Shawntelle Madison-Interview and Giveaway with the Author

Shawntelle Madison-Interview with the Author

BIO: Shawntelle Madison is a web developer who loves to weave words as well as code. She’d never admit it, but if asked she’d say she covets and collects source code. After losing her first summer job detassling corn, Shawntelle performed various jobs—from fast-food clerk to grunt programmer to university webmaster. Writing eccentric characters is her most favorite job of them all. On any particular day when she’s not surgically attached to her computer, she can be found watching cheesy horror movies or the latest action-packed anime. She lives in Missouri with her husband and children.

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TRC: Hi Shawntelle and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of your latest novel KEPT.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

Shawntelle: I’m a geek who spends way too time much on the computer. When I have spare time I love to read and watch k-dramas.

TRC: Um…please explain….THE DEN OF EVIL? 😉

Shawntelle: In the cartoon Spongebob Square pants, there are a set of geriatric heroes. They fight bad guys who are in the Den of Evil. My kids play in the basement, which could be called a den, and therefore their deed in said basement make them the Den of Evil. 🙂

TRC: You have a degree in Math as well as an undergraduate degree in Russian Studies. How has your education helped with your writing career?

Shawntelle: So far a degree in Math has given me no benefit yet as an author. The next time I do a proof or some calculus, I’ll be sure to tweet that I got a benefit. I actually have a minor in computer science and that has been helpful. I almost finished my degree in Russian Studies. (Almost!) That has been the most helpful so far.

TRC: Many authors develop an interesting in writing at an early age. What was the catalyst that sparked your interest in writing?

Shawntelle: From middle school to high school, I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy. I also read a lot of romance too. My mom had a great collection of books and sometimes we’d have a reading night where there was no TV. Just reading books. Those were some fun times. I think reading all those books got my imagination going.

TRC: COVETED is the first book in your Coveted series focusing on werewolf shifter Natalya Stravinsky. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

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Shawntelle: Coveted is the story of Natalya, a werewolf with a holiday trinket addiction. She has been kicked out of her pack, due to her behavior, and now she is afraid for her life due to a rival werewolf pack that wants to take over her hometown. In the middle of all this, Natalya’s ex-boyfriend returns to town to help the pack. The feelings between them are still strong, but there are too many obstacles in the way.

TRC: Your heroine Natalya has some major emotional and psychological issues. How much research was involved with the development of her character?

Shawntelle: My heroine first came to me as an idea after I read an article from a physician magazine about obsessive compulsive disorders. It talked about the symptoms, treatment plans, and more. Based on Nat’s behavior, a doc would probably diagnose her with obsessive compulsive personality disorder, but it’s easier for everyone to understand she has OCD. Yes, I had a lot of time to read my husband’s books (he is a physician.)

TRC: Where did the idea to write about a werewolf with OCD and hoarding tendencies come from?

Shawntelle: Whoops! Looks like I had answered that already. 😀 I got the idea from a magazine and then I asked myself the question, “What would happen if a werewolf had OCD?”

TRC: Is Natalya or any of the supernatural therapy members based on situations or people in your life?

Shawntelle: All of that came from my noggin. None of it is based on a real situation I have been through.

TRC: KEPT is the latest release (November 2012) in the Coveted series. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

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Shawntelle: In Kept, Natalya will face the trials in her continuing quest to rejoin her pack, but before she can train, her father disappears. A set of events unfold where she must face the man she cannot let go and the man who wants a chance at her heart.

TRC: How many books do you have planned for the series?

Shawntelle: Right now, I have a few ideas. I released a prequel novella featuring Natalya and I have plans to release a prequel with Aggie (Agatha McClure). Beyond that point, I have stories planned for the secondary characters: Heidi, Nick, and Abby.

TRC: I am NOT a fan of love triangles. My heart breaks…I am a mess (*sniff*). Will we see another love interest for “ he who I shall not name”? 😉

Shawntelle: I had plans for both heroes to have a leading lady someday. That’s all I can say.

TRC: If you could virtually cast the series, which actors or models would best represent the main characters in your storylines?

Shawntelle: Interesting question. Natalya-Megan Fox (I had originally pictured a young Joanne Whalley) Thorn-Wilson Bethel (From Hart of Dixie) or maybe Channing Tatum Aggie-Deborah Ann Woll (true blood) Erica-Ali Larter or Charlize Theron

TRC: Writer’s block is a very real phenomenon for many authors. How do you handle the stress and anxiety of writer’s block?

Shawntelle: I put my butt in the chair and I just write. I use the Write or Die application and force myself to just write anything. You’d be surprised what can come out when you just let things go and write.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself either professionally or personally what would it be and why?

Shawntelle: I think I’d give myself more patience. Every now and then I have to say to myself, “Why are you in a hurry? Won’t the world continue to turn if things don’t go at the speed you want?”

TRC: Many authors believe that listening to music helps with their creative energy. Do you listen to music as you write and if so, which style of music do you prefer and why?

Shawntelle: Definitely! I love to listen to music as I write. I actually have a channel on Pandora just for writing. I prefer moody music that evokes an emotional response. It can be anything actually. I have my playlist up on my website.

TRC: With whom do you bounce ideas and information?

Shawntelle: I have a critique group of other writers.

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Shawntelle: I’m working on a few proposals and novellas right now.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Shawntelle: Thanks for having me!


Favorite Food
Steak on the grill.

Favorite Dessert
French silk pie! Yum!

Favorite TV Show
Hands down I’d have to say Project Runway. Been watching since the
first season.

Favorite Movie
My Fair Lady with Audrey Hepburn

Last Movie You Saw
The Possession

Dark or Milk Chocolate

Last Gift you received
A juicer (love fresh juice in the morning!)

Do you have any pets?

TRC: Thank you Shawntelle for taking the time to answer our questions. We are
looking forward to your next installment in the Coveted series. We wish you
all the best.

Shawntelle: Thanks for the opportunity!

Shawntelle is offering an ebook copy (Amazon or B&N) of her latest release KEPT to one lucky member at The Reading Cafe.

1.  You must be a member at The Reading Cafe.  If you are not a member, please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.

2.  If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with a comment as Twitter etc does not allow for contact information.

3.  Giveaway open INTERNATIONALLY

4.  Giveaway runs December 2-December 5, 2012
