A RUTHLESS HALLOWEEN (Ruthless Kings MC) by KL Savage-Review Tour

A RUTHLESS HALLOWEEN (Ruthless Kings MC Novella) by KL Savage-Review Tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 16, 2020

He gets off on your fear.

Trick or treat, Come and meet, someone you love that’s buried six-feet.
If you don’t, I don’t care, I’ll love to see you in despair.
They will die. Save their life!
This isn’t a dare, I bid you beware.
Follow the clues I’ll give to you,
This is merely my debut.
Until the clock strikes midnight,
They will be gasping for air, what a delight.
The groundskeeper.

My hand shakes when I read the note.
Everyone is here.
I think.
There are so many people. So many painted faces. How am I supposed to know who is missing?
I knew this party was a bad idea.
Now, one of my own is in trouble and as the Prez of the MC, I should know not to play a game.

But we are on a timer and someone is using us as pawns.
It’s up to us to save one of our own.

The clock starts now.


REVIEW: A RUTHLESS HALLOWEEN is a contemporary, adult, Halloween novella in KL Savage’s Ruthless Kings MC series.

Told from several first person perspectives A RUTHLESS HALLOWEEN follows the Ruthless Kings MC as they prepare for a Halloween celebration. Reaper, the Ruthless Kings MC president wants nothing to do with the celebrating Halloween in an effort to protect the woman he loves but his fellow MC members want to burn off a little energy inviting the Vegas chapter along for the ride….but all is not well with the approach of Halloween as the ‘Groundskeeper’ sets his sights on the Ruthless Kings, targeting several members in a game of life and death.

A Ruthless Halloween is a quick read; a fast paced novella that sets up the potential for a continuing story following someone known as the ‘Groundskeeper’ and his vendetta against the members of any MC. The premise is suspenseful and thrilling; the characters are numerous, energetic, colorful and strong.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Reaper’s Rise

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.
If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.

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