Welcome to Sugarville by J. J. Haas-a review

WELCOME TO SUGARVILLE by J. J. Haas-a review

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date April 9, 2018

Welcome to Sugarville, a town where fantasy meets reality and visitors take journeys of the imagination into the unknown. J.J. Haas stuns and delights with this engaging collection of linked stories.


REVIEW: WELCOME TO SUGARVILLE by . J. J. Haas (aka Jeff Haas) is a collection of short stories focusing on the town and inhabitants of Sugarville, a city located in the Gwinett County in the northeast suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia.

Approximately one hundred and eighty years earlier the US Army massacred six hundred Creek Indians in the area now known as Sugarville, Georgia. Fast forward to present day wherein a series of supernatural phenomenon, and strange occurrences befall the residents of the sleepy town, occurrences that place the people in a ‘twilight zone’ not of their making.

J. J . Haas blends the past with the present, the supernatural with the mundane, Christianity and spirituality with the non-believers, all of whom struggle in their every day lives. A series of interconnected short stories, focusing on the citizens of a town cursed by the past, a past that refuses to forgive or forget.

WELCOME TO SUGARVILLE is an intriguing fusion of mystery, thriller, vengeance and the supernatural .

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

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J. J. Haas has published fiction and poetry in a wide variety of magazines such as Shenandoah, Rattle, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Baen’s Universe, and Writer’s Digest. He is a Senior Content Developer at ADP and a Fellow of the Society for Technical Communication, and he has been an Instructor in the Creative Writing Certificate Program at Emory Continuing Education. Haas is a graduate of the College of the University of Chicago in English Language and Literature and is the current President of the Alumni Club of Atlanta. He lives in a suburb of Atlanta with his wife Melissa and two Westies, Roro and Coco.
