Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh – Dual Review, Catching Up Interview, & Giveaway

Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh – Dual Review, Catching Up Interview, & Giveaway

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Shards of Hope
Psy-Changeling #14
by Nalini Singh
Genre: adult, paranormal, romance
Release Date: June 2,2015

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Penquin Ebook / Penquin Hardcover

 Shards of Hope June 2015

Awakening wounded in a darkened cell, their psychic abilities blocked, Aden and Zaira know they must escape. But when the lethal soldiers break free from their mysterious prison, they find themselves in a harsh, inhospitable landscape far from civilization. Their only hope for survival is to make it to the hidden home of a predatory changeling pack that doesn’t welcome outsiders.

And they must survive. A shadowy enemy has put a target on the back of the Arrow squad, an enemy that cannot be permitted to succeed in its deadly campaign. Aden will cross any line to keep his people safe for this new future, where even an assassin might have hope of a life beyond blood and death and pain. Zaira has no such hope. She knows she’s too damaged to return from the abyss. Her driving goal is to protect Aden, protect the only person who has ever come back for her no matter what.

This time, even Aden’s passionate determination may not be enough—because the emotionless chill of Silence existed for a reason. For the violent, and the insane, and the irreparably broken…like Zaira.



Barb’s Review:

Shards of Hope by Nalini Singh is the 14th book in her fantastic Psy-Changeling series. I have said this before, and will say it again. Nalini Singh is one of my top favorite authors. In every series, she gives us great exciting and romantic stories, with fantastic world building that flows so flawlessly into the next book. She never fails to give us a wonderful story that we wait patiently for, devour it, amazes us and then we mourn having to wait a year for the next book in the series. The good news is that Nalini has other series that helps us pass the waiting period.

In Shards of Hope, Aden is our hero; and we have been waiting for his story for a long time. In the last book, Aden’s best friend Vasic found his mate in Ivy. Now it’s Aden’s turn to find and feel true love with Zaira, one of his Arrow lieutenants. I loved Aden, but Zaira was the surprise, as she turned out to be such a flawed, tough, but wonderful heroine.

As the story begins, with the loss of Silence, there continues to be chaos, confusion and danger among the Psy. Both Aden and Zaira have been kidnapped, with their psychic abilities blocked, taking away their ability to contact others for help. They have very little time to find a way to escape before they will be killed. When they do get free, they find themselves in the wilderness of an unknown area, and with both having severe injuries time is running out. Help will come in the form of a changeling pack that does not welcome outsiders. This is where Nalini introduces us to a new pack, as well as later on with another one. The worldbuilding just keeps on going, and opens the door for more changelings that perhaps we will meet again in the future.

As Aden and Zaira recover from their injuries, they must alert the Arrows that an unknown enemy is targeting them, the other councils and the changelings with various types of attempts directed to create havoc and dissention among them. What follows is an intense, exciting adventure that will change the game bringing former enemies together to discover the dangerous enemy and the betrayers who are out to destroy them.

But most of all, this is the wonderful romance that builds between Aden and Zaira, both dangerous Arrows who have lived violent lives in Silence with no feelings. Aden slowly has begun to open himself up, especially seeing the change in Vasic. Zaira however is badly damaged, unable to cope with her horrid childhood and the rage that drives her. She is tough, fierce, dangerous, and loyal to the Arrows and their leader, Aden. Zaira will protect Aden at any cost, but it is Aden’s persistence to force her to see the good inside her that will slowly open the door to taste life with feelings. Aden knows he cares very much for Zaira, and allows his feelings to rise, showing her how to learn to feel. It was so beautiful to see Zaira opening up to care for Aden, other than just to protect him, and so hard to watch the rage in her rise up and take control again. Will Zaira be able to live without Silence? Will she be able to control her violent rages? Will Aden be able to teach Zaira to love and feel?

Shards of Hope was a great adventure, extremely exciting, emotional, edge of your seat suspense, and two very strong characters who had no hope to live any kind of normal life. Nalini Singh continues to add on to her fantastic world building and surprise us even more, as she moves the series into the direction that will open things up for more.   If you have not read this series, you are missing one of the best. Again, I will say that I never want this series to end…never.

Miranda’s Review

Shards of Hope, written by Nalini Singh; is the 14th installment in the widely popular Psy-Changeling‘s series.  It is difficult to articulate the satisfaction I feel as a reader upon completion of this novel.  Ms. Singh continues to dazzle with her phenomenal imagination, and unparalleled characterization.  Shards of Hope is a stunning exploration of the Psy-Changeling World; post Silence, and is an incredible culmination to the Story Arc we have received from this author, thus far. Full of twists, and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end.  Time after time, book after book; Nalini Singh has proven herself a master at teasing us with tantalizing secrets, and weaving webs of mystery.  

I will begin by stating that each couple, and storyline we receive, compels a new reaction within me.  It is difficult to put into words the magic that is conjured, when reading this series.  A magic I believe one must experience, in order to understand.  It is as though Ms. Singh can shift skin as an author, every bit as effortlessly as the Changelings she created.  Ever materializing into something greater, and more profound.  With each unique journey, we are transported, and fully immersed, traveling farther than we could have thought possible.  Oft times it feels as though two Worlds exist into this one realm, that is like no other in Fiction.  In one of these parraels, we travel alongside the wild Changelings.  Readers can expect an explosion of warmth, and color.  Vibrant textures, and sound.  In contrast, the mood following the controlled Psy; is cold, and dark.  Subdued, and veiled in darkness.   

While a large majority of fans seem to gravitate towards the vibrancy of a Changeling point of view, it is seeing through the eyes of a Psy; that affects me more as a reader.  I have many favorite Changeling characters, and appreciate each book for what it is individually….yet the Psy devastate my heart, and drag emotion out of me in ways I have never before experienced with any other book or series.  There is just something about the multiple faucets that compile this race, as they struggle to break the chains cast upon them.  Powerful…deadly.  Brutalized as children, and forced to extinguish all emotion.  It is incredible to read the wonder, and near innocence of their exploration of the World.  A World where previously they only existed.  It moves me beyond words at times, witnessing each Psy Character learn to live.  As the pages turn, we gradually see the dark, shadowy canvas of the Psy World, morph into a rainbow of color every bit as brilliant, as their Changeling counterparts.        

In regards to this particular installment, I immensely enjoyed the dynamic between the hero, and heroine.  I loved how these two phenomenal characters; changed the game on us.  Historically; we have seen the women as the beacon of light, shining in the dark for the men.  In Shards of Hope, Ms. Singh presents readers with a Psy female who considers herself broken.  Pairing her with a Psy male who possesses a core of strength as stable, dependable, and immoveable as a mountain.  With Zaira and Aden, we discover a tangible, unbreakable bond of loyalty, commitment, and trust.  One that began as children, and continued into adulthood.  Rarely do we find a couple that has seen each other through nearly all stages of life.  Zaira in my opinion, is one of the most finely crafted, layered female leads of this series.  A woman who long ago accepted the damaged side of her psyche.  In fact, she has embraced it.  Utilizing her nature, in order to hone her skills as a soldier, and best ensure survival.  Zaira makes no excuses, or apologies for who she is, or what she has done.  Love her or hate her, Zaira simply is.  And her sheer, single minded drive to protect Adenat all costs, endeared her to me right away. 
And finally I am brought to Aden.  Our seemingly less than spectacular hero.  I always, always enjoyed him as a side character.  However, if you would have asked me several books ago if I thought him a strong enough presence to be the lead male in his own book, I would have said a resounding no.  The obscure, vague, shrouded scenes he was part of throughout the later books in the series, just didnt project that vibe for me.  Little did we know, that the Author created this illusion purposely.  Little did we know that Aden has made it his goal in life, to appear weak.  Clearly, he was meant to fly under a readers radar.  I can assure you that in Shards of Hope–he will smack you in the face with a ginormous blip!  Not only is he 100% strong enough as a character to drive this book forward, but it is made blatantly clear that Aden has an intregal value to his people, and to this entire series.  Aden Kai is truly a force to behold, and everything a reader could hope for, in a hero of a story.  Deserving so, so much more credit than I am providing, but I will only elaborate with this…. 

Book after book we have wondered at his “gifts”.  The scene with which we finally, fully understand the truth about the leader of the elite Arrow Squad…gives. Me. Chills.  

Fans of this series will NOT be disappointed on any level.  Cameos featuring beloved previous characters abound, and we even meet a few new friends along the way.  Fantastic news for those like me who NEVER want to see the finale of this series! What else can I say? I cannot get enough of Ms. Singh’s writing, and I cannot wait to see where she takes us next!     


Copy provided by Publisher



Welcome back, Nalini. Thank you for taking the time to revisit us at The Reading Cafe, to discuss your new release Shards of Hope, as well as to give us an update as to what you have in store for us in 2015/2016.

Nalini: It’s lovely to be back. 🙂

TRC:  You have just released the 14th book in your Psy/Changeling series. For those who may not have read this series, would you please give us a brief description of the premise of the series?

Nalini: The Psy-Changeling series is set in a world very like our own, except that it is peopled by three races: The Psy, who have conditioned all emotion out of themselves in an effort to fight the insanity and violence that is the flipside to their incredible psychic gifts.

The changelings, who can shapeshift into leopards and wolves, eagles and falcons, and who are as tactile and as warm as the Psy are cold.

And, the humans, who are caught between these two powerful races. Often considered the weakest of the three, humans nonetheless have a critical role to play in this world.

Shards of Hope June 2015TRC:  Shards of Hope is being released today. I know this is Aden’s book, and all your fans have been dying for his story. However, that being said, we bite our nails awaiting each and every one of your books in this series. 🙂    Can you give us a brief description of Shards of Hope?

Nalini:  This is the story of two very dangerous, broken people who have to find a way to each other. At the same time, they have to fight off an enemy that is out to not only kill Aden and Zaira, but that wants to destroy the entire Arrow Squad. A squad full of deadly men and women the world needs, but that it looks upon with suspicion and fear.

It’s a love story between two people—passionate and heartbreaking and hopeful. But it’s also a story of a leader’s love for his people, and of his people’s devotion to him. To be an Arrow is to be family. Always.

TRC:  I ask this question with a grieving heart. We know the end is near for this series, and you will be starting a new arc, but can you give us an update if Shards of Hope is the end of this arc or if there will be more for Psy/Changeling?

Nalini:   There’s no reason to be sad! I call this the end of Season 1, or the Silence arc. Just like in a television series, season 2 won’t abandon all the characters we’ve come to know and love. We’ll just be moving on to another part of the storyline – nothing in this series is ever static. People change, the world changes, and we’re along for the entire ride.

I did a ginormous post about the future of the Psy-Changeling series on my blog, if you’re interested in further info. (It would fill up this entire interview if I copied it over!)

TRC:  sigh  ok, I feel better 🙂

Archangels LegionTRC:  Last October you released the 7th book, Archangel’s Legion, in your fabulous Guild Hunter series.   What can you tell us about the 8th book, which we anxiously expect in November? Also how many books do you anticipate for this series (hopefully many, many more)?

Nalini:  The next book is Archangel’s Enigma. It features the feral, beautiful, and wildly enigmatic Naasir, a vampire who isn’t quite a vampire, and who has the scent of a tiger on the hunt. His heroine is smart and far more than she seems. Together, they’re hell on wheels. 😉

You can read the full blurb and see the cover, here.

I’m not sure how many books there will be in this series (I tend to think in terms of the storyline, rather than a specific number of books). I do know that this series will be shorter than the Psy-Changeling series, for the simple reason that it has a smaller core cast, and I don’t want to move away from that cast. Still, there are at least three more books to go. 🙂

TRC  In March, you released your 2nd full length book, Rock Hard in your Rock Kiss series. For those who may not be familiar with this series, can you please give us a brief description?

ROCK HARDNalini:  The Rock Kiss series is set in the world of rock stars. It’s a fun, sexy, contemporary romance series that is very different from my paranormals. It’s pure romance, no life and death action, and set in the world we know, rather than a paranormal one. (Though the rock star lifestyle is quite fantastical ;-)).

Rock Hard, however, features a seriously built and seriously gorgeous ex-rugby player turned CEO. How did Gabriel Bishop end up in a series about rock stars? Well, he kind of strode onto the page of the first book, Rock Addiction, and boom, his chemistry with the heroine, Charlotte, was so intriguing that I had to know more. Their story ended up making me laugh, cry, and hug myself like a loon. It has a sweet, romantic humor to it, and it’s a story you should read on a day when you need a smile.

You can find a long excerpt on my website.

TRC:  Would you like to share with us what you are currently working on, and what you have in store for us in 2015/2016?

Nalini:   I’m currently editing the second draft of the next Rock Kiss book (Noah and Kit’s story). This one is very intense and emotional and heartwrenching.

As this interview goes live, I’ll be starting the first stages of the next Psy-Changeling book, which will feature an ensemble cast. I want to bring everyone back for the end of season 1. It’s going to be one wild party! (Also, some pupcubs might make their appearance ;-)).

And as always, I’ll be working on free short stories that I share with my readers throughout the year via my newsletter. Anyone can join up through the signup form on my website.

Slave to Sensation


TRC:  Would you like to add anything else?

Nalini:  I hope readers enjoy Shards of Hope, and that they fall in love with Aden, Zaira, and the Arrows! If you haven’t yet tried the series, Slave to Sensation is a great starting point, or you can check out some of the free short stories I have on my website.



Also, you can find me online at:

Website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram – @AuthorNaliniSingh / Goodreads

TRC:  Thank you, Nalini for answering our questions. We look forward to continuing to read your books, and to work with you in the future. Good luck with Shards of Hope.

Nalini:  Thank you for the interview!



About The Author

Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh
 is the New York Times bestselling author of the Psy-Changeling novels and the Guild Hunter series. She is passionate about writing. Though she’s traveled as far afield as the deserts of China, the Highlands of Scotland, and the temples of Japan, it is the journey of the imagination that fascinates her the most. She’s beyond delighted to be able to follow her dream as a writer. Nalini lives and works in beautiful New Zealand. Visit her website and join her newsletter for up-to-date news about both her series, as well as fun exclusive extras, including free short stories set in her worlds.



Nalini’s publisher is offering a hardcover copy of SHARDS OF HOPE to ONE (1) lucky commenter at The Reading Cafe

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8. Giveaway is open to USA only

9. Giveaway runs from June 2 to 6, 2015

