Interview with Sam Bond-Bodybuilder and Cover Model

Interview with Sam Bond-Bodybuilder and Cover Model

sam bond

About Sam Bond: Click HERE to visit Sam’s website and learn all about Sam.

Born and raised in Dorset, UK, Sam Bond is a born and bred beach boy. Though, as much as he loved the sand between his toes, his thirst for knowledge to him the midlands in 2006 to complete a degree in Exercise Physiology at Coventry University.

Many of you will recognize Sam from his various cover images on some of our favorite novels and storylines. Let’s begin !


TRC: Hi Sam and welcome to The Reading Café. Your image has been exploding on several recent cover releases from various authors and storylines. We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us about yourself?

Sam: Well that’s a pretty open ended question and I’m not even sure I can think of an interesting answer. What I will say is I’m a creature of habit. I pretty much work best when in a routine. Almost sounds a little sad right? Ha ha

TRC: You are all about the ‘extreme sports’. What first peaked your interest in extreme sport participation? Do you consider yourself an ‘adrenaline junkie’ as it pertains to extreme sports?


Sam: I’ve never really had much interest in conventional sports such as Rugby or Football. Give me an opportunity to get air born and hurt myself and I seem to function rather well. I guess I am an adrenaline junkie.

TRC: Your website says you have a degree in ‘Exercise Physiology’ from Coventry University. Would you please explain to us about ‘exercise physiology’ and how it applies to your love of extreme sports?

Sam: Well Exercise Physiology involves studying the body’s response to exercise. So it’s about learning what goes on in the muscles and then how to apply that to a sport to improve performance. It’s no more related to extreme sports than any other type of performance but it did help me understand why once or twice, when stuck with my head in snow at altitude did I have a quick bout of exercise induced asthma.


TRC: Would you please tell us about your role as one of the Sky One Gladiators-ATLAS?

Sam: Well this was an incredibly exciting chapter in my life. It’s pretty much over now and I have had some wonderful experiences; I consider myself very fortunate to have been involved with the show. I’m not doing anything in the media right now but I hope to do some more media work again soon.

TRC: How much daily training was involved in preparation for your role as ATLAS?

Sam: We trained for 3 weeks at the events before each series but this was mostly technique work rather than physically busting our asses. Between the first and second series I trained as a full time athlete; morning and night.

TRC: Your image has become quite popular on several romance cover novels and story lines. How were you first introduced to the world of cover modeling?

Sam Bond Covers

Sam: Yes I’ve seen how many times my image has been used. I’m amazed and entirely flattered. I needed some photos for my website but was strapped for cash. So I asked a friend to put me in touch with a chap who could help me out on a quid pro quo basis. He could use the images as he pleased and so could I. It was a complete shock to me that he had used the images quite frankly as I’ve never even considered myself a model.

Sam Bond Collage
TRC: There is a stigma in the cover model industry especially as it pertains to romance covers. The romance novel industry has dramatically increased in popularity over the past few years. Do you think the cover illustrations and ‘hero depictions’ have pushed the industry in such a way, that the reader’s imaginations can be fuelled by the representation on the cover?



Sam Bond 5Sam: I honestly have no knowledge or opinion on this. That sounds awfully dull doesn’t it? I don’t know much about the industry but what I’ve seen, I think is fine really. It all looks a lot of fun.

TRC: Nudity in the modeling industry can be very controversial. Photographs can range from sensual and sexual to bordering on pornographic. What advice would you give to young and up and coming models in the industry about nude photography?

Sam: Don’t get your bits out until you’re sure it’s what you want to do and you’re doing it in a safe environment.

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

At least 3 more promotions

Buy a property

Proposal and marriage

More media work

Starting a family perhaps?

Sam Bond 6TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?

Sam: Too many people accuse me on using drugs. I’m completely drug free but I’ve given up trying to convince every Tom Dick and Harry. I only value the opinions of those close to me now.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?


Sam: I wish I could grow a full beard. A really thick one. Yes it would require constant grooming but I need to shave regularly anyway so it may as well be a proper beard.

TRC: 😉

TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

Sam: My mother has of course been a massive influence and nothing but a positive one. She’s very strong and generally a lot of fun to be around.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Sam: My biceps.

TRC: 😉


Favorite Food–Avocados

Favorite Dessert--
Mother’s apple crumble but hardly any crumble and loads of apple. I hate it when people get the proportions all wrong.

Favorite TV Show–Monty Python. Possible Friends though as the Monty Python series were nowhere near as good as the films were.

Last Movie You Saw
–Watching Pirates of the Caribean right now actually. I do like this film.

Favorite Musical Group–AC/DC – Oh yeah!

Dark or Milk Chocolate–Dark as I steer clear of dairy wherever I can

Dream Car–A Range Rover Over Finch of some description.

TRC: Thank you Sam for taking the time to answer our questions. We wish you all the best in your chosen career. And of course, we are looking forward to more covers with your image.

Sam Bond 7
Sam: Thanks for your time folks. Have a great 2013!
