Spy Games by Sidney Bristol – a Review

Spy Games by Sidney Bristol – a Review


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Haunted by the mistakes he made while fighting for his country, Rand Duncan has become the CIA’s go to man for tough jobs in an effort to atone for his sins. Late-night phone calls and covert meetings are the norm. Until she arrives and his past crashes into his present.

Sarah Collins never thought she’d see her brother’s former best friend again. But one of Sarah’s fellow undercover informants has been captured and the briefcase containing the identities and locations of twelve other operatives are in Chinese hands. If Sarah and Rand can’t retrieve the documents, people will die.

The shock wears off quick as the two must figure out how to retrieve the briefcase before it can be opened or sold. If they want to save lives, they must confront their past, while avoiding an enemy that will stop at nothing to crush them.




4 out of 5 for this reader folks!

OH LA LA so much action happening I’m not sure where I should start on this review.  Very intriguing, and I totally loved that I had no inkling and was totally shocked when the climax is revealed.  It’s refreshing because I am usually pretty good at figuring that out.  LOVED THAT!

Spy Games by Sidney Bristol is a contemporary romantic suspense that takes us across Asia on action packed missions, intense moments and hot romance.  It is a stand alone that will have you on the edge of your seat and constantly wondering .. “Who, What, Where and Why!”

Rand Duncan is our leading guy and he is a whole lot of complicated.  He was a SEAL, but now works as a “Top Secret” operative for the CIA in extremely dangerous mission.  He is strong, straight to the point, eager to right his perceived wrongs, and fleeing a history that still continues to haunt him.  

Sarah Collins is the sister of Rand’s best friend and a woman who has always owned Rand’s heart.  She is head strong and smart, lives to make the world a better place, and utterly heart broken with Rand being out of her life due to an accident that occurred with regards to her brother.  She is now taking on missions as a “Courier Girl” which both affords important information to be delivered in the right hands, and hopefully allows her to cross paths with the man she can never forget.

When information gets intercepted and is now in the wrong hands, Sarah and Rand do cross paths, and must work together to retrieve this information before it gets many people killed.  This is more than a chance to do good for their country but to mend their hearts and come to terms with their past.  Soon enough they are engaged in some dangerous situations and facing their issues while giving in to a desire still so large.

Ok so this is a great book.  I hadn’t read a romantic suspense in a while and now I want to gorge on them.  I really loved these two together, and I loved the twists and turns.  So much heart mending here it was heart warming.  Sidney writes beautiful imagery and her hot scenes are well .. HOT!  LOL  I did find that there were times I found the pacing a little off and there were times I would of liked a little more build before it peaks.  This involves more of the sex scenes though.  I also wish there was more of a back story on Sarah’s brother and his love.  It is mentioned several times and it actually left me with the impression that there may have been another book but I cannot seem to confirm that.  These small critiques didn’t take anything away from my enjoying this book though, it’s just what I prefer to have.

Overall, an absolute heart pounding read that left me feeling quite content at the end.  I am eager to read more by Sidney Bristol and if you take a look she has many out there to take a look at!  Looking forward to your next one Sidney!


Reviewed by Rachel

Copy provided by Publisher
