The Legacy/ Fae Hunter by Amelia Shaw-Reviews & Guest Post

The Legacy / Fae Hunter (Slayer Academy) by Amelia Shaw-Review and Guest Post

Slayer Academy Year 1
by Amelia Shaw
Genre:new adult, paranormal
Release Date: July 1, 2019 / / / /

From nerdy bookworm to Fae Slayer in training.

My life is carefully planned, and blissfully free of surprises. I hate surprises.

Discovering I come from a long line of Fae Slayers and must give up my position at a prestigious college to attend a Slayer Academy?

Worst. Surprise. Ever.

I’m a nerd. A bookworm. I slay with words, not swords.

Fighting to stay at the top of the class is nothing compared to fighting to survive.

If the deadly weapons and mysteriously hot, but possibly evil guys don’t kill me, then six months without cell reception might.

He haunts my dreams… His eyes pierce my soul.. but will my sword have to pierce his heart?

Megara’s battle to survive Slayer Academy has just begun. Weapons classes, unexpected passion, and forbidden love await in The Legacy…

The legacy is the first book in a New Adult, college-age paranormal academy series. Expect magic lessons, a bookworm heroine, a sexy scene or two,and a slow-burn forbidden love romance

***Author note – this series is three novella length urban fantasy books. Recommended 17+ due to language and love scenes.


REVIEW: Reading the back cover, I got the impression of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I liked that show, so I flipped the kindle open and dived in…..

Megara (or Meg to her friends)is not a kick ass warrior woman, Meg is a book worm, she’s not use to fighting and certainly not monsters. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s go back …..

Meg is off to do a gap year before deciding what’s next in her life she very excited. But her whole world is about to change, and in her opinion, not for the better.

She’s unaware that both her parents are Fae slayers (and are pretty good at their job) and it’s time for their daughter to leave this life and enrol in Slayer Academy, to say that Megara is shocked and displeased is an understatement…… she’s thinking it’s a big joke, but as it sinks in, she realises her family are serious, they are going to shop her off to some school….

Arriving at the front of the academy Megara is in awe of the building, but she’s also a little apprehensive, it doesn’t look too friendly, and the nerves Meg had been suppressing, come back big a bang (this is all some terrible dream).

We meet other class mates (and that wasn’t a great first meeting) they aren’t impressed, the Callum’s are great warriors and hunters of the Fae, and Meg, well she’s a big disappointment!!!

We then read all the fun times (not) with weaponry (she’s no good with swords) and her hand to hand skills are a joke!!! But the other lessons, Meg is a keen student and makes the grades.

And it’s not teenage angst unless there is a love story…. and this one will be a forbidden one, why? Is Fiore Fae ? And if so, that’s a big NO NO in the slayer world, they can’t and shouldn’t be together, but you try telling a teenager NO?and Fiore (that’s the hunks name) is definitely worth disobeying everyone for. There is just something about him (besides being hot) there is a connection Megara has never felt with anyone before. But there is also that element of danger that keeps Meg from falling too deep.
We also have Brutus (a student at the school) there is definitely a spark between them, so we could have a love triangle?

Oh and did I mention a Legacy? (Well the title does give it away) it’s her legacy, five generations of her family have attended and have slain the evil Fae. Is there more to her legacy (I have a feeling there is)

So if you like heroines that’s aren’t warriors, that are nerds first and foremost, then you definitely need to pick this book up.

And book two….. if it’s half as good as this one, then I’m in.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Julie B ?


Slayer Academy Year 2
by Amelia Shaw
Genre:new adult, paranormal
Release Date: August 1, 2019 / / / /

From Fae Slayer to renegade rebel.
Slayer Academy 101:
•The Fae are evil
•A Slayer must trust their instincts.

Well, my instincts are flashing like a neon sign—the Academy can’t be trusted.
I’ve glimpsed the true heart of a Fae prince. Fiore is kind, merciful and saved my life.
Now he’s missing.

Journeying to the Fae realm is treacherous, especially with Nyeer, the Fae prince who tried to kill me.
But loathing soon turns to lust and Nyeer strips away my defenses—along with my clothes— until my heart’s in just as much danger as my life.

This Fae Slaying gig is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Magic lessons and weapons classes were child’s play compared to the fight to rescue Fiore and protect the Fae Kingdom.
And to save three Fae princes, their Kingdom’s only defense… I may have to give them up forever.

Author warning: This book is much hotter than book 1. ***Fae Hunter is the second book in a College-age Paranormal Reverse Harem Academy series.


REVIEW: Reading the description I got the distinct impression our Meg is turning into a little slut!!! (Well she slept with Brutus, she’s been having sexy dreams about Fiore, and now she’s turned her attention to Nyeer) I can’t keep up with the girl?

We start this book at the beginning of a new term, Meg has just spent the last two weeks at her parents, catching up with her BFF and family. But now she’s back, her mission is clear …… Find evidence that the Fae aren’t as bad as the history books say they are.

Megara/Meg has decided that she’s not going to hunt and kill the evil Fae, she’s going to find out what the truth is, and she feels like the Fae have had a raw deal for centuries. But proving it will be difficult, she can’t tell her roommates, she can’t tell Brutus (sparring partner and part time lover) she can’t even ask the librarian. She’s on this mission alone. She just needs to speak to Fiore or Nyeer (one of the Fae leaders)

She gets her wish sooner than she anticipated, a portal opens and a figure emerges…..

Fiore is missing!!! Meg needs to do something, she feels like it’s her fault. She needs to do research whilst waiting for Nyeer to return in three days time.

After meeting up with Nyeer, he takes her back to his castle (he is one of the three princes that rules the Fae kingdom, Fiore being one of the others)
Teaching Meg defence movements has her all hot and bothered, and before you know it Meg and Nyeer are going at it like bunny rabbits (this not I found a bit disconcerting, if there is a connection between Fiore and Meg, why is she in bed with Nyeer?)

The third prince (Everly) makes an appearance at the castle and is disgusted that no one is looking for the third Prince (Fiore) Meg is feeling really guilty and steps up the attempts to find Fiore……
With luck and a little magic, they find where Fiore is being held, and plan a rescue.

Do they rescue Fiore? Will Megara have to chose? And who will it be?
And boy is it a cliffhanger ending……

This book is more racier than the first, it felt like it was heading towards a reverse harem (three guys one woman)

copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Julie B?

Hi guys! Thank you so much for asking me to do a post today. I’ve been writing on and off for ten years, and have been published for the last six years or so.

Follow: Facebook / Website / Bookbub Instagram /

I write under several pen names, and my other PNR one is Tamsin Baker, but I leave that pseudonym for more of my LGBT or unusual projects now.

My latest series is – the Slayer Academy.

A college aged- New adult, Paranormal Academy serial. A trilogy. It’s my first ever New adult story, so it’s been challenging to get the themes and language right.

Not to mention the fact I’d never written about the Fae before. I loved the idea of the touch of magic, other realms and beautiful men. I mean- who doesn’t? But getting the balance right was hard as well.

Question 1. Cover Images-do you believe a cover image can make or break a book sale?

I do. I am a massive cover art collector. I love pre-mades and have over ten files sitting in my old downloads that I know I’ll never use- but HAD to buy them at the time. Without thought to market or genre- I just wanted them.

I think you have to have an appealing cover- but it also has to tell the person looking at it- exactly what the book is about in the two second glance we give a new cover.

I do like my covers for this series- but since launching them I’ve acknowledged that I will need to hire a higher priced, more photoshop trained designer for my next series.

Question 2. Balancing writing and family.

Hmmm… well, to answer this question correctly, I will have to reveal that I live in an unusual family situation. My relationship is a closed poly triad, with my husband and our live in partner/girlfriend. My husband has four grown children, I have two biological children and I help raise my girlfriends two children. So in short, we have three adults, four children under ten and I have a day job as well.

How do I balance it all? Prioritise. I have a cleaner- my girlfriend and I share the washing, the cooking, the shopping. I try to write in pockets of time I have when my kids are asleep, at school, or at their fathers.

My writing is a passion, a need, a must. I can’t… not write. So, like with all passions, I think you find the time. Even if it means I don’t watch much tv, but I always have quality time with my kids and my partners.

That’s my priority as I work towards publishing and writing full time.

Thanks for your time! And I hope you enjoy one, some or ALL of my books!

Tamsin Baker aka Amelia Shaw aka Fiona Myers

