A RUTHLESS CHRISTMAS (Ruthless Kings MC) by KL Savage-Review Tour

A RUTHLESS CHRISTMAS (Ruthless Kings MC 8.5) by KL Savage-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 18, 2020

Jingle Hells, Jingle Hells, Jingle all the way...

They think they are safe.
Isn’t that sickening?
They are decorating for Christmas.
Twinkling lights. Wreaths. Mistletoe.
All that is missing is snow.
They are the idea of a perfect family, aren’t they?
I wonder how many of them are wishing for a Christmas miracle.
How many of them only want peace?
A night full of magic and wonder…
Not when I’m here.
It’s a beautiful time to be the Groundskeeper.
Turning miracles into nightmares. Merry Christmas.


REVIEW: A RUTHLESS CHRISTMAS is instalment 8.5 in KL Savage’s contemporary, adult RUTHLESS KINGS MC erotic, MC, romance series focusing on the members of the Ruthless Kings MC. A RUTHLESS CHRISTMAS can be read as a stand along but I recommend reading the series in order, or at least the previous three instalments as there is a continuous premise throughout

Told from several first person perspectives A RUTHLESS CHRISTMAS focuses on the few days before the Christmas holidays as the MC prepares for their annual celebration. While their family continues to grow with the discovery and appearance of blood relatives no one knew anything about, new relationships, and the rescue of several children from a suspected pedophile ring, the Ruthless Kings make plans together to select a Christmas tree but an enemy who refuses to let go, returns with a vengeance, and threatens to destroy them all. Once again, two of their members find themselves in the hands of a psychotic killer, while MC president struggles to hold it together for the woman he loves.

A RUTHLESS CHRISTMAS is an ensemble story line where Boomer returns with his Ruthless Kings NOLA MC, and the members pitch in to celebrate the Christmas holiday but vengeance returns in the form of the ‘Groundskeeper’ who is desperate enough to take his shot at the Queen.

There are moments of heart break and sorrow, happiness and fun. The fast paced premise is spirited and enjoyable; the playful banter between characters eases some of the more dramatic moments.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Reaper’s Rise
A Ruthless Halloween

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.
If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.

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