Love in Numbers (Love Distilled #1) by Scarlett Cole-Review tour

Love in Numbers (Love Distilled #1) by Scarlett Cole-Review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 19, 2020

Connor isn’t in the market for messy.
His life is going completely according to plan. He’s set to become CEO of his family’s company, his Ironman time is better than ever, and his regular poker nights with the guys are his one night a month he can stop worrying about counting macros and indulge himself. What he doesn’t need is a relationship with Emerson Dyer—daughter of his father’s lifelong enemy and most-hated rival.

Emerson’s life is nothing but messy.
Since her father died, leaving her CEO of their gin distillery, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Emerson is barely holding it together—what she doesn’t need is a complication like Connor Finch. Sure, his abs do look like they’ve been photoshopped, but she has no time to spend counting them. It’s her company’s numbers she should be worrying about. Still, there’s something about the way he makes her feel.

Together, they’re perfect.
Connor knows he and Emerson don’t make sense on paper. Too many differences between them—and one big secret that could destroy Emerson’s family business tells him to cut and run. But for once in his life, Connor doesn’t care about messy or imperfect—because the fact is, Emerson is the one perfect thing he needs in his life. Now if he can only convince her . . .

Read this standalone enemies to lovers romance now.


REVIEW:LOVE IN NUMBERS is the first instalment in Scarlett Cole’s contemporary, adult LOVE DISTILLED erotic, romance series focusing on the Dyer siblings. This is Emerson Dyer and Connor Finch’s story line.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Connor and Emerson) LOVE IN NUMBERS follows the enemies to lovers relationship between Emerson Dyer, the new CEO of Dyer’s Gin distillery, and Connor Finch, the heir apparent to Finch Liquor Distribution. Years earlier, a rivalry between Emerson’s father and Connor’s dad made for bitter enemies, something our heroine and her siblings knew nothing about. Meeting Connor Finch at an awards dinner for the liquor industry gave Emerson pause for a future but her return home revealed her late father left the family owned company struggling to survive. As her relationship with Connor continued to grow, Emerson had no idea that her future, and the future of Dyer’s Gin hung in the balance. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Connor and Emerson, and the potential fall-out as sins from the past are about to be revealed.

The relationship between Connor and Emerson is an enemies to lovers, one of which Emerson had no idea. Connor’s father has sought revenge for what he perceived as betrayal and loss, and in this Connor battled between head and heart in his relationship with Emerson Dyer. The $ex scenes are intimate, passionate and seductive without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Emerson’s brother Jake and sister Olivia, as well as Connor’s father Donovan, and uncle Cameron Finch.

LOVE IN NUMBERS is a story of betrayal and revenge; family and friendships, and unrequited love. The premise is captivating and entertaining; the characters are colorful, energetic and dynamic; the romance is provocative and intense.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy 

When their lips met, he could taste the gin on her lips. Her tongue met his as boldly as the gin had done, bursting with life and flavor.

Her hand went around his neck, tugging him toward her, and he had half a mind to take her on the bar. Only the recollection that they were in her workplace stopped him from acting upon it.

When they finally broke for air, Emerson grinned. “When I said let it roll over the tongue, I meant yours not mine.”

“It tasted better on yours,” he said. “I needed a second opinion on the citrus.”

Scarlett Cole is a contemporary romance author that calls both Toronto, Canada and Manchester, England home. A born city dweller, she periodically quashes the urge to live in the country by hiking up a mountain to remind herself that living away from people would terrify the pants off her.

She believes everybody deserves their love story to be told and loves her heroes on the rough and rugged side…and usually tall (because she married one of those 6ft 6” men you read about in romance!). She’s an A-type personality and Scorpio star sign, so good luck getting her to do anything she doesn’t want to.

When she isn’t writing, she’s happy to talk hot men and expensive shoes while drinking a cold gin and tonic. Don’t bring up olives. As far as Scarlett is concerned, they are the devil’s food. As long as you don’t bring up olives, she’s happy to hear from any time.






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