Seeder Shadow Wars by J. Houser-Review, Interview & Giveaway

Seeder Shadow Wars (Seeder Wars 1) by J. Houser-Review, Interview & Giveaway

Seeder Shadow Wars
(Seeder Wars 1)
by J. House
Release Date: September 17, 2021
Genre: Young Adult, paranormal / / / /

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Avoiding assassination wasn’t on Mel’s to-do list for her junior year. Learning she wasn’t human hadn’t made the list, either.

An only child with overprotective parents, Melody Walters just wants a drama-free year—and to be able to date. She gains the interest of more than one suitor, but doesn’t realize any one of them could be an enemy on the hunt. For her, the dating scene could prove deadly.

Mel discovers she’s a member of a botanical race, forced to hide their daughters in the human world until they mature enough for their powers to bloom. Something goes wrong with her blooming process, breaking her cover and jeopardizing the lives of her protectors and the large family she’d never known about.

With the enemy threat ever-looming, in a rush to master her new powers before she’s stranded in the human world forever, Mel struggles to decide who she can trust and if the sacrifice being asked of her is too great.


REVIEW: Mel is just your typical high school student. The usual dramas that come with being that age…..A possible new love interest and the fact her best friend is in love with her! See totally normal stuff.So when she finds out that she’s not human! Well, that throws up a lot of questions, and she needs answers, like now!

Finding out those answers (will make sense of the prologue) only make her life more complicated!Oh and her bitter enemy The Ivies) want her dead! Wait! She has enemies that want her dead! Could her life get anymore complicated? Well yes it can, she can also wield magic!And her parents decide to foster a child, but not a little one! No he had to be an annoying senior in her school!!

So where does her best friend Zach and her new love interest come in?Can they be trusted?Mel begins to look at everyone as a potential enemy!

Wow! That was totally different from anything I’ve read so far.What a great story.Very detailed, very meticulous and well thought out. Lots of background story (which will also make the prologue make sense)Seeders are supernaturals who give life to seeds that will eventually grow into the next generation.The bad guys are the Ivies, they want to annihilate the seeder population from existence, and by separating the next generation and hiding them from the Ivies, the Seeders can try to guarantee that it doesn’t happen.

So will Mel ignore her growing power’s? Or will she go home to Green Lands and learn more about her heritage and help in the fight to win against the enemy? But if she does that she’s going to have to leave all and everyone she knows and loves…..

And now I’m anxious to read what happens next.
It doesn’t hang on a cliffhanger, but it does leave it open to another book (which I’m hoping will be soon) ?

I’d highly recommended this book to lovers of the paranormal and the readers who like something a little different.

? Reviewed by Julie B

Copy supplied for review

TRC: We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

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J. Houser: I’m a debut indie author, but I aspire to be a multi-genre hybrid author. From adult sci-fi post-apocalyptic romance to young adult dystopian romance, to sweet contemporary romance… Apparently, I have a hard time not writing romance… But, I’m not good at limiting myself to just one kind of story.

TRC:Who or what influenced your career in writing?

J. Houser: I have a hard time answering this because I honestly have never been a huge reader. Perhaps it’s the ADHD, but I have a hard time just focusing on one thing. Once I get into it, I binge-read, but I have a hard time allowing myself to invest that much of myself most of the time. I wasn’t the stereotypical writer that knew as a kid they wanted to do this and constantly wrote stories and begged people to read them. My first novel was written after I turned 35. Once I realized it could be fun to write a journey that I could share with others, something clicked.

TRC:What challenges or difficulties did you encounter writing and publishing this story?

J. Houser: It’s been a TON of learning as a debut indie author. From endless revisions to losing my mind trying to work with the printer … there’s been a lot of learning along the way! I’m hoping that means future releases will go much smoother as I’ve grown so much in this process!

TRC:Would you please tell us something about the premise of SEEDER SHADOW WARS?

J. Houser: SEEDER SHADOW WARS started from a snippet of a dream I had. I had been interested in writing fantasy but wanted something different from the usual tropes. Botanical beings became a thing! Immediately, I knew it involved hidden identities and assassins, and in the mix of it all were clueless humans in their own world.

TRC:What kind of research/plotting did you do, and how long did you spend researching /plotting before beginning SEEDER SHADOW WARS?

J. Houser: I’m very much a discovery writer. I don’t plot much and I had no idea what was going to happen until I wrote it. I find it fun to join the journey with the characters. That said, I wrote the entire trilogy before moving to final edits on book 1 because I had to go back and add a lot more foreshadowing or editing of the magic system to ensure it all made sense.

TRC:How many books do you have planned for the series? Will Melody Walters be the lead heroine in each of the stories?

J. Houser: It all started out as a standalone. Then I found I needed to know more about the world and people involved. It then turned into a trilogy. And then a fourth and fifth book were written… And I have at least 2 more books planned. I might have an addiction. But my beta readers love the couples and so do I, so the series will continue as long as there’s a new unique story worth sharing. Melody Walters is still very present as a POV character in the other books of the main trilogy, but in book 2 we meet another heroine that is a little more front and center in books 2 & 3. One of the other drafted books is the love story and behind-the-scenes of Mel’s parents.

TRC:Believability is an important factor in writing and reading paranormal/fantasy story lines. How do you keep the story line believable in a genre that often crosses the line between reality and fantasy?

J. Houser: Because our heroine grew up thinking she was human, it’s easy for me to get into her head. I try my best to not have overpowered, unrealistic characters. How many teenage girls do you know that are prepared to take on assassins? I really focus on the interiority of the characters for their arcs, making the story character-driven instead of plot-driven. I try to address (throughout the series) a variety of themes like mental health and discrimination. I feel like doing so in a fantasy setting makes more serious conversations accessible. Another thing that helps with believability for me is hard magic—there have to be rules, consequences, limitations.

TRC:Do you believe the cover image plays a deciding factor for many readers in the process of selecting a book or new series to read?

J. Houser: Absolutely. We all know ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ is a saying about people and not actually books. We shop with our eyes first.

TRC:When writing a storyline, do the characters direct the writing or do you direct the characters?

J. Houser: There’s some give and take, but as a discovery writer, they often tell me along the way who they are and what they’re going to do. I sometimes sit back and question a scene, asking if it’s really true to what they’d do. There have definitely been revisions along the way. In the end, when I question if their choice is the right one, I’ve been known to say ‘At some point, you have to let the characters be who they are.’

TRC:The mark of a good writer is to pull the reader into the storyline so that they experience the emotions along with the characters. What do you believe a writer must do to make this happen? Where do you believe writers fail in this endeavor?

J. Houser: We need moments of introspection now and then. If we don’t understand the reasoning behind their actions, then we don’t care or relate. I’ve learned that a lot from beta readers. When I haven’t done a good job at showing the character’s emotions and inner thoughts, they can easily come off as careless, stupid, weak, or rude. But once we see their perspective—even if we don’t agree with their choices—we can understand it. In books from other authors that I’ve failed to enjoy, we lack that interiority, that understanding of what makes the characters tick. I feel disconnected and tend to judge the characters more harshly. Awkward prose that makes me stumble (like excessive or weird metaphors every other paragraph when describing how their heart is beating) really makes them feel more distant.

TRC:Do you listen to music while writing? If so, does the style of music influence the storyline direction? Characters?

J. Houser: Very rarely. I have sometimes listened to ‘study music’ to drown out other noises, but I could never write with lyrics on. I get too distracted and it takes me out of the place I need to be.

TRC:What do you believe is the biggest misconception people have about authors?

J. Houser: As an indie author, I feel like there’s such a nasty stigma about self-publishing. Which is completely understandable, because I’ve read those poorly edited books out there, too… But as someone that’s utilized beta readers, critique partners, editors, etc, I’d like to believe that people could give us more of a chance to see if we’ve made the investment. We don’t all just jot down some thoughts, doodle a cover, and slap it on Kindle.

TRC: What is something that few, if anyone, knows about you?

J. Houser: That I’m absolutely terrified to be focusing so much on my publishing career, lol. I’ve quit my day job. I know that’s not the ‘smart’ thing to do. I’ve been told I’m brave. But really, it’s a combo of self-acceptance of where I’m at in my life, and absolute desperation in wanting a fulfilling, creative career. I’ve always been a good employee, but my personality and mental health don’t fair all that well in a traditional workplace. I’ve always had the drive, but not the courage, to be an entrepreneur. Creating and sharing are a major part of who I am.

TRC:Who or what influenced your path towards a young adult, paranormal story line?

J. Houser: I’m often drawn to writing YA books because I like the themes (i.e. self-discovery, navigating big changes in life) and because I tend to like things a bit ‘tamer.’ No on-page sex or tons of swearing. They say to write what you want to read. And as crazy as it sounds, as a woman in my mid-thirties—I feel like I relate to these teens after having gone through a divorce. I find myself back at square one asking, like them, ‘where to now?’ As for fantasy or paranormal… I grew up watching Star Trek and Stargate with my dad. Yeah, those are sci-fi, but it’s in the same arena. There’s a fun escapism involved.

TRC:On what are you currently working?

J. Houser: Everything and nothing? As a writer with ADHD, I’m often working on multiple manuscripts at a time. Though lately, I’ve been so occupied with learning things like formatting and marketing that I haven’t had time to just sit and write all of the stories mentally plotted in my head. Next, I’ll probably rewrite the short story that takes place between books 1 & 2 in this series that will be a preorder bonus for readers.


Favorite Food

Favorite Dessert
Chewy brownies

Favorite TV Show
I don’t actually watch TV much. I mostly binge Youtube.

Last Movie You Saw
One of the newer Disney ones… can’t remember the name.

Dark or Milk Chocolate
Depends on the mood and what it’s paired with.

Secret Celebrity Crush
I’m weird. Don’t really have one.

Last Vacation Destination
Utah to visit family for Christmas

Do you have any pets?
My mini poodle/bichon frise pup, Mia. We’re each other’s emotional support creature.

Last book you read
Book 2 in my series as I edited? lol. I think it was The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson.

TRC:Thank you J. Houser for the great interview answers. Congratulations on the release of your first novel SEEDER SHADOW WARS

J. Houser is graciously offering an ebook copy of SEEDER SHADOW WARS to two (2) commenters at The Reading Cafe.

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10. Giveaway runs from September 17-22, 2021
