WHERE THE SHADOWS BECKON by Gillian Grant-a review

WHERE THE SHADOWS BECKON (The Blood of Eith 1) by Gillian Grant


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ABOUT THE BOOK : Release Date January 4, 2022

As a hunter, Evren Hanali of Orenlion has probably seen it all and done even more, even though she likes to fade into the background. She prefers a solitary existence, doing the jobs she’s commissioned for and not much else. But fate has other plans. It seems she has a destiny—one she is only beginning to unravel. And unlikely companions and exotic places are only the beginning of her journey.

When circumstances beyond her control—and gravity—send her plummeting to what she fears may be her death, walking away unscathed opens a world of possibilities. Somehow, she becomes the leader of a motley crew of allies with a shared mission. Only it’s not clear what anyone’s end goal is, and trust is hard-earned. Still, the merry band of adventurers finds solace and friendship along the way—not to mention dangers galore.

In the instance of the Yawning Deep, as above is not as below. Add magic and mayhem to the mix, and Evren has the fight of her life on her hands. When one hard-fought win leads to revelations of lies, deceit, and murder, Evren and company must be willing to fight for what they believe—and each other.

Or die trying.


REVIEW: WHERE THE SHADOWS BECKON is the first instalment in debut author Gillian Grant’s high fantasy series THE BLOOD OF EITH focusing on half-elf, hunter Evren Hanali of Orenlion, and her ragtag team of misfit warriors.

Told from third person perspective (Evren) WHERE THE SHADOWS BECKON follows hunter, half-elf Evren Hanali as she seeks temporary refuge in the underground city of Dirn-Darahl where she will meet Vasa Sorin Trinity, and his magical friend Arke, the goblin but their descent into the depths of Dirn-Darahl is met with a deadly explosion finding our trio on the fifth level, a level that holds the city’s most dangerous criminals. Upon their rescue, Evren, and her new companions she meets along the way, are task by the King’s second in command General Heliodar, with returning the Seeker, dwarf Goriryn Karas, an escaped political prisoner, whose search for his cousin, takes the team into an underground world of elves, giant worms, magical creatures and more.

We are introduced to a large number of colorful and eccentric characters including Sorin Trinity, goblin Arke, dwarf warrior Solri Amet, Seeker Goriryn Karas and his cousin cartographer Temsen Cartack, elf Abraxas Kain, Poig, warrior and half giant Gyda, Nobleman Malrus Ekan, General Heliodar, and Herald of Light elf Viggo of Andovine.

WHERE THE SHADOWS BECKON is a journey into the fantastic of magical beasts, betrayal, vengeance, and war. As Evren begins her trek into the underground world of elves and gods, our heroine will discover deceit and treason are but the starting point to a war between the differing factions of elves, dwarves, and surface worlders.

For fans and readers of the Lord of the Rings™ franchise, and the varying facets of Dungeons and Dragons™, the familiarity is overwhelming down to the names of several characters including Herald of Light Viggo (snicker). The premise is detailed and complex-the world building is intricate, comprehensive and familiar; the characters are numerous, rich and often recognizable.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

