Scars (The Killers #5) by Brynne Asher-Review Tour

Scars (The Killers #5) by Brynne Asher-Review Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 10, 2020

Being a spy isn’t for the faint at heart—especially for the brute American and the beautiful, cunning Brit…

Who am I? I’m Cole Carson and I’m the best at what I do.
Four years ago, the CIA forced me to babysit the young MI6 princess, Isabella Donnelly. Beneath my paygrade and skillset, but I like to think I taught her everything she knows—because I’m just that good.
Turns out, there’s a first time for everything because I was wrong about her. She pissed me off and challenged me in ways no one had before. I not only ate my words, I choked those suckers down with a bottle of whiskey when someone ripped her away from me.
Now she’s back and no one can know she’s here. And by no one, I mean all of the western world.
I’m determined to clear her name and make her mine.
It’s a tall order so it’s a damn good thing I’m me.

A dare…

Okay, fine. It wasn’t a dare. More like a wager, laid at my feet by none other than Cole Carson. It’s all semantics at this point—I’m stuck between the threat of prison and my arsehole American, whom I just can’t shake.
Trust me, I’ve tried.
I have no one to blame but my stupid, stupid heart.
I’m no princess and certainly don’t need a prince charming. I can kick arse all on my own—it’s what I came here to do. Taking a bullet was not on my agenda … neither was waking up in the hospital with Cole glaring at me.
But I’m here and I’m nothing if not determined.
But that dare…
I can’t focus on that until I clear my name. If Cole wants to tag along, so be it.
I am a Donnelly. We don’t give up nor do we bow down … to anyone.


REVIEW:*In the best fake English accent possible*

Bloody Brilliant!

From the very first book in the Killers series, I have been in LOVE with Brynne Ashers world. Scars is the fifth book in that series, it’s filled with action, romance and funny relatable characters that readers always remember when the story is finished. Scars is recommended to be read in series order for the best possible read.

Scars continues the story right where Veils leaves off. We revisit old friends from previous books and FINALLY get Bella and Cole’s story. Two spies, both with moral compasses, one retired and one not ready to give up what she has fought so hard for. When Bella’s life is now on the line, and a bullet puts things into perspective; Cole maps out a plan to get back the one woman who has never left his heart, or mind. Bella on the other hand is a strong, independent woman who literally kicks booty and takes names, she’s a baddy of a character and most definitely fits in with Crew’s “Crew”. An (ex) MI6 agent with both her career and life on the line, Bella reluctantly takes Cole’s wager for help. Cole is a weakness she can’t allow herself to have at the moment, nor does she wish to hurt him again.

Bella has a mission, and she’s willing to go as far as she needs to clear her name and finish what she started. From the very beginning, I was smitten with Cole, but his loyalty and love for his friends and family make him the character he is. Now, don’t misunderstand; Cole is still an over the top alpha male, possessive and cocky, but Bella is no damsel in distress. Their interactions together, the way they get under each other’s skin, it’s so relatable to an old married couple. However, when the truth finally comes out, and Bella’s hard exterior has been cracked, Cole is the one to help her pick up the pieces and help her move on.

Scars is a story of family, both the ones you are born with and the ones you choose to make, Ms. Asher has an uncanny ability to make you FEEL what her characters are going through, their loss is your loss, their happiness is your happiness. Her stories are some of the best I have read in my years as a book nerd, and I can’t wait to see what other adventures she takes us on. Five out of five stars!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sarah

Social Media: Goodreads / Facebook / TwitterWebsite/ Amazon Author page

Brynne Asher lives in the Midwest with her husband, three children and her perfect dog. When she isn’t creating pretend people and relationships in her head, she’s running her kids around and doing laundry. She enjoys decorating and shopping, and is always seeking the best deal. A perfect day in “Brynne World” ends in front of an outdoor fire with family, friends, s’mores, and a delicious cocktail.
