Summer on Moonlight Bay by Hope Ramsay-Review and Giveaway

Summer on Moonlight Bay by Hope Ramsay-Review and Giveaway

Moonlight bay #2
by Hope Ramsay
Release date: August 6, 2019
Genre: adult, contemporary, romance / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 6, 2019

Only one thing can make veterinarian Noah Cuthbert return to Magnolia Harbor-his mother’s failing health. He’ll do anything to help his family, including taking a short-term gig at the local animal clinic. What he doesn’t count on is getting up-close-and-personal with the clinic’s new manager, a woman whose love and compassion for every stray that crosses her path has him rethinking his plans to head back to his big-city life…

After her time in the Navy, Lia wants nothing more than to settle down. The quaint seaside town is just what she’d been hoping for, and not just because her new boss is movie-star handsome. As they grow closer, Lia starts wondering if Noah could be the one. But when a town crisis forces Noah to take a stand that jeopardizes their new-found happiness, can Lia convince him that home doesn’t have to be a four-letter word?


REVIEW: Summer on Moonlight Bay begins with Lia DiPalma finding herself lost on the outskirts of Magnolia Harbor. She is fresh out of the Navy and looking for a place to call home. After hearing so much about the place from her Commanding Officer, Chaplain Micah St. Pierre, she decided that she would head there to see about going to work for Micah, who has his own church now and is no longer in the Navy either. Lia spots a dog in the middle of the road that has been hit by a car and stops to check on him. She finds the dog needs help immediately and finally finds her way into town, only to find that the vet clinic isn’t open for business. She does, however, find that there is a nice lady there who has her bring the dog into the clinic to see what they can do for it.

Noah Cuthbert is bound and determined to get his mother to leave Magnolia Harbor and move in with him in Charleston. His mother has multiple sclerosis and he worries about her being able to care for herself. His little sister, Abby, is there, but he hopes that she will go to college in the fall. IF she does, it will leave his mother all along. His mother has other plans. The island has always been her home, and she’s not leaving. When his grandmother calls to tell him that there is an injured dog that has been brought into the clinic, he reluctantly heads out to check the pup out. The clinic is state of the art, thanks to a wealthy beneficiary, but doesn’t have a vet on staff. He knows his grandmother wants him to run the clinic, but the last place he wants to be is Magnolia Harbor. Little does Noah, nor Lia, know how much that fateful phone call will change not only their lives, but the lives of a lot of people in Magnolia Harbor.

Summer on Moonlight Bay is a wonderfully written story of redemption and second chances. Lia is someone who has been looking for forgiveness for things that were totally out of her control but is the type of person who takes everything on herself. Her mother was a wanderer and never settled down anywhere and Lia thought that’s how she would be as well. Noah has a lot of similar issues with his father. Not that his father was a wanderer, but he was hard on Noah and his family. Lia and Noah really do fight their attraction to each other, knowing that they both carry some emotional baggage that they need to deal with. Of course, misunderstandings happen along the way and a rush to judgement or two derails things for a minute. However, when the two of them come together to face their long held personal issues, you’ll not only cheer, but shed a tear or two. The secondary characters are very well written as well and leaves you wanting to be a part of the Magnolia Harbor community. This story leaves you with a smile in your heart and a pep in your step. I had no idea it was part of a series until I went to write this review, but this can totally be read as a stand alone. (I have gone and bought the first book in the series though!) This is the first I’ve read by Hope Ramsay, but will definitely not be the last. Well done, Hope Ramsay! Very, very well done!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Vickie K

FOREVER Romance is offering a paper copy of  THE COTTAGE on ROSE LANE and SUMMER on MOONLIGHT BAY by Hope Ramsay  to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe.

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10. Giveaway runs from August 5-9, 2019
