The Legend of The Blue Eyes by B. Kristin McMichael-a review and giveaway

The Legend of The Blue Eyes by B.Kristin McMichael-a review and giveaway

the Legend of The Blue eyes

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Release Date: March 15, 2013

B. Kristin McMichael dips her foot into the genre of Young Adult PNR, with The Legend of the Blue Eyes. Our heroine, Arianna Grace, has no idea that turning 16 will change her forever: SHE is the legend come to life. In a rather rapid transformation (literally), Arianna cannot seem to catch her breath before being flung into this supernatural culture.

“You need to feed, or the pain will get worse.”

“Feed?” she asked, confused. Arianna felt a jolt of pain rip through her body and she closed her eyes. With one fluid movement, the young man pulled a knife from his pocket and cut his own wrist. “What…?” Arianna began to ask, as she opened her eyes to find his bleeding wrist near her face. Arianna felt an urge come over her. Her eyes glazed over as she stared at the blood. Without thinking, she reached for his bleeding wrist and licked the blood away. Arianna felt the pain inside her subside. The world around her dimmed, and she passed out.

Welcome…not! A mysterious person whom has been communicating via discreet notes confirms a meeting to deliver answers about her family. Arianna’s mother died after giving birth and her father died when she was four; she is being raised by her aunt and uncle. The revelation is more than Arianna could have anticipated: Great Uncle, Gabriel, one of TWO living relatives, tells her she will be meeting her mother’s father, Lord Randolph, and will now live at his estate. Arianna is the product of a paranormal Romeo and Juliet: Her mother was a purebred dearg-dul (aka vampire) and her father was a purebred Baku (“night human” aka demon). The two clans have been at war for hundreds of years (because they both feed on blood) and Arianna has reached the age where she must convert into the new species. As you can imagine: BOTH sides want her! So much for Sweet 16.

Before I get into the love story(ies), I should explain the legend itself (though I didn’t learn of it until about 57% into the book!). The legend states that for the blue-eyed one to reach full power, he or she must take five companions: each of a different race. And just like that, this is no straightforward love story. Devin is the first person attached to Arianna. He is a “day human” (nothing supe about him) and groomed by Grandfather Randolph to be Arianna’s guardian. Their attraction is almost immediate, but Devin is hot and cold with his feelings; completely frustrating/confusing Arianna. He supplies her with blood, he even kissed her, but is that because she’s an “assignment”? Does he like her or doesn’t he? This part didn’t bother me so much because I swooooon for first love (YA or otherwise!); those insecurities are universal and relatable.

What I didn’t enjoy, though I’m not the exact demographic for YA, is that by adhering to the “collection” of custodians (those who will supply Arianna with blood and become irreversibly connected to her), there is an influx of feelings from every new custodian she takes on. Forget about the YA love triangle. Enter Turner the Lycan, Andrew the Baku, and Thomas the Tengu (he flies). Even as I’m writing this, I’m wondering: Aren’t we missing the Dearg-dul? Or is Devin fulfilling that role since he supplies blood? Perhaps she doesn’t need that race, because she is already part vampire, but then again she’s also Baku and so is her custodian, Turner. Questions…lots of questions. Not to worry! Ms. McMichael is set to release the sequel, Becoming a Legend, in June. I’M FIRST IN LINE!!!! ☺

Arianna learns she has been surrounded in a supernatural environment all along (vampires, lycans and bakus, oh my!). Problem is, under Lord Randolph’s instructions (Uncle Gabriel’s pretty guilty, too), no one was allowed to advise Arianna of the monumental legend she would come to fulfill. Arianna finds herself embroiled in kidnappings, poisonings, and nefarious plotting to undermine current leadership. With little choice but to embrace this new life, Ms. McMichael keeps you interested in Arianna’s rise to glory and pursuit of adjustment and happiness. The story is far from done.

In “P.S.”-mode, while I am no fan of lycans, I did like Turner’s approach (he is the second person attached to Arianna and has a really great role in the story). Uncertain of Arianna’s feelings for Devin, Turner moves with intention and lets Arianna know he is interested. Maybe if Jacob had approached Bella li…nah, even then, Edward was clearly the better choice! 😀 I hope Ms. McMichael trusts me to continue this series…I need to reconnect with this group.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Carmen


B.Kristen McMichael is offering a giveaway of her new release THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE EYES.  

ONE paper back copy US only:  3 ecopies INTERNATIONAL

1.  Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.

2.  If you are using a social log-in such as Twitter, Google+ etc, please post your email address with your comment

3.  Giveaway:  Paper copy USA only:  3 ecopies open INTERNATIONAL

4.  Giveaway runs from May 1 to May 5, 2013



B. Kristin McMichael-Interview and Giveaway with the Author

B.Kristin McMichael-Interview with the Author

Follow Kristin at : Goodreads / Website / Facebook / Twitter/ Pinterest

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Years ago while I was all alone on Saturday mornings, I decided to start writing again. I began by seeing if I could write a complete novel. So I sat down for a couple hours each Saturday of the month of April. I had written some short stories/novellas when I was in junior high and high school, but never a full length novel. After 150,000+ words in one month, I had a complete novel. It made me realize that maybe I could do the writing thing after all.

Five years, two kids, three cats, and a PhD later, I am still writing and have three completed manuscripts and twice as many started (a couple near finished). I try my best to find time each week to write, but now I find more and more that I need to spend time editing. To improve my writing I am back to reading lots and getting ideas and better understanding how to craft a story people will enjoy.

When I am not writing, I am normally working at my job as a scientist or playing with my two wonderful children. If I get any amount of free time I like to bake, garden, and sew (yes, I know- such a mom life, but I have liked to do those before I had children) I continue to enjoy writing and love the motivation my husband gives me to try to make it in the writing world. I may need a harder shell, but with his support, I just might be able to do this.


Let’s begin the interview !!

TRC: Hi Kristin and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of TO STAND BESIDE HER We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Kristin: I am a Scorpio and like long walks on the beach….. Oh, not that way I am guessing. I am probably the most laid-back person you will meet- as long as the children are not around. I can be very friendly when I know someone and very reserved when I don’t. So since I know my computer really well, we’ll go with friendly for this interview.

TRC: Many authors develop their love of writing at an early age. What was the catalyst that started you on the road to publication?

Kristin: The catalyst to publication was my hubby. He has been bugging me for years to put myself out there and publish. I am VERY shy, so this is a gigantic step for me. He pushed and pushed for at least a few years, and I finally caved in. And yes, this was all started at an early age, but I never wrote with intention of anyone ever reading it. I didn’t even let the hubby read anything.

TRC: Your website states you have a PhD. In what field is your doctorate?

Kristin: I am a biologist- more specific: molecular and cellular biology. I am the cliché lab coat wearing, sitting at a microscope, lost in my own train of thought scientist. And I love it!

TRC: What difficulties or challenges have you faced getting your book to publication?

Kristin: I think, for me, the biggest difficulty has been believing in myself. I am very sure of my science. I can stand in front of an auditorium and talk science. I can tell you why and how I do everything and what it means in the end. But my writing is just so much harder. Writing is so subjective. People will either like it or they won’t, and you can’t take it personally. It is hard to come to writing from a field that is so black and white. That is a completely different train of thought and hard to adjust to.

Also, it is hard not to take reviews personally. I am a perfectionist and wish my writing was perfect. But I discovered while in grad school that I am actually slightly dyslexic, so my writing will never be perfect. That irks me to no end, but what irks me more is I cannot change that.

To Stand Beside HerTRC: Would you please tell us something about the premise of TO STAND BESIDE HER?

ORDER LINKS: Amazon / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

Kristin: TSBH comes from two dreams I had that merged with the same characters- so there are two themes that drive the story. First is the plot where Leila is afraid to fall in love ever again. She is a strong character, but cannot allow herself to feel because she is afraid to lose the memory of her first love. The second plot is where Leila learns to accept fate, even if it is not what she wants. I truly believe things happen for a reason. I would never change anything in my past, good or bad, because everything makes you into who you are today. If I could see the future, I probably would not change that either. Leila is not quite as accepting.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Kristin: This book is a standalone at the time being. I have thought about writing more books that would be about the side characters, but this is Leila’s complete story.

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?

Kristin: That- because I am a scientist, I can’t be creative also. I find being creative helps tremendously in my field, and I am glad my parents raised me to do both. How couldn’t they? one was a music teacher and the other was a math teacher- which completely explains why I am the way I am.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?

Kristin: I wish I had more confidence in my writing. A lot of my shyness went away with going off to college, but there is still a lot left. Shyness and confidence go hand in hand for me.

TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

Kristin: My family. Growing up it was my mother, father and brothers. We are all pretty close for living so far apart. My mother was my best friend when I was growing up and we spent lots of time bumming around together. Now it is my kiddos and hubby. My kids are really little (3 and 1) but they influence everything I do. They set my schedule for the day, and they make me want to be a better person and be the best example I can for them. I learn so much from them as I try to teach them also at the same time. My world revolves around them at the time being as they are very dependent on you when they are little.

TRC: Who is the first person you think about when you need someone to talk with and why?

Kristin: It depends on who’s around. My hubby works, and sometimes I can call him and sometimes I cannot. My mother and father are finally retired, so they are around a lot also, but for being retired, they sure do keep busy. And if I just need someone to listen at that exact time, my daughter is a great listener- even if she doesn’t understand everything.

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Kristin: I don’t look too much into the future- that way I am never disappointed. In reality, ten years is a LONG time to me. Just five years ago I was in grad school and could not imagine having kids and here I sit with two of them! And since my son is only one, I really am only looking forward to the future day (hopefully soon) when he consistently sleeps through the night.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

the Legend of The Blue eyes

Kristin: I am working on a trilogy about night humans. It was another book I never planned to do anything with, but with the hubby’s support, we are going to hopefully get them out first book in February and the second book in March or April.

TRC: Would you please tell us about your new release THE LEGEND OF THE BLUES EYES?

Kristin: The Legend of the Blue Eyes is the first part of a young adult paranormal trilogy. The story is centered on a young woman who finds out that the great big family secret is that they are dearg-dul, also known as vampires, and that she is too. The dearg-dul are only one of four different types of night humans, there’s also the lycan (werewolves), the baku (dream eaters), and the tengu (they fly). The groups don’t all get along. While it is an urban fantasy that has vampires, and other creatures of the night, it is more of a story about growing up and discovering who you are type of story. The funny thing is, I actually wrote this just before Twilight came out and then just threw it aside because of the vampire craze going on.


Arianna Grace liked her boring, Midwestern, teenage life where she ignored the many unanswered questions of her childhood. Why were her parents dead? Why did she not have family? Where was she raised until she was five? When someone offers to explain it all, Arianna thinks she’s just getting answers. Instead, she is thrown into a world of night humans who drink blood.

On Arianna’s sixteenth birthday, her world is thrown upside down when she changes into a vampire. Night humans, or demons, as some call them, live in normal society. Learning all of the new rules of a world she didn’t know existed might be hard enough, but it’s further complicated by two former-friends that now want to help her take her role as the successor to her grandfather.

There is a war going on between the night humans. Sides have been taken and lines are not crossed. Four main clans of night humans are struggling for control of the night. Divided into two sides, clans Baku and Tengu have been at war for centuries with the clans Dearg-dul and Lycan. That is, until Arianna Grace finds out the truth; she’s the bridge of peace between the two sides. But not everyone wants peace. With the night humans divided, Arianna is now a pawn in the war between them. She must choose a side—her mother’s family or her father’s—and for once in her life, decide her own fate.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Kristin: Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my book and this interview. It is always great to get positive support out there and the blogging community is great for that. I’ve met a lot of really nice people this past year of book blogging and can’t wait to meet more.


Favorite Food

Favorite Dessert

Favorite TV Show
Chocolate, oh wait, TV show…. I don’t actually watch TV since I had kids

Last Movie You Saw
Les Mis- not impressed

Dark or Milk Chocolate
chocolate- all kinds. If it is chocolate, I like it!

Do you have any pets?
Three cats- each 5 years apart in age

TRC: Thank you Kristin for the taking the time to answer some of our questions at The Reading Cafe. Congratulations on the release of TO STAND BESIDE HER and THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE EYES. We wish you all the best in your writing career.


Kristin is offering a fabulous GIVEAWAY for 4 lucky readers. ONE paper back copy of TO STAND BESIDE HER (US only) and 3 ecopies of TO STAND BESIDE HER (International)

1. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in please post your email address with your comment.

3. Giveaway is open to US only (Paperback) and INTERNATIONAL (e-copy).

4. Giveaway runs from March 9-12, 2013


To Stand Beside Her by B.Kristin McMichael-a review

To Stand Beside Her by B.Kristin McMichael-a review

To Stand Beside Her

Amazon / Barnes and Noble / KOBO / The Book Depository

ABOUT THE BOOK: Released January 24, 2013

To be the best courier in the world, eighteen-year-old Benét Leila follows three simple rules: always work alone, never stay in one place too long, and never fall in love. Too bad she didn’t follow her own advice.

Leila is a courier. To the people she takes from, she is seen as a common thief; to the people she helps, she is a savior.

Nalick is your typical king. He’s rich, powerful, and always assumed to be right. When Leila crosses paths with King Nalick, she finds herself trapped. In a rush to save her best friend Kay from a prison sentence for a crime Leila committed, Leila trades her hand in marriage in exchange for Kay’s freedom.


The much sought-after, but elusive “Ghost Courier”, aka Leila Benet, has finally been nabbed – in custody at a king’s palace no less! An ineffectual woman might panic. Ok, Leila is more than a little frazzled; her BFF is also being detained (but she failed an assignment!). Leila thinks only to liberate her friend and sets to negotiate with King Nalick. To Stand Beside Her by B. Kristin McMichael is a lovely Young Adult novel that travels along the pitfalls of procurement adventures, both in goods and persons, and surprises us with a bittersweet twist on the ever-popular love triangle.

King Nalick seemed reasonable. Leila thought him especially so when he dispatched her to a palatial suite instead of the dungeon. King Nalick wouldn’t abuse his power…right? Right indeed, but King Nalick won me over pretty early on. Great character, Ms. McMichael! Ascending to the throne at the precocious age of 14, Nalick has remained true to himself; not allowing the power to override his good senses (so voiced by his loyal personal guard made up of his life-long friend and cousin). But truth be told, it’s time Nalick took a wife. He’s had his eyes, and heart, set on Leila…for a long time.

The initial banter between Nalick and Leila is quick and witty and loaded with retorts – critical elements to capture my interest. Leila’s only 18 with the ferocity of a true tomboy – she isn’t intimidated by Nalick’s title. As a matter of fact, she’s sizing him up, thinking she might best him in weapons and hand-to-hand combat. You can only imagine the crowd that gathers when they put their skills to the test! Slowly, but steadily (and almost without reservation), Leila recognizes worthiness in Nalick; he’s not like the other fiendish kings she’s eluded in the past.

“All I ask in return is that you marry me. If at any time I break my end of the deal, you are free to walk out of here without any explanation and disappear to where ever you go when you leave kings. I promise I will not hunt you down. Your friend has been freed and on her way home.”

What’s more shocking than that? LEILA STAYS. A level-headed young woman, Leila accepts Nalick’s proposal and embraces all the pomp and circumstance that comes with marrying royalty. Yeah right! When word travels of the pending nuptials, spurned kings launch kidnapping attempts and the couple gets even closer as they prepare to defend Leila from enemies. And like all good love stories, Leila has a past. Despite Nalick’s charms and promises to love her, Leila is reluctant. She was previously engaged, but Ms. McMichael doesn’t belabor the fact. Personally, I want the hero to make good on his declarations. Nalick…swoon-worthy!

Enter said twist. While Leila and Nalick develop their relationship (Leila is constantly assuring fellow couriers they encounter along their adventures that she is willingly marrying), a personal guard, Anatolio, is assigned to Leila, though he is to remain in the shadows. Anatolio protects her and becomes her right hand when there is trouble and/or Nalick is unavailable. It’s not obvious from the beginning that Anatolio’s fate is intertwined with Nalick and Leila’s…but it becomes more clear…and unsettling to this reader. There is a purpose behind Anatolio’s presence, but it was difficult for ME to place myself in the situation. I was really Bella in Twilight or Anastasia to Christian Grey; do you know what I mean? It was thrilling to think myself the heroine. Not so much in this case. I felt the triangle was a cross to bear; the proverbial albatross around your neck. Love is hard enough. Add a third person who will feature in your future…when you’re trying to build a here and now and forever with your husband? Confusing, I know, but also unnerving for ME.

As a lover of language arts, grammatical and spelling errors nearly ruined my concentration and general flow of the story, but the structure itself is a sound one; it has all the elements to delight and entertain you. I will no longer speculate on “the twist”; you are going to have to reconcile those feelings when you read the book. There is a thoughtfulness and beauty to the foresight. My sentiment at the end of the book could, or could not, have something to do with that.

Copy supplied by the author.

Reviewed by Carmen P.
