Simply a Matter of Time by Kathryn K. Murphy – a Review

Simply a Matter of Time by Kathryn Murphy – a Review


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Ethan Brooks has led an extremely long double life, one that always felt stable and secure—until he crossed paths with Nora St. Clair. Suddenly, the dogged police lieutenant is invading his office in her quest for answers about the mysterious Brightrock Island he hails from, an idyllic community off the coast of Massachusetts and home to a literal fountain of youth. Sworn to secrecy about his hometown, Ethan must protect the truth about the mysterious island and those who live there at any cost. But that’s easier said than done as Nora captures Ethan’s attention like no one ever has, upending his carefully cultivated life. 

Resident Lizzy Brooks is enjoying her first taste of freedom from Brightrock Island after almost fifty years when Nora’s investigation throws everything into chaos, trashing Lizzy’s dreams when they’ve only just begun. With the clock ticking, Lizzy only has a few short weeks to explore what might’ve been a grand, romantic adventure with Caleb Broussard, her only connection outside the island. But this quiet, kind man whom Lizzy thought she knew has secrets of his own, ones that could impact everything.

Now Ethan and Lizzy are both on borrowed time. But as Nora gets closer to uncovering the truth, Brightrock’s elders deliver an ultimatum: return home or leave the island forever, forcing Lizzy and Ethan to choose between their loves—or their lives. 




Simply a Matter of Time by Kathryn Murphy is two stories for the price of one…. 

Ethan is the island’s financial wizard. He’s been doing it for long enough. He’s gotten comfortable with his life, but that’s about to change, and he’s not happy….

Nora is a detective, she’s looking into a case concerning the island and in particular Ethan’s brother. She wants answers and Ethan is the man to give them to her, but he’s being evasive, and now he’s on the move. She’s got no choice but to let it go, but that’s not in her nature…..

Elizabeth “Lizzy” has waited forever to start her degree as a doctor, and now the elders are calling her back, it’s not fair! But Izzy isn’t going down without a fight, she’s going missing, and she knows exactly where she’s going …… 

Caleb met Lizzy briefly, he thinks there is a connection, so when he gets a call from her to meet up, he wants the chance to find out if she feels the same way….. 

And when Ethan finds out Nora has been injured, why does he react the way he does? Is the fact she’s injured in a bomb blast that reminds him of the incident at Brightrock the trigger, or is the lovely lady herself? 

And when Lizzy finds out Caleb’s secret, will she look at him differently? And can they make it work if she has to go back to the island? 

Beautifully written. The book starts not long after the last book, so you could read it without reading the first one, but I feel you’d be missing why Nora is stalking Ethan.  We get to catch up with old characters. You get to feel Izzy’s frustration at being recalled back to Brightrock Island. You understand why she runs away, but is Caleb the right person to run too? He has his own demons to battle, and where will it take them? 

The interaction between Nora and Ethan is great, his reluctance to also return to the island is felt. And I love the banter between Ethan and Nora, it’s had me chuckling a few times through the book. 

I would have liked two books instead of one, as I felt gaps were missing when we jumped to each couple. We have a few twists in the book, we also have a few moments when I thought both couples would walk away from each other. 

Simply a Matter of Time was a really good read. And I totally recommend it. 

Reviewed by Julie B

Copy supplied for review

