Cyclone (Linear Tactical #1) by Janie Crouch-Review and Author Q&A

CYCLONE (Linear Tactical #1) by Janie Crouch-Review and Author Q&A

Linear Tactical #1
by Janie Crouch
Genre: adult, contemporary, romantic, suspense / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 25, 2018

He’d protect her from any threat…
But what if the biggest threat is him?

Doctor Anne Nichols is back in Oak Creek, Wyoming, only because she has no other options. Here, she was always the shy, stuttering girl, invisible to everyone.

Except Zac Mackay. The very reason she left in the first place.

Zac’s years in Special Forces taught him survival skills, and he’s created a company—Linear Tactical—to teach those skills to others, so they never have to live in fear.

Then why is Annie, the last person he’d ever want to hurt, afraid of him?

Zac’s determined to wipe the fear from the eyes of the woman who has never been far from his mind. And fix the mistakes—his mistakes—that put that look there in the first place.

But a predator has set his sights on Annie. And now survival skillswill become much more than lessons


REVIEW: CYCLONE is the first instalment in Janie Crouch’s contemporary, adult LINEAR TACTICAL romantic, suspense series focusing on a group of former Special Forces soldiers who own and operate Linear Tactical, an Oak Creek, Wyoming business focusing on survival skills, security and protection. This is Special Forces Green Beret / widower Zac ‘Cyclone’ MacKay, and ER physician Anne Nichols Griffin’s story line.

Told from dual third person perspectives (Anne and Zac) CYCLONE follows the building relationship between Special Forces soldier / widower Zac ‘Cyclone’ MacKay, and ER physician Anne Nichols Griffin. Six years earlier Anne Nichols’ life imploded when her best friend, and Zac’s wife Becky, along with their young son Micah, was killed in an accident that left Zac a shell of his former self. On the eve of his last deployment, a few days following the death of his beloved wife, Zac destroyed Anne’s already fragile ego, a destruction he doesn’t remember yet is unlikely to forget. Fast forward to present day wherein Anne, now divorced, has returned to her hometown of Oak Creek, Wyoming, to take up a position at the local hospital, a position that places her in direct confrontation with the people from her past. Enter Zac MacKay, and the man with whom Anne Nichols was once in love. What ensues is the rebuilding friendship and relationship between Anne and Zac, and the potential fall-out as a serial rapist descends upon the small-town of Oak Creek, Wyoming targeting our heroine in the process.

Anne Nichols Griffin is unable to forget the destructive nature of Zac MacKay’s anger and pain. Having loved Zac from afar, shy and withdrawn Anne Nichols would be the recipient of his hate spewed vitriol meant to hurt and destroy. An unwilling target but a target none the less, Anne bore the brunt of Zac’s grief and temper forcing our heroine to run, and never look back. Zac MacKay doesn’t remember the night he destroyed Anne’s life; a drunken night full of hatred that pushed away the woman with whom he would fall in love.

The relationship between Zac and Anne is one of second chances, of a sort. A past mired in loss, pain, heart break and anger, Zac and Anne’s rekindling friendship struggles with Anne’s memories and Zac’s lack thereof. Anne refuses to reveal the truth about what happened, it is only when Zac faces a witness to his adolescent and destructive behavior does our hero truly understand the exact nature of Anne’s reluctance to accept Zac’s friendship at face value. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate, without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including a few of Zac’s fellow Special Forces soldiers and business partners: Finn Bollinger, Aiden, Dorian Lindstrom, Finn’s son Ethan, Finn’s sister and local waitress Waverly ‘Wavy’ Bollinger, Sheriffs Curtis Nelson and Landon Rogers, ER nurses Riley Wilde and Mia Stevenson; locals Frank Jenkins, Mayor Barbara Dimont, diner cook Trey, and Frank’s buddy Shawn. Finn’s story line is next in EAGLE.

The world building focuses on the rekindling relationship between Zac and Anne, the search for a rapist, as well as the introduction of the Linear Tactical Team who must do battle to protect one of their own. The small-town of Oak Creek, Wyoming has their fair share of gossips and wannabe’s whose presence drives a good portion of the story line premise.

CYCLONE is a story of family, friendship, forgiveness and unrequited love. The premise is engaging and spirited; the characters are broken, flawed but energetic; the romance is emotional and sensual. CYCLONE is a slow building story of drama and suspense, and the fated reunion between friendship and love.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

This is an author Q & A kindly provided by the author

Question 1: Please tell us a bit about your new release.

Perhaps the most thrilling thing I can say is that CYCLONE (actually the entire Linear Tactical series) is: this is the book I’ve been waiting to write my entire career! It’s longer and sexier, and because I didn’t have to conform to any pre-determined word count, it’s got a deeper and richer feel to the whole novel. I love it and think readers will too!

Zac Mackay has spent his life protecting people—first in the Special Forces, and now as the owner of Linear Tactical, a survival and defense skills school. So why is Anne Griffin—the quiet doctor he never thought he’d see again—afraid of him? He’s determined to wipe that fear from her eyes, and even more, protect her from the predator who has placed Anne in his sights.

This book, man… it’s got the relationship and mystery twists that are keeping everyone guessing! (cue evil laugh)

Question 2: What’s coming next, or what are you working on now?

Next, I’m happy to say, is the continuation of the Linear Tactical series with EAGLE, Finn and Charlotte’s story. You meet those two in Cyclone, and readers are already beating down my proverbial door wanting to read Eagle now!

I deliberately planned the Linear Tactical releases so that readers don’t have to wait long. Eagle releases in October and fan-favorite Shamrock releases at the beginning of December!

Question #3: What distracts you the most when you’re trying to write?

My insanely blessed, full, busy life is what distracts me most! I’m a wife, and mom of four teenagers (aka: amateur taxi driver) so there’s always something happening around my house. Even crazier, we are currently stationed in Stuttgart, Germany in support of my husband’s job at the DoD, so the opportunities for travel here are insane, and we take advantage of it as much as possible (hop over to France for a day? Sure! Morocco for the weekend? Okay!).

So yeah, it can be difficult to stay focused on writing when there’s so much going on. But I set a weekly word count for myself, and try to meet that no matter what.

Question #4: Do you write by the seat of your pants, or do you carefully plot your stories?

I’m most definitely a plotter! Here’s my theory: you’re either a map-user or you’re not.

I could drive across the country without a map, and only a general sense of direction. And who knows, I might end up in some interesting places! But I also might end up having to turn around and backtrack for miles and miles if I get lost—wasting time and causing myself a lot of frustration.

If I take a map and plot out my course, my trip is going to be more efficient, faster and more organized. Some (ahem, pantsers) might say more boring too, but I don’t think so. Instead, I would research the interesting and exciting things I want to see in my book, er…I mean, on my trip, and make sure they’re included from the beginning rather than something I happen to stumble upon.

Of course, I won’t lie, sometimes a wrong turn can lead you to a right place. But ultimately I’d rather plan everything out and get there with my sanity intact.

Question #5: Would you like to share a favorite moment from your writing career?

Favorite moments from my writing career have definitely been my two back-to-back RITA Award nominations (2017 & 2018). Attending the award ceremony in my ball gown was almost surreal. It made me feel like a princess.

But…a princess who was wearing her Wonder Woman converses with her dress, rather than high heels. I’m 5’9. Heels and I don’t get along. And the Wonder Woman shoes kicked ass.

Alas, I didn’t win either time, but fingers crossed that I’ll have another nomination next year. Maybe it will be for Cyclone!

Question #6: What’s your favorite snack and/or beverage while you’re writing?

Wait…there are beverages besides coffee? Why didn’t someone tell me this?

Question #7: What’s your ideal scenery while you’re writing?

I would absolutely love to write on a train in my own private passenger/sleeping car. They have a few of those long routes across Europe close to where we live (um, Venice to Prague to Paris anyone? Yes, please!), and if these trains didn’t cost exactly 8 million dollars, I would totally do it.

Writing while in my personal cabin, looking out at the scenery flying by…a steward bringing me all my meals? Sounds like some perfect scenery to me!

Question #8: What are three romance novels on your to-be-read list?

Don’t Trust a Killer – Cynthia Eden’s new release. Seriously, is there anything this woman can’t write? She does romantic suspense, paranormal, steamy romance. And I love it all!

Hunting Danger by Katie Reus. She’s one of today’s best romantic suspense authors in my opinion. Happy to share a release date with her and can’t wait to get my hands on this one!

Dirty Headlines by L.J. Shen. Because I can already feel the steam coming off my e-reader every time I even think about opening it.

Question #9: Tell us something interesting about yourself?

Something a little interesting about me is that I spent my Christmas break last year trekking to Mt. Everest Base Camp with my eldest daughter in Nepal. Took ten days to hike up (you’re at 17,580 feet at the highest point—over three times the altitude of the “mile-high” city of Denver), and 3 days to hike back down (unless you’re like our group and someone gets food poisoning and has to be medevac-ed off the mountain—but…that’s a different story for a different time.)

It was a life-changing experience that pushed us to our absolute limits. It changed my world perspective, forever. (I blogged about our journey on my website if anyone wants more info)

USA TODAY bestselling author Janie Crouch writes what she loves to read: passionate romantic suspense. She is a winner and/or finalist of multiple romance literary awards including the Golden Quill Award for Best Romantic Suspense, the National Reader’s Choice Award, and the coveted RITA© Award by the Romance Writers of America.

Janie recently relocated with her husband and their four teenagers to Germany (due to her husband’s job as support for the U.S. Military), after living in Virginia for nearly 20 years. When she’s not listening to the voices in her head (and even when she is), she enjoys engaging in all sorts of crazy adventures (200-mile relay races; Ironman Triathlons, treks to Mt. Everest Base Camp) traveling, and movies of all kinds.

Her favorite quote: “Life is a daring adventure or nothing.” ~ Helen Keller.

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