner, for which a ransom may never be paid. Oliver is but one of many who lay claim to our story line heroine, a claim Rose is hoping will protect her from future harm. The $ex scenes are provocative and intense, and not without some issues of questionable consent.

There is a large ensemble cast of powerful and dark secondary and supporting characters including Adrian Cross (Dark Kingdom 1), as well as the mention of several characters and cross over with the author’s inter-connected series. The requisite evil has many faces.

PRINCE OF HATE is a story of betrayal and vengeance, power and control, madness and murder, obsession and love. The premise is dark, gritty, dramatic and intense; the romance is provocative and impassioned; the characters are broken, dynamic and struggling.

Reading Order and previous reviews
Dark Kingdom
Burned Cinder
Empire of Ash
The Hunter King
The Hunted Queen

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

A reader first and foremost, Jagger Cole cut his romance writing teeth penning various fan-fiction stories years ago. After deciding to hang up his writing boots, Jagger worked in advertising pretending to be Don Draper. It worked enough to convince a woman way out of his league to marry him, though, which is a total win.

Now, Dad to two little princesses and King to a Queen, Jagger is thrilled to be back at the keyboard.

When not writing or reading romance books, he can be found woodworking, enjoying good whiskey, and grilling outside–rain or shine.

You can find all of his books at

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Burned Cinder/Empire of Ash by Jagger Cole-Review Tour

Burned Cinder/Empire of Ash (Kings & Villains 1 & 2) by Jagger Cole-review tour

(Kings and Villains 1)
by Jagger Cole
Genre: adult, contemporary, dark, erotic, age-gap romance / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 9, 2022.

Forget the fairytale.

A broken princess; burned, but bold,
Who knew revenge was best served cold.
There is no Charming. There is no ball,
Just payback on a man who torched it all.
A man cruel, dangerous, and tempting as sin,
Who tells me I’m his; that he’ll have everything.
So smash the slipper. Tread on the glass.
Burn an empire to cinder and ash…


REVIEW: BURNED CINDER is the first instalment in Jagger Cole’s contemporary, adult KINGS AND VILLAINS dark, erotic, age-gap romance duet focusing on forty-two year old businessman Noel Ransom , and twenty-one year old Ella Ashford. The KINGS AND VILLAINS duet is set in the author’s SAVAGE HEIRS world.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ella and Noel) following two time-lines BURNED CINDER follows the acrimonious relationship between forty-two year old businessman Noel Ransom , and twenty-one year old Ella Ashford. Approximately seven years earlier Ella’s life spiralled out of control following the death of her beloved father, the engagement and subsequent death of her mother, and the sentencing to reform school for our story line heroine. Upon her release Ella Ashford made plans to seek revenge against the man she blames for everything that went wrong, the man who was about to take charge of her life. Enter forty-two year old businessman Noel Ransom, the man who now controls every financial aspect of our heroine’s life. What ensues is the building but tempestuous relationship between Ella and Noel, and the fall-out as Ella becomes a pawn in a war between former friends, business partners, and anyone who has ever had dealings with the Kings and Villains of London’s Lord’s College.

Ella Ashford has lost everyone she has ever loved in her life and continues to struggle in the face of paying for a debt owed. Noel Ransom is a man who is seeking revenge for sins of the past, revenge that may or may not be directed at our story line heroine. Forcing Ella into a loveless marriage for business not pleasure, Ella’s life continues to spiral out of control, pulled in several directions by secrets and lies, and in the end, Ella’s choices push our heroine into the direct line of fire. Unable to trust the man whom she married, Ella finds herself at a crossroads, a crossroads from which Ella may not be able to return.

The relationship between Ella and Noel is an age-gap relationship fraught with many issues of trust and heart break; an enemies to reluctant lovers in which Ella is contractually forced to marry a man she does not love, and she can never trust. Naïve and easily manipulated, Ella struggles to believe the man with whom she will fall in love, a struggle that continues to pull Ella in a number of directions. Noel’s connections to Ella’s family run dangerous and deep, and it is these connections that are about to push our heroine into a spiral from which she may never return. The $ex scenes are aggressive and intense, and not without some issues of questionable consent.

We are introduced to Noel’s step-daughters Naomi and Cora, as well as Noel’s business rivals Oliver Prince and his son Jacob, Ella’s boss Harry, as well as Bastien Pierce and Julianna McCreed (Forbidden Crown/Savage Heirs), and Noel’s second Liam.

BURNED CINDER is a detailed and complex Cinderella-esque story of secrets and lies, betrayal and revenge, heart break and pain, obsession, power and control. The premise is gritty and dark; the romance is controlling and questionable; the characters are broken yet determined, vengeful and cruel. BURNED CINDER ends on a cliff hanger-you have been warned.


(Kings and Villains 2)
by Jagger Cole
Genre: adult, contemporary, dark, erotic, age-gap romance / / / /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 9, 2022

Be careful what you wish for, little one…

Ella came after a king, and missed.
Now I’ve trapped in her a cage with “I do” and a kiss.
The only woman to have ever brought me to my knees,
And the only girl to ever make me truly bleed.
She thinks I’m the villain of her broken fairytale,
But another hunts and haunts her, hot on her trail.
Ours is a story that started with flame,
Buried by ash and drowned in cold rain.
Run run, Cinderella, there’s no place you could linger,
No amount of soot in the world could hide my little cinder…


REVIEW: EMPIRE OF ASH is the second and final instalment in Jagger Cole’s contemporary, adult KINGS AND VILLAINS dark, erotic, age-gap romance duet focusing on forty-two year old businessman Noel Ransom , and twenty-one year old Ella Ashford. EMPIRE OF ASH should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up after the events and cliff hanger of book one BURNED CINDER. The KINGS AND VILLAINS duet is set in the author’s SAVAGE HEIRS world.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Ella and Noel) using present day and memories from the past, EMPIRE OF ASH picks up immediately after the events of book one BURNED CINDER wherein Ella Ashford’s life continues to spiral out of control. Someone is desperate to destroy our story line couple, and Ella is the perfect tool (or naïve fool) to take down businessman Noel Ransom. As Noel and his second in command Liam begin to ferret out the truth, new information reveals a plot pointing fingers in a familiar direction. Meanwhile, Ella’s past debt, a marker has been called in, and the price is much more than she could ever realize. Refusing to reveal or admit the truth to Noel, Ella is once again at a crossroads wherein her life and the life of the people she loves are out of her control. What ensues is the ongoing and troubling relationship between Ella and Noel, and the fall-out as vengeance and betrayal continue to tear at the root of their explosive relationship.

The secondary and supporting characters include Noel’s step-daughters Naomi and Cora, as well as Noel’s business rivals Oliver Prince and his son Jacob, Ella’s boss Harry, as well as Bastien Pierce and Julianna McCreed (Forbidden Crown/Savage Heirs), Noel’s second in command Liam, and Russian Bratva Kristoff Zima. The requisite evil has many faces.

EMPIRE OF ASH continues in the same vain as BURNED CINDER- secrets and lies, betrayal and revenge, heart break and pain, obsession, power and control, forgiveness, understanding, revelations and love. The premise is twisted and tragic; the romance is aggressive and raw; the characters are animated and edgy.

Copies supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


A reader first and foremost, Jagger Cole cut his romance writing teeth penning various fan-fiction stories years ago. After deciding to hang up his writing boots, Jagger worked in advertising pretending to be Don Draper. It worked enough to convince a woman way out of his league to marry him, though, which is a total win.

Now, Dad to two little princesses and King to a Queen, Jagger is thrilled to be back at the keyboard.

When not writing or reading romance books, he can be found woodworking, enjoying good whiskey, and grilling outside–rain or shine.

You can find all of his books at

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