Off The Record/Off Limits/Off Sides by Sawyer Bennett-a series review

Off The Record/Off Limits/Off Sides by Sawyer Bennett-a series review

Off series

NOTE:  I want to say what attracted me to this particular series are the covers.  Clean, simple, attractive two-toned.  YEP-listen up authors and publishers-give me an ugly cover and I won’t look twice; I won’t attempt to read it and I will scroll on by at the e-retailer. But give me a beautiful, attractive cover and you will definitely catch my interest

Off The RecordOFF THE RECORD (Off Series #3) by Sawyer Bennett / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date June 8, 2013

Ever Montgomery suffered the ultimate betrayal by the one man who she should have been able to count on for anything. It has left her hurt, jaded and incapable of forming relationships, but it also means that she can spot a liar a mile away. These traits are earning her a reputation as a reporter with a keen nose for a good story and a complete understanding of the extreme power of the written word.

Lincoln Caldwell, is the hot goalie for the New York Rangers. At twenty-four and a rising star, he works hard and he plays even harder. He’s gorgeous and carefree—the ultimate charmer. Ladies fall at his feet and the single life has never been lived the way Linc Caldwell does it.

When Ever publishes an article about Linc containing information that she received off the record, she finds herself on the receiving end of the athlete’s fury. Rather than basking in the glory of exposing Linc as a shameless user of women, she finds herself at his mercy when he demands and receives retribution. Required by her editor to trail Linc for six weeks, Ever is forced to look at the real Linc Caldwell


REVIEW: OFF THE RECORD is the third installment in the OFF SERIES by author Sawyer Bennett. Although this is part of a series it can be read as a stand alone without too much difficulty. The premise surrounding the series is that of professional hockey players and the lives and loves, but to be honest, there is little to do with hockey except most of the leading men are hockey players.

Off The Record focuses on Linc Caldwell and Ever Montgomery. At a year end party for Linc’s team, magazine journalist Ever mistakenly gets the wrong impression about Linc and writes a scathing review about the athlete and his affinity for sex and women. To avoid a law suit, Ever must serve ‘time’ with Linc for six weeks-tailing and trailing everything he does. In this, Ever will learn that she has made a major error in judgment and will have to apologize before she loses both the man and her heart.

The writing style and character building are simple. There is nothing over the top. The storyline is a boy meets girl, girl gets angry, boy wants girl back. The world building brings together several of the previous storyline characters in cameos but their importance to the overall story is negligible although Off The Record does further both of the two previous storyline premises.

Ever Montgomery is a woman scorned –not once, not twice but three times-and therefore she wants to keep all men at a distance. Her personality and too quick to judge attitude left a little to be desired. Betrayal has left an open wound and she refuses to allow herself to get hurt –ever again- but in doing so, she comes across as bitter and angry. Linc must move slowly in order to not scare Ever away, but in doing so begins to lose himself in the woman who may or may not want a happily ever after. This story is told from two points of view, but the focus remains on Ever and the inner turmoil that threatens to overwhelm her perfect façade and her need to make things right with Lincoln Caldwell before she loses the man forever.

OFF THE RECORD is another interesting storyline that at one point I shed a tear. Although the overall story is not an emotional roller coaster ride there was a moment when it definitely pulled at my heart. The storyline is fast paced but the relationship is slow to build. There is very little tension; there is no angst between the couple only an overwhelming aura of past betrayal. Ever must purge her demons before she is able to move on. If you like a romantic storyline with a happily ever after-Off The Record is perfect for a lazy afternoon of reading.

1. Off Sides
2. Off Limits
3. Off the Record

Reviewed by Sandy


Sensual coupleOFF LIMITS (Off Series #2) by Sawyer Bennett /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 2013

Two years ago, Emily Burnham, had an epiphany about the shallowness of her life. And she made it her mission to become a different person…a better woman. Out from under the controlling thumb of her mother, Emily is tasting the real world for the first time. And she likes it.

Nixon Caldwell has served his time in the Marine Corps, surviving two brutal tours in Afghanistan. He is back home, surrounded by what he likes best…isolation. It’s certainly the best way to avoid confrontation of the consuming guilt that is weighing him down.

When an accident brings Emily and Nix together, he soon learns he is not the master of his own fate. Struggling with his own pain, Nix tries to guard himself against Emily’s charms. He wants her in his bed, but he doesn’t want her in his heart


REVIEW: OFF LIMITS is the second installment in the new adult genre OFF series by Sawyer Bennett. Although this is part of a series, each book can be read as a stand alone with out any difficulty. A few of the characters from the first book are present but their back story and anything necessary to the current story are brought into play when necessary. This is Emily Burnham and Nixon Caldwell’s story.

Emily is from a well to do, politically connected family. Upon entering university she was determined to change her personality-so much so that when she selects a major (not connected to medicine or law) her mother pulls all financial support. Without following her mother’s demands Emily is on her own. But when she accidently runs over the brother of her latest journalism interviewee, she will become indebted to Nix Caldwell until the bill is finally paid. What she didn’t expect was a snarky, mean spirited, angry young man who will tug at her heart and her soul.

Nix Caldwell is a veteran of two tours in Afghanistan, who builds motorcycles and metal sculptures and, a man determined to keep everyone at a distance. But when he meets Emily he realizes he wants something more than friendship. To pay off her debt he arranges for her to help with his home and office, but over several days Nix will discover that Emily is something more-he is beginning to fall in love.

Off Limits is an interesting story of two people from different sides of the track. Emily is a child of privilege-a daughter who is expected to marry into money, make pretty babies and represent her husband in their affairs and Nix is the complete opposite of what and whom she is expected to marry.

As the storyline develops the reader is pulled into a relationship that begins as friends with benefits but one that will quickly evolve into something more. But when Emily uncovers a secret that Nix has hidden away, she will be pushed out of his life, possibly for good. And in the end, Nix will realize that Emily is the love of his life and if anyone can calm the nightmares and guilt, it is the woman who holds his heart with her own.

Off Limits is a predictable story where the embattled hero refuses to acknowledge his demons and a heroine who is willing to stand by her man. There is family friction from Emily’s side and heartbreaking sorrow when Nix’s history is revealed. His heart is heavy with guilt and the knowledge that he may lose Emily because of his behavior and perhaps his past. But like many warriors, his guilt and his PTSD must be addressed before he can ever conceive of starting a new life with the woman he loves and in the end his guilt is a manifestation of the atrocities of war.

The writing style is simple. There is nothing overwhelming or life altering about the premise but it is story of romance with a happily ever after. There is the angst and heartbreak of a broken hero who cannot forget the ravages of war; the love and care of a woman willing to support the man she loves and in the end, there is the couple, who together, want to take the next step in their lives- to start a family of their own.

1. Off Sides
2. Off Limits
3. Off the Record

Reviewed by Sandy


Off SidesOFF SIDES (Off Series #1) by Sawyer Bennett / / Barnes and Noble / KOBO /

ABOUT THE BOOK : Release Date February 2013

Ryan Burnham is the privileged son of a U.S. Congressman and captain of his university’s hockey team. While he is on the verge of fulfilling his dreams to play in the NHL, his parents want him on a different course. One he is expected to accept for the sake of his family’s public image.

Forced her to abandon her music career after the heart breaking death of her parents, Danny Cross exists on the opposite side of the tracks from Ryan. She is struggling to make her own way, working two jobs, attending college part time and volunteering in a homeless shelter. She is on a mission to build her own success.

With a chance meeting, their vastly different worlds collide, causing each to evaluate whether they are truly on the correct path to self-fulfillment and happiness. Can their relationship survive? Particularly when others are against them every step of the way. A lot can happen in just ten short days…


REVIEW: OFF SIDES is the first installment in Sawyer Bennett’s OFF series focusing on the men of professional hockey and the women they love. Off Sides is a short story that introduces the series but remains focused on the leading couple –Ryan Burnham and Danny Cross. Danny is a struggling part-time college student trying to make ends meet and Ryan is the epitome of rich, successful jock from a well to do family with political aspirations. But life isn’t always greener on the other side. Ryan’s mother is all about appearances and Danny does not fit into the family plans.

The storyline follows Ryan and Danny as their relationship blossoms over several days. Enter the ex-girlfriend who cannot take no for an answer and we soon discover that Ryan’s mother has plans for her son. Ryan’s family is a study in dysfunctional family values and his only means of escape is to walk away into the arms of the woman he loves.

Off Sides is a story of rich boy/poor girl, class structure and the ability to walk away when the pain becomes too much. The storyline is told from two alternating POVs. But something about this particular storyline did not sit well with me. Perhaps it was the overall feel to the story or some of the characters including Ryan’s mother, ex girlfriend and fellow team mate were complete and utter evil. Perhaps it was the rushed feel of the relationship –zero to love – in 48 hours or perhaps it was the heroine’s continuous internal verbiage about losing her virginity to Ryan Burnham. Both leading characters are strong and independent and willing to step out side of their comfort and class. Ryan is not someone who bows to the demands of his mother or ex girlfriend; and Danny is not a woman willing to stand by and take verbal or emotional abuse from those who believe money talks. But in the end, Danny will walk away because money and power are all about control.

I read this series out of order-in fact-Off Sides was the 3rd storyline I read and for me OFF THE RECORD (#3) and OFF LIMITS (#2) are much better stories with well-rounded characters and a more interesting premise.

1. Off Sides
2. Off Limits
3. Off the Record

Reviewed by Sandy
