Jason Baca-Interview with the Model

Jason Baca-Interview with the Model



Hi Jason and welcome to The Reading Cafe.  Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions.  It is
always nice to meet the man behind the cover.  We would like to start with some background information

Name:  Jason Aaron Baca
YOB:  1973
Birthplace:  San Jose California
Height:  5’10”
Eye color:  Brown
Hair Color:  Brown
Marital Status:  Married
Siblings: 2 sisters

TRC: Would you please tell us something about your self-growing up?  Interests,
hobbies, sports etc

Jason – Sure, well I was born and raised in a rich town called Los Gatos, CA where I played for my high school baseball team. I was a well liked kid growing up and was always involved in some kind of athletic function. If I wasn’t in one of my sports then I could be found hiking with my friends up in the mountains near my house. That hobbie stuck with me most through the years.

TRC: Were your parent(s) always supportive and did they encourage you with whatever you wanted to do?

Jason – Oh Absolutely. My Dad was very supportive when it came to baseball. He wanted to see me go all the way to the big leagues. My Mom was supportive as well and was there for me many times.

TRC: As a young man in high school, your dream was to be a professional baseball player.  What happened to change your life direction?

Jason  – Well I honestly knew I couldn’t play at a higher level then college. I was an excellent high school player and a “good” college player. But in college that isn’t good enough if you are going to be considered for the pro’s. I knew in my heart that a change would be imminent. Once my decision was reached I had a hard time accepting it and moving on because I really didn’t know what moving meant or where it would be. It wasn’t until I hit my low in life that I was able to figure out what inspired me about life again.

TRC: Do you still participate as a player during your ‘down’ time?  Have you ever considered owning your own team (farm or otherwise)?

Jason – With regards to baseball? No. I hung my cleats up in college and they remain there as a part of history. I am not going to rekindle any baseball to see if I’ve still got it. I know some people that can’t seem to get over it and go out and play a doubleheader on Sunday’s with the other guys. Its very unserious. When I played baseball, it was serious, intense.. And that’s how I like things.. Some like it that other way and its just not me.

TRC: Did you ever have a chance to try-out or play in a ‘scouts’ game?

Jason – No, but I do actually “scout” every so often for my old college coach. It is a very rare occasion but he told me that if I’m ever at any high school or junior college games to let him know of any prospects. I’ve actually found a couple guys for him.

TRC: You were Freddie Prinze jr’s double on the set of “I Know What You Did Last Summer”.  Take us through a day as a double on a movie set?

TRC: Jason – Sure, well you arrive early and right away one of the P.A.’s takes you aside and brings you over to waredrobe. They put on your clothing and then send you off to hair & makeup. They do you up real good so that you resemble the main actor. After that, its a lot of hurrying up and waiting. Being on location is a lot of slow motion followed be extreme chaos and stress… then back to slow motion again. It really plays with the mind.


The hours are long though.. Sometimes 13 hour nights.. For I Know What You Did Last Summer it was a lot of night shots so they began filming as soon as the sun went down and stopped as soon as the sun went up. I was a morning person so I’d feel really tired constantly… But I loved the whole experience.

TRC: You were ‘discovered’ and began your modeling career, from the exposure on the same movie.  Please tell us how you were discovered?

Jason – Ok I’d love to.. It was about the 4th or 5th day on location there in Bodega Bay. They were snapping off photos for the movie cover. The photographer saw me and asked if he could take some shots of me. I didn’t know that at the time I was getting my first major photo session even if it only lasted a few minutes. I think he was mainly doing the shots to get an idea of the lighting or how crisp the photos would come out.. But then he ended up saying how photogenic I was and that I was a natural. He asked if I’d modeled before because I seemed like a natural at it.

I told him no.. I hadn’t. But that he could send me the photos so that I could maybe try… He mailed me some of the stills which I inturn took to a lab to get developed. The person working in the lab turned out to be a photographer as well and called my number that was on the package and asked if I’d like to do a photo shoot for him. Turned out to be my 2nd big connection…

TRC: What was your first assignment as a model, and how did you feel when you saw your first picture in print?

Jason – YMLA clothing line which I believe Sketchers owns. They are a flashy, standout clothing line that sold their clothes in Macy’s mainly. It was a wonderful feeling though. I remembered showing my friend Andy. He doubted my ability to model before that, but after showing him the magazine he said…”Ohhh boyy, you are starting to make a believer out of me homecheese!”

TRC: Do you keep copies of most of your work e.g magazine covers, print ads, romance covers?

Jason: I sure did! Its all worth its weight in gold to me. Even though none of my family gets excited about this stuff, I know what it takes to get in all of it. Sure it’s a lot easier now a days because I’m established and just like anything that you become successful at, more and more happens. But in the beginning when you had zero experience, it was gratifying.

But yes, today I hang on to ALL my romance novels. They are something I cherish. I feel quite honored being that authors cover model.

TRC: You have experience in several different modeling genres including print, commercial, swimwear and romance covers.  Which shoot is the most difficult and which type of assignment do you prefer?

Jason – I have graduated to romance novels. My time with print and fashion have passed. I feel that is more for the younger model as with clothing ads. But back then my face wasn’t old enough to do what I do today…  So yes, I feel my modeling is ideal for the romance novels.

TRC: Do you know the number of romance covers that you currently appear?

Jason – Currently I’m at #82 and counting. Last year was a very productive year for me.

TRC: AS a model (both print and cover) you must keep a healthy image and thus an active work-out regimen and diet.  What is your current fitness regimen and diet?  Does it differ during an assignment than when you are not shooting?

Jason – Well actually I always believe that a model should stay “Photo ready” or just outside being photoshoot ready. To stay this way I make sure to exercise 1 hour per day 6 days per week. Then on my day off I usually take a brisk walk or something moderate to keep the calories burning.

My diet consists of fresh fruits and mixed greens… my favorite dish being an arugula caesar salad
with lite dressing. I eat only the freshest of meats and poultry. When I arrive at the super market I prefer
to only choose the highest qualities of fish straight from the ocean. I prefer fresh Mahi Mahi over Frozen. A lot of vital nutrients are lost during freezing.

TRC: Have you ever considered a career in motivational fitness training?

Jason – Well actually no I haven’t. But I feel compelled to mention that I do fitness routine shoots for a few of our national magazines. There I can explain through photos what exercises are best for achieving the best body and muscles possible.

TRC:  Have you ever been interested in run-way modeling?

Jason – I have been asked this one before.. And I know you are referring to Catwalk. I have done it once before. Its not easy at all. You only get one shot to get it right and look confident. that type of modeling is not me. Take a special model to do that and give those that do a lot of credit. Sure I can act confident and play the part better then the average guy but I have other things I like doing more.

TRC:  The subject of nude photography can be a touchy subject for many models. Some photographs are discrete while others cross the line from erotic to pornographic.  You once appeared in an issue of Playgirl.  What is your opinion about nude photography?

Jason – Well I’ve appeared more then once… Most recent was their 2009 Calendar. But I don’t see anything wrong with it. We all have a birthday suit. I don’t do it anymore though. Its very easy for the photos to end up in magazines you don’t want to be in. I have done classy artistic nudes before that don’t cross the line, then I’ve done Playgirl which is you know…I don’t really think its as big of a deal as most people make it..

TRC: What would you tell a young model, just starting his or her career about nude photography?

Jason: Just don’t over expose yourself. Make sure to read your model release carefully before signing it. Most of these photographers will try making $$ off you with these.. Don’t settle for just a base rate.

TRC: What do you do when you are not modeling or acting?  Do you have a ‘second’ career?

Jason : I work as a clerk for a county office in my area full time. It is a job, I like it and it keeps me busy and helps me “fit in” with the rest of society when I don’t have a shoot.


TRC: You have appeared in a few movies including Nash Bridges, The Sculptress and The New World.  Do you have any upcoming TV or movie appearances?

Jason: No new movies though I continue to renew my SAG card. I give my 100% devotion to whatever I’m working on. At this time in my life, its the romance novels. I have a milestone number that I’m approaching. Until I reach it, I won’t do anything else.

TRC : You have had two books published –Journey of a Male Model (2004) and Overexposed (2007) both documenting your journey into the modeling world and advice for new, intermediate and experienced models. Would you please tell us about the premise of your books?

Jason: Sure The books were designed as a guide for beginning models. I wrote them because of my own issues walking into a Barnes & Noble and not seeing 1 book on modeling. I wanted to get a resource out there for them/us. A book on How To Model for Dummies kinda thing. Lucky I was able to share my words with so many of the readers. I basically detail how,what,where and who to talk to in the business of print modeling.

TRC: What was your decision to write an expose about yourself and guideline? Do you consider the books self-help for the model?

Jason: My decision to write about myself in these books all the frustrations I was having and to share my experiences with readers. My hopes were that struggling models would read this book and realize there is more in store when they aren’t getting phone calls for photo shoots. There are emails they could be sending, phone calls they could be making.

TRC : Do you have plans for a third book?  A trilogy of sorts 😉

Jason: Maybe.. I considered writing a book on how to be a romance novel model but will hold off until I have retired from the business.

TRC : Have you ever considered publishing or posing for a calendar?

Jason – Yes and actually have on 4 of them in the years 2001,2003,2005,2009. There could be others that I’d never seen besides that.

TRC: What is next on the schedule for your career?

Jason: Well a lot actually. I have many shoots coming up here that have me with different female models. I’m headed into a new phase of romance novel shoots that involve women more. It should be a lot of fun and interesting.

TRC: If someone wants to purchase your stock photos for covers, where would they go?


Jason : Yes they can go to this site – The Author’s Red Room-Jason Baca
There is a cover artist on the site too that can create a cover for the author as well.

TRC:  What is your main website?

Jason – Jason Aaron Baca-Deviantart

TRC:  And do you have an agent?

Jason – Yes I do actually Halvorson Model Mgmt. http://www.hmmodels.com


Favorite Food – I enjoy swordfish meatloaf with ginger marmalade but also enjoy rare-roasted partridge breast in raspberry coulis.

Favorite Dessert – Godiva Chocolate Mousse whipped with a dash of mint

Favorite Movie – Gladiator , Rocky IV

Favorite TV Show – Survivor

Last Movie that you sawBenjamin Button , Yes Man. and some other one I can’t remember. Must not have been that good then.

Boxers, Briefs or Commando (we always ask)Briefs! Hey I like to know where I’m at at all times!

What book is on your nightstand?Tony Robbins Unlimited Power & Arnolds Encyclopedia

Do you like to sing in the shower?No, should I start tonight?

TRC:  Only if you record it for us 😉

Dark or Milk Chocolate – Dark chocolate because I can’t control myself with the milk kind. It is my weakness.

Where did you go on your last vacation? Maui, to a remote and peaceful shore. A place where you have cold feet no more. The course feel of sand exfoliating your skin which warms you every step. The smells of Maui are very heavenly.

TRC:  Thank you Jason for taking the time to answer our questions.  We wish you the best of luck with your modeling and acting career.  Please keep us informed of your future endeavors.  WE look forward to hearing from you.
