The Right Cowboy (Granite Junction 3) by Megan Ryder-review tour

The Right Cowboy (Granite Junction 3) by Megan Ryder-review tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 21, 2021.

A sheriff seeking the truth, and the bad girl who will make him question everything…

Find her long lost dad? Check
Have a hot affair? Check
Land in the cross hairs of the town police? Wait. What?

Abby Byrd is on a journey to reconcile her past. Venturing to Granite Junction, she’s searching for the father she hasn’t seen in twenty years. It was meant to be a quick stop. Meet him and move on. Then, her car broke down. Temporarily stuck in the tiny little berg, the silver lining comes in the form of a sexy sheriff who allows her to check sizzling fling with a handsome cowboy off her bucket list.

Nathan Holt is married to his job as sheriff, and that’s the only long-term commitment he intends to embark on. Especially after experiencing first-hand the devastation his own family suffered through after his father’s death. Yet when a woman as fiery as she is beautiful comes to town, challenging him and firing his libido, he can’t help but be drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

Unfortunately, as feelings begin to develop between the two, Abby becomes the target of malicious gossip and accusations. Will Nathan see past the faulty evidence and ludicrous claims against her? Or will his sense of duty and fear of commitment blind him to the truth?


REVIEW:The Right Cowboy by Megan Ryder is book three in the Granite Junction series. Abby Gaines has just settled all of her mother’s affairs and is meandering her way West to California. Her and her best friend has plans on opening a coffee shop together. Taking her time and seeing all the roadside attractions that she wants, she realizes she isn’t far from Granite Junction where her estranged father Earl lives. She always thought Earl abandoned her, but going through her mother’s things she found letters from Earl to her. Ones her mom kept from her. Upset with her mother she debates with herself on stopping and meeting her father. Her car makes the decision for her when it breaks down at the overlook right outside of Granite Junction. That’s when she meets Granite Junctions Sheriff Nathan Holt.

Nathan was born and raised in the same town he now protects. His father was the Sheriff when he was growing up and he always knew he would follow in his fathers footsteps. Neither Abby nor Nathan were expecting the other to come into their lives. With Abby’s car out of commission for the foreseeable future she decides to make the best of her time in Granite Junction.

Abby starts working at her Dad’s diner to help out, and to feel the waters on a relationship with her dad. She also gets a part time job with a cleaning service, to get work off paying for her car repairs. But when someone starts stealing from all the places Abby works or cleans, she is quick to be the scapegoat since she is the new stranger in town. But what will this mean for her relationship with Nathan? The Sheriff has a job to do, will it ruin what he has found in Abby?

I love all the characters in Granite Junction. Small town vibes also leads to small town gossip! I loved how gossip spread so quickly through town, and how the friends were always there when needed! Highly recommend the Redemption Ranch and Granite Junctions series!

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
The Wrong Cowboy
The Restless Cowboy

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Erin K

Ever since Megan Ryder discovered Jude Deveraux and Judith McNaught while sneaking around the “forbidden” romance section of the library one day after school, she has been voraciously devouring romance novels of all types. Now a romance author in her own right, Megan pens sexy contemporary novels all about family and hot lovin’ with the boy next door. She lives in Connecticut, spending her days as a technical writer and her spare time divided between her addiction to knitting and reading.

