Silent Comrade (Project Morpheus 3) by Jillian David-review tour

Silent Comrade (Project Morpheus 3) by Jillian David-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date August 23, 2023

The Project Morpheus series: Military romance, steamy passion, and heart-stopping suspense.

The Morpheus Squad: Ultimate soldiers who hide in plain sight, fierce protectors risking their existence for those they love … and virally-altered, ticking time bombs.

A military dude who thinks ‘haute’ is a temperature setting must help a flighty fashionista create the fashion show of the decade … before it becomes the world’s most explosive catwalk!

Ex-Special Forces soldier, Alfred “Red” Newman, never met a mission he couldn’t execute—with or without enhanced abilities. But protecting whirling dervish fashion student, Britt McNeill? The tough veteran will need combat pay and Excedrin. If he can’t shield her from Beau Lequire, a power-hungry CFO whose need for revenge has no limits, then Britt won’t be a pawn in Lequire’s sick game. She’ll be dead.

After battling anxiety and devastating losses in her personal life, Britt longs to make her family proud and accomplish her dream of becoming a fashion designer. Enter Red, a transfer student who can’t tell the difference between plaid and paisley, but whose unnaturally-quick reflexes … and scorching kisses … knock her off stride. When Red demands that she ditch her senior project to go into hiding? No way. The show must go on.


REVIEW:Book three in this author’s Project Morpheus series, it’s not necessary to read the previous books, but it does have an ongoing story, so reading in order will give you the full picture.

Red (Alfred) Newman is part of a group of soldiers that were given a secret drug to enhance their abilities. Red is a former special forces tracker, so he’s ideal to track the latest pawn in Beau’s revenge on the Morpheus team! The downside to the drug, that the team were given was the fact Red can’t turn down his ability (making him a grumpy soldier)

Britt is an aspiring fashion designer, college is just the way of making her parents proud, but it’s fashion that’s her passion. She’s a smart cookie as well, she can’t put her finger on what’s not right with the new student in her fashion class, but she’s going to find out….

And we can’t forget Beau, he’s our villain in this story. I won’t give anything else away, but he’s ramping his game up to repay the group of super soldiers!

The story moves at a reasonably fast pace, Red trying to convince Britt it’s not safe at college, but he can’t tell her why! Well not until her life is on jeopardy, then all bets are off! He needs her to trust him….

There is a spark between the two main characters, and it is a slow spark. But once it’s lit, then Red sees Britt as his own, his to protect, even if she is a little stubborn at first.

A few twists and turns will keep you glued to the pages until the end.

A slow burn romance with a touch of paranormal. (It does remind me a little of Christine Feehan’s Ghost Walker series)

Highly recommended read ??

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Fallen Comrade
Hidden Comrade

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Julie ?B

Award-winning and bestselling author Jillian David quickly writes then slowly edits paranormal, suspense and adventure romances. She loves to use medical situations and characters to drive drama in her books. Her favorite cell is the platelet and her least-favorite organ is the pancreas. She fully believes that curse words, when appropriately deployed during surgery, are hemostatic. Which also explains why no book of hers will ever bleed out…


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Hidden Comrade by Jillian David – a Review

Hidden Comrade by Jillian David – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Apple


Pele Tuitama’s Morpheus Squad mission infiltrating a Smoky Mountain children’s camp is FUBAR. He might be a virally-enhanced military experiment, but augmented abilities won’t help him protect Reagan McNeill, the most unsecure-able target imaginable. Sweet Reagan’s kisses and the possibility of a future he should never consider, distracts his laser focus. If Pele can’t keep Reagan safe from an evil adversary bent on revenge against the entire McNeill family, then Reagan will die.

After a nasty breakup, Reagan doesn’t trust any man—or herself. Enter handsome Pele, the world’s worst camp counselor. She doesn’t believe his story or his motives. When overly-protective Pele draws her close and then rejects her, Reagan is finished with games. Then the truth she learns rips open recently-healed emotional wounds.

In order to escape through the mountains, Pele must share his deadliest secret. To have a chance at their future, they must reveal their demons and pray for acceptance … and survival.



Hidden Comrade by Jillian David is the 2nd book in her Project Morpheus series, and I would suggest that before reading this one, you read book one. Reading the first one although not absolutely necessary, will give you a better understanding of this book. I’d read the first book (which is great by the way), I did wonder where the next book would take us….and let me tell you it’s bumpy ride! .  

Reagan is Kiera’s older sister. (She’s the main female character from the first book) And as a whole the family have suffered terribly (what with the loss of their mother and the death of their brother, which was explained in book one.) 

Reagan has also had to deal with her abusive ex-fiance. She’d been with him for two years, she’s struggled to find herself, but slowly she’s getting there. But still has moments of self doubt. 

Pele’s job/assignment is to protect Reagan. It’s not going to easy as she works outdoors in the mountains at an educational camp for children. In the short space of time, he’s set up cameras to keep an eye on her. But plans won’t go correctly if the subject is Reagan!

Reagan doesn’t trust the new camp councilor, he just doesn’t fit in! But he is easy on the eye. ?nether the less, she’s not interested in a new relationship, she just wants to concentrate on helping the kids. The back and forwards between Pele and Reagan will have you laughing one minute then wanting to shake either character in the next. 

Although a slow burn romance, it doesn’t lack for action/betrayal and mystery. Pele does try my patience, it’s a push and pull with him, he wants her, but he doesn’t think he deserves her. And when they finally decide to try at a relationship, a secret comes along and blows Reagan’s shaky confidence. Can they really move forward and leave the past behind? 

I’d have to say I liked the first book more than this one. But I can’t wait to read the next book. 

Reviewed by Julie

Copy supplied for review



Fallen Comrade by Jillian David – a Review

Fallen Comrade by Jillian David – a Review


Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Apple

Ex-Green Beret Jake Zimmerman’s Georgia mountain seclusion is shattered when the one woman he should never have left, pregnant Kiera McNeill, shows up on his doorstep. Her life is in danger, thanks to a botched Morpheus Squad mission. If the nature of her baby is discovered, evil forces will stop at nothing to capture Kiera. When Kiera learns of Jake’s top-secret Morpheus Virus running through his veins, she realizes that her protector is the deadlier threat.

Kiera knows the secrets of Fallen Comrades, a billion-dollar “charity” which siphons donations away from wounded veterans and into the pockets of power-hungry CFO Beau Lequire. Now her sadistic ex-boss, Lequire, wants revenge. Her only chance of escape rests in the lethal hands of the man who once rejected her: Jake. All she needs to do is suppress her feelings for Jake long enough to destroy Fallen Comrades, stay alive, and save her baby.




Fallen Comrade by Jillian David is the 1st book in her new Project Morpheus series.  Jake is a runner, not in the literal sense, but whenever anything gets difficult he runs away from it. His marriage ended with a miscarriage, instead of trying to help his wife through a difficult time, he ran…..

Soldiers enhanced with a drug (they also need to take another shot regularly to keep the  violent urges at bay!) to aid in their fight  against the enemy. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but Jake has a terrible time keeping control, he’s volatile and dangerous to be around. 

Kiera and Jake have been friends for years, Jake and her brother ? were friends in school, then they joined the forces together. Kiera and Jake were an item in high school, and when she thought she was pregnant (but later found out she wasn’t) Jake panicked, he could’ve help but be relieved when Kiera told him she wasn’t. Again Jake uses the excuse he’s not good enough and leaves Kiera! Meeting up ten years later at her brother’s funeral, Kiera and Jake seek comfort from one another. But again Jake panicked and ran…..

Kiera’s pregnant and needs help. But the only person she can turn to might not want to help her, in fact he could be more dangerous than the person she’s running from! But she doesn’t really have much choice, does she? 

And the first meeting between Kiera and Jake doesn’t really go to plan! He’s all for trying to offload her onto someone else! Then he notices the baby bump! There are other characters in this book which are part of Jake’s team (and I’m hoping will get stories) ? which give both camaraderie and a few light moments. 

I loved this book, it did remind me of another authors work (Christine Feehan her Ghostwalker series) where soldiers are enhanced to become super soldiers, but any similarities end there. 

It’s a fast paced action and adventure book. A really good plot with scope for more books. We have evil in the shape of Beau Lequire and the company he uses to hide his nefarious activities behind! 

I have to admit I wasn’t a big fan of Jake at first, his self pity and ability to just walk away from problems did grate a little, but getting to know the character through the book did have me softening up to him. Kiera is just great. Strong, resourceful and clever. Her only weakness…. Jake! How she forgave him so quickly did annoy me just a little, but you forgive the ones you love. 

I’ve read this author a while back (Hell to Pay Series) and loved that series immensely, so when I found out she was publishing a new book, i made a note of the date. And I’m glad I did. If your keen on romance with a big hit of action/suspense/adventure, then I can assure you this book is the one you’ll want to read. ?

Reviewed by Julie

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