Raging Witch (Dangerous Magic Division 3) by Melody Raven-review

RAGING WITCH (Dangerous Magic Division 3) by Melody Raven-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 1, 2022

Reasons my boss hates me:
1) I am the reason he found out his Fiance was a dirty rotten spy
2) I frequently and often call him “Wolf-Boy” ever since I found out he’s a werewolf.
3) He found out his best friend was in love with me and never told him.
Now Carter is on a self-destructive bender and it’s my job to make sure he doesn’t destroy his entire career while throwing his pity party. Me being the responsible one while Carter leaves a trail of destruction in his wake?
Welcome to bizzaro world at Dangerous Magic Divison. Carter has finally come to the dark side and it’s my job to teach him the right way to be wicked.


REVIEW: RAGING WITCH is the third novella in Melody Raven’s contemporary, adult DANGEROUS MAGIC DIVISION paranormal, suspense series focusing on a powerful witch Sonia Shaw, and the Dangerous Magic Division of Homeland Security. RAGING WITCH should not be read as a stand alone, as it picks up immediately after the events and cliff hanger of book two LONE WITCH.

NOTE: Melody Raven has retitled, recovered and reissued her DANGEROUS MAGIC series. Book one Blood Magic is now Atomic Witch: Book two: Kindred Magic is now Long Witch. RAGING WITCH is the author’s new release.

Told from first person perspective (Sonia) RAGING WITCH follows witch Sonia Shaw in the aftermath of a violent take down and killing of another supernatural power. Sonia struggles to find her place in the DMD, the Dangerous Magic Division of Homeland Security, a division that supervises and controls the paranormal but Sonia’s powers are unstable; her boyfriend Ian was killed then was later reanimated as NotIan; Sonia was responsible for arresting her own father; and her boss, werewolf Carter Blackburn, battles his hatred for a woman he knows was only doing her job. As the team at the DMD continue to take down the baddest of the bad, Sonia is assigned to investigate the haunting of a local frat house, a haunting that could mean the end of the world.

RAGING WITCH is a story of secrets and lies, magic and power. Sonia Shaw’s powers are unstable and no one is able to show our heroine how to control or use what should come by naturally. Bound by magic, Sonia walks amongst the supernatural but without her power, she is wandering alone. Someone or something is set to take over the world, and our heroine is caught in the middle. The fast paced premise is intriguing and enchanting; the characters are energetic and powerful. RAGING WITCH is a quick read that sets up the backstory for what is to come.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

ATOMIC WITCH (Book one) is currently FREE: Amazon.com / Amazon.ca / Amazon.uk / Amazon.au /

