The Dating Itinerary by Brooke Williams – a Review

The Dating Itinerary by Brooke Williams – a Review


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As if it wasn’t bad enough to be deemed the “most single person” at her magazine’s office, budding reporter Penny has now been tapped to write a series of features called “The Dating Game.” From speed dating to Tinder, old-fashioned matchmakers to up-and-coming “dark dating,” Penny now has to go on a lot of dates. Silver lining: meeting new people should be fun, right? But running into her old rival, George, at her first dating event is decidedly not. Not only does the arrogant know-it-all have zero trouble attracting women, wherever Penny goes, somehow he just. Keeps. Showing. Up.

Geo knows he’s right on the cusp of writing success with the chance to have his own syndicated column. All he has to do is follow his agent’s ideas for showcasing different dating avenues, and he’ll pull in enough to help his sister’s non-profit women’s shelter get off the ground. Sure, his itinerary is starting to look strangely similar to his old rival Penny’s, but all’s fair in love and syndication, right?

The more they look for love in all the wrong places, though, the more they start to wonder if it was right in front of their noses all along. Still, the brutal dating scene just might end them, if these two don’t kill each other first. 



The Dating Itinerary by Brooke Williams is a quick, fun, flirty, charming and comical read.  I loved the main couple of Penny Coyne and George “Geo” Monais.  Fist I have to say I love Penny’s name, as well as all her sister’s names.  That was genius I will say to give them all names after our various coins.  Bravo Miss Williams. 

As for the story itself, I quite enjoyed it.  For anyone who has, or is in the process of trying to find love through all the different avenues offered these days this book will relate.  There were many times I found myself chuckling out loud, or just shaking my head over some of the dates that Penny and George found themselves on.  You see, both Penny and George are attempting the dating market for work purposes.  Penny to score the cover at the magazine she works for, and George to finally make it big on tv and get a syndicate show, which in turn he plans to use the funds to help his sister with her new foundation for women she’s just set up. 

Both Penny and George are following this ‘dating itinerary’ that work has laid out for them, but unbeknownst to each other they are on the same schedule.  When they both wind up at the first dating scene, Speed Dating, the sparks fly and just continue to fly between Penny and George to the very end of the book.  You see, both have a history together and did like each other at one time, but due to a work issue where Penny thought George scooped her job up they haven’t seen eye to eye. That is until they decide to put bygones to rest and work together on this ‘dating itinerary’.  When they decide to do this, this is where the fun begins.  As they continue to go on various dates, they keep finding themselves being drawn closer and closer together until boom, they realize that what they are looking for is right in front of their noses. It doesn’t matter how many dates they go on, they just can’t seem to keep their minds from wandering back to each other.

It was fun to watch our couple embark on this adventure and have to deal with their past before they could move onto a future together.  I laughed many times, cheered them on, and yes I even related to many of the issues to dating in this day and age. In the end, The Dating Itinerary is an enjoyable read that lets you forget about your troubles and enjoy the adventure that is Penny and George. 

Until next time, happy reading my friends. 

Reviewed by Marcie

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