Matzah Ball Surprise by Laura Brown – a Review

Matzah Ball Surprise by Laura Brown – a Review


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This Passover is starting to feel like the ten plagues might be coming back to haunt them before the weekend is over…one hilarious misstep after the next.

Gaby Fineberg just wants to get through Passover Seder without her “well meaning” family playing matchmaker. She needs a date, just for one simple meal—that includes singing, the history of her forefathers, and not one bit of yeast. The hot guy at her gym would be perfect. He probably hates bread, anyway, with a body like that. But when she finally works up the nerve to ask him…he doesn’t hear a word she said.

Levi Miller is deaf and happily single. Initially, he doesn’t know why this beautiful woman is talking to him, but it’s clear she needs help—and suddenly so does he. In a very complicated situation, Levi finds a simple solution. Gaby will pretend to be his new girlfriend to bail him out, and he’ll return the favor. But he didn’t bargain for a family dinner quite like this one…



I really enjoyed Matzah Ball Surprise by Laura Brown.  It was a cute, charming, and sexy fast read with two characters who just stole the show from beginning to end.  Levi and Gaby are two complex characters that are real, relatable and have their own drama/baggage in their lives that they haven’t properly dealt with. It isn’t until they meet each other and start to fall for each other that they are able to fully deal with the drama in each of their lives.  Gaby and Levi both inadvertently wind up helping the other see just what it is that’s missing from their respective lives.

I enjoyed the pace of this story, I didn’t find it rushed at all. I thought Ms. Brown took the necessary time to set the back-stories for both characters to allow us the reader to fully get to know them.  We also get to know more about both Gaby and Levi as their romance develops and Levi tries to teach ASL to Gaby to pull off their fake relationship for her family.  The scenes with Levi trying to teach Gaby and the two of them using their phones to communicate were sweet and just downright adorable.  It’s through these scenes that we really get to see the real Levi and Gaby emerge.  Levi’s deafness never hampered their relationship at all, if anything I found it wound up elevating it and making it something more.  They found a way to communicate and know each other in way no one else could. It created a bond that only the two of them could ever have, which made their romance that much more special and sweet. 

If you enjoy a sweet solid romance with just the right amount of charm, humour, and sexual chemistry all mixed together with some drama/angst, then Matzah Ball Surprise is just the book you’re looking for.  Sit back, relax, pour a glass of wine and enjoy Gaby and Levi’s adventure.  Trust me you won’t be disappointed. 

Until next time, happy reading everyone!!

Reviewed by Marcie

Copy provided by Publisher
