Eternal Kiss of Darkness (Nighthuntress World 2) by Jeaniene Frost


ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS (Nighthuntress World #2) by Jeaniene Frost

Unlike Jeaniene’s Cat and Bones series of novels, ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS focuses on Mencheres, an ancient vampire, grandsire of Bones and ‘nephew’ to the power hungry Rajedef. Centuries old and fearing the ‘darkness’ that is slowly devouring his visions, Mencheres seeks to end his life before his ‘power’ becomes his enemy. Facing a warehouse full of ghouls seemed like a likely place to die, but his death would have to be postponed when one beautiful and stubborn human female decided to risk her life for his own.

Kira Graceling always had a sense when something was wrong. Her personal history with men, her brother and the police department should have been proof enough. But finding a man viciously attacked and bleeding from multiple wounds, spurred Kira into action without thought of her own safety. Knowing she was about to die only added another sorrow to her long list of regrets. And the sudden realization that the man and his attackers were not all together human was verified when the handsome stranger healed her wounds with his blood and ‘flew’ them both to the safety of his home.

Hoping to wipe Kira’s memories, Mencheres is surprised to learn the Kira’s mind is shielded from vampiric suggestions, and this adds a complication as she knows too much about his life. And he finds that he is oddly attracted to the spunky female who is slowly finding ways to get closer to the man who saved her life.

Letting her go was difficult but finding Kira beaten and held captive by a group of vampires forced Mencheres into a decision he never wanted to make. When his old enemy Rajedef gave him an ultimatum, Mencheres knew that if Kira never forgave him for what he was about to do, he would certainly take everyone with him when it was his turn to go. Siring another vampire had never been his intention, but Kira’s life was more important than his own. Knowing he could face the Guardians for his actions, Mencheres suddenly found himself thrust into a world of deceit, rivalry, power and forgiveness.

Throughout the storyline, the reader is privy to many of Mencheres abilities and quirks. His need to sit underwater in the pool or tub makes for some interesting visions, as well as his declaration of centuries of celibacy at the hands of his own wife. His revelation to Kira that he is ‘older than dirt’ will garner a chuckle, when she finally realizes that this could possibly be true. And vampire sex on the ceiling……wow…just wow. And picture one of the sexiest vampires at Disneyland…wearing a souvenir hat-Goofy ears anyone??

ETERNAL KISS OF DARKNESS is a revelation into the life of an ancient vampire that the reader has had many opportunities to encounter throughout Jeaniene’s Nighthuntress series. Bones and Cat make a couple of appearances, but if you are true fans of B&C, you will be disappointed, as they are only secondary characters with limited exposure. This is Menchere’s story-his life, his history, his reason for existing-all wrapped up in one book. Jeaniene reveals plenty of background information about Menchere’s connection to ancient Egypt, the pharoahs and the pyramids. If for anything else, the ‘history’ of this ancient vampire is worth the read. And of course, there is a HEA- we must not forget that Kira will make sure that even a vampire as ‘old as dirt’ knows when he is wanted and loved.

Reviewed by Sandy


Jeaniene Frost Exclusive – Once Burned Cover

Jeaniene Frost Exclusive – Once Burned Cover

Jeaniene Frost released today the cover of her first book, in her new series –  Night Prince. Once Burned is Vlad’s book, and most of you will remember Vlad from Frost’s the NightHuntress series.  Once Burned will be released June 26th.

She’s a mortal with dark powers…

After a tragic accident scarred her body and destroyed her dreams, Leila never imagined that the worst was still to come: terrifying powers that let her channel electricity and learn a person’s
darkest secrets through a single touch. Leila is doomed to a life of solitude…until creatures of the night kidnap her, forcing her to reach out with a telepathic distress call to the world’s most infamous vampire…

He’s the Prince of Night

Vlad Tepesh inspired the greatest vampire legend of all—but whatever you do, don’t call him Dracula. Vlad’s ability to control fire makes him one of the most feared vampires in existence, but his enemies have found a new weapon against him – a beautiful mortal with powers to match his own. When Vlad and Leila meet, however, passion ignites between them, threatening to consume them both. It will take everything that they are to stop an enemy intent on bringing them down in flames.
