Nano Man 1 & 2 by Dean C Moore-reviews

Nano Man 1 & 2 by Dean C Moore-reviews

(Nano Man 1)
by Dean C Moore
Genre: adult, Sci-Fi, thriller / / / /

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Release Date: February 4, 2015

Jane Macelvey is a genius bioengineer. Her first human guinea pig is also the one person who has any chance of keeping her alive against all the secret government agencies and private corporations that are after her. He is the first Nano Man. He has no idea what he can do, and neither does she.

But one thing is certain, the special interests closing in on them have their own nexgen human prototypes, and they know exactly what they can do. They also recognize that the first to market with their prototype wins. For that reason and that reason alone, the Nano Man must be eliminated at all costs. Budget no object.


REVIEW: NANO MAN is the first instalment in Dean C Moore’s NANO MAN sci-fi thriller.

Told from third person perspective NANO MAN follows bioengineer Jane Macelvey as she is stalked by a number of assassins for who she is, and what she has developed.

Jane Macelvey has developed a nanite serum, using herself as a test subject then injecting into former US solider Michael Murphy, creating a nexgen prototype cyborg, more advanced than anyone or anything known to man. On the run, Jane and Michael must stay ahead of the government organizations, tech companies, a powerful Android named Serena, and special interest groups including Gunther, the man, who ten years earlier, introduced the world to the age of robotics. Believing himself to be a god in the world of robotics, Gunther has set into motion an android war between cybernetic powerhouses but all does not go according to plan as Jane Macelvey’s nano technology and her nanites are evolving, gaining knowledge and power, such that the power of the cybornetic beings that are now Jane and Michael, have quite possibly destroyed the world as they know it. As Gunther ushers in a new world order of the Singularity, he begins to replace the people in power with androids, robots and cybernetic organisms.

NANO MAN is a complex, detailed and elaborate story of cyborgs, robots, androids, AI and the fallible human capabilities of understanding. From sentient androids to the ever evolving hive-minded cyborgs, the knowledge and power gained is beyond comprehension for the human brain. Dean C Moore pulls the reader into a fantastic and roller coaster journey reminiscent of I, Robot™ and Ex-Machina™, Terminator™, The Machine™ , Westworld™ and Star Trek’s™ ‘the Borg’.

Nano Man
by Dean C Moore
Genre: adult, Sci-Fi, thriller / / / /

Release Date: May 5, 2022

Janey Macelvey, genetic and nanoengineer extraordinaire, settles into Humboldt County, California. Like so many people here, she’s running from something. The region, once the pot growing capital of the world, producing the best sinsemilla on the planet, is now beleaguered thanks to the legalization of marijuana. The area is losing ground fast to corporations and big money interests. What was once a modest living is now an invitation to financial ruin.

Janey becomes Humboldt county’s Sister Theresa. She swoops in with her gene makeover savvy and patents unique strains for each of the farmers in the area. She puts them back on the map, and single-handedly restores Humboldt’s street cred as the premiere capital in the world for the best ganja. They love her.

They’ll do anything to protect her.

This time, when the bad guys come, she’s going to have a lot of friends between them and her. And there’s no shortage of former soldiers in the region–more specifically, special operatives and space marines. And the latter know all too well the shock and awe the military-financial-industrial complex can bring with off-book futuristic combatants and forces that aren’t even supposed to exist yet. The very forces that might be needed to get past her Nano Man.

Jane’s greatest ace in the hole remains the Nano Man himself. While many nano-enhanced soldiers exist now, none are nearly at the cutting edge that her prototype is. That’s why everyone wants to get their hands on him. And against the numbers they’ll throw at him? Well, even army ants can bring down a camel, if there are enough of them.

If that’s not bad enough… Jane’s in love with her Nano Man, and has no desire to see him subject to the kind of hell that’s headed his way. It’s bad enough that they’re already suffering PTSD from their former brushes with super-soldiers.


REVIEW:NANO MAN 2 is the second instalment in Dean C Moore’s adult multi-genre, sci-fi, techno thriller series. NANO MAN 2 should not be read as a stand alone as the story picks up several years after the events of book one NANO MAN.

SOME BACKGROUND: Scientist Jane Macelvey had previously developed a nanite serum, using herself as a test subject then injecting into former US solider Michael Murphy, creating a nexgen prototype cyborg, more advanced than anyone or anything known to man. On the run, Jane and Michael must stay ahead of the government organizations, tech companies, a powerful Android named Serena, and special interest groups including Gunther, the man, who ten years earlier, introduced the world to the age of robotics. Believing himself to be a god in the world of robotics, Gunther has set into motion an android war between cybernetic powerhouses but all does not go according to plan as Jane Macelvey’s nano technology and her nanites are evolving, gaining knowledge and power, such that the power of the cybornetic beings that became Jane and Michael, have quite possibly destroyed the world as they know it. As Gunther ushers in a new world order of the Singularity, he begins to replace the people in power with androids, robots and cybernetic organisms.

Told from third person perspectives following several time lines, several time jumps, numerous interconnected and intersecting paths, and a large and diverse group of characters, NANO MAN 2 focuses on the small town known as the Republic of Humboldt, a town in California, which most of the residents are either genetically enhanced or nano-enhanced, a town whose profits are derived from the production of marijuana. Jane Macelvey, and Sean Hunter, her new ‘nano man’, have become a fixture in Humboldt, using their ‘nanites’ to aid the town in their quest for marijuana supremacy but Duke University’s new head of research Cronos, a man who has had several past encounters with Jane and Nano Man, continues to search for our couple, a search that now involves extraterrestrials, aliens, and omnipotent powers. In the wake of Humboldt’s resident Baker Boys War against Corporate thusly collapsing the global economy, with the destruction of Big Business and Big Pharma to the tune of trillions of dollars, Cronos is about to wage a war with his own nano and genetically enhanced army of ROTC cadets, a war that will see the birth of a weaponized, transdimensional savior in the face of a catastrophic failure.

Dean C Moore’s NANO MAN 2 pulls from a number of science fiction works including I, Robot™, Independence Day ™, The Terminator ™, The Matrix™, Neuromancer™, Westworld™ , War of the Worlds™ and Star Trek’s™ ‘the Borg’. The multi-genre story line includes science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, steampunk and cyperpunk, with references to, and including artificial intelligence (AI), robots, cyborgs, androids, extra terrestrial, aliens, werewolves, zombies, dragons, guardian angels, demons, golems, clones and a sorceress named Aaliyah; psychic abilities, genetically and nano enhanced humans, super soldiers, hive minds, portals, black holes and worm holes, as well as superfoods that temporarily give everyone enhanced powers and psychic ability. The author makes additional reference to several twentieth and twenty-first century trends, fads, ideas, songs, movies and televsion shows, as well as cloaking the entire story line in Christian, spiritual and religious undertones. The sentient flora and fauna, insects and earth, space ships and vehicles add to the multi-layered technological society that is rapidly facing its’ own demise.

NANO MAN 2 is a detailed, complex and protracted tale of power and control, obsession and knowledge, faith and perseverance. The numerous characters require a spread sheet in order to keep track of who, what and how; a map of Humboldt and the universe is necessary to know where you are at all times.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

“Hey, Sean.” That was Joe, the bartender, an old cuss, wiping down the bar.
“Don’t call me, Sean.” That was the hunk sitting on the bar stool.
“That’s your name.”
“I know, but it sounds too girly. I’m trying to impress the broad.”
Sean’s eyes focused on her like laser beams set to stun. She was Jane to some, Janey to others; the latter more a term of affection. Either one couldn’t help but smile.
At six-foot-tall, Sean would have made a good quarterback. Anyone curious about how well he threw things could just trace the arc of the flying bodies. Muscles erupted out of him like pimples on teens. He showed them all off as a deterrent to anyone who deigned to question his bouncer status. That was a maroon long johns top stretched over his torso atop tight jeans. He must have a hundred pairs of jeans in back alone to get around all the split crotches with all the high kicking. This was definitely one high-kicking bar. Jane Macelvey could attest to one thing: the only people who did better high kicks than former special forces operatives were ballet dancers; and the latter only because they remembered to point their toes.

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While action-packed sci-fi/techno-thrillers set in the near future are my forte, I also stray into other genres from time to time, such as space operas, paranormal fantasy, and detective stories. All my novels can be described as action-thrillers, no matter the sub-genre.

You can sample my writing with a free sci-fi e-book set in the near future by visiting my website and signing up for my email list.

I live in the country where I breed bluebirds, which are endangered in these parts, as my small contribution to restoring nature’s balance. When I’m not writing, or researching my next book, I may also be found socializing with friends, or working in the garden.

If you’d like to know what compels me to write, it’s simple. I write as a force for peace. Fiction has a way of engaging our whole minds, not just our intellects, but various layers of our conscious, superconscious, and unconscious. Novels also encourage our left and right cerebral hemispheres to get in sync and, with just enough magic and wizardry, can help to transform people into more enlightened souls (the writer included) better than a hundred years of therapy or rational arguments to the same ends.

I’ve remained a lifelong student of philosophy, spirituality, psychology, science, and the arts.
