Interview with Cover Model and Actor Joseph Cannata

Interview with Cover Model and Actor Joseph Cannata

With the release of Laura Wright’s new novel BRANDED, we have the pleasure of interviewing the amazing Joseph Cannata-cover model and actor. Let’s welcome Joseph to The Reading Cafe.


TRC: Hi Joseph and welcome to The Reading Café. Congratulations on getting the cover of Laura Wright’s BRANDED.

We would like to start with some background information. Would you please tell us something about yourself?

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Joseph: Thank you Sandy, well you’ve got my name down already, so we’re off to a good start. I am an Actor/Model born and raised in the beautiful City of Toronto, Ontario. Both my mother and father still tease me to this day that my career is in front of a camera, growing up, I was painfully shy.

TRC: What were your goals and aspirations growing up?

Joseph: When I was a lot younger, I had a fascination with airplanes, I wanted to be a pilot for a very long time. Later on I was working toward becoming a firefighter while also being introduced to acting through my drama class. I figured I’d work hard at acting so that one day I would be a firefighter in a movie or show (less risk I suppose ☺ )

TRC: As a Canadian actor/model do you see many differences or similarities in the industry between the countries?

Joseph: It seems to be getting better in Canada, the industry and a whole. But I personally think there are still many differences, there just doesn’t seem to be enough work in Canada, even though there is work going on all the time, the opportunity for those big break jobs just don’t come around as often as they do in the USA or around the world.

TRC: Will you please tell us about how you got started in the modeling/cover modeling business?

Joseph: I was actually taking a personal break from the business, when my current had sent me an email asking if I was interested in having representation for print work. It was perfect timing for me as I was getting ready to start work again and was going to be on the hunt for new representation. Modeling for me wasn’t something I had interest in per say, I am fortunate enough to have a look that clients find desirable and was more than happy to get involved in it and see where it goes.



TRC: Your most recent cover is BRANDED by Laura Wright. Do you know the number of novel covers that your image has appeared?

Joseph: Unfortunately I’ve actually lost count of the number of books I’ve done. I know my mother is an avid collector of the novels and the book shelf seems to be growing each time I visit my family.



TRC: What was your first ‘published’ cover and by whom?


Joseph: I will never forget my first time, shooting a book cover ☺ It was called “Forever Buckhorn” by Lori Foster

TRC: At times, there has been a ‘stigma’ surrounding the male model and the romance-cover industry. What is your opinion about the recent popularity of the romance/paranormal storyline and the very busy industry of the romance cover model? In other words, do you believe the cover images help sell the books?

Joseph: I think it’s great, most people see the industry dominated by women, which is true. However, there are pleanty of male modeling jobs out there, great ones. Working on cover books is part of that, they’re always a fun, relaxed shoot, the art diretors always set the mood for the shoot before we start which certainly helps me get into whatever character I need to portray. I do think the cover images are very important. Most people are very visual, and they enjoy being able to imagine the cover guy/girl being a real person. People go nuts when they find out a book they love so much is going to film, they want to know who the actors will be. We always have this image in our head of what they’ll look like, It’s a fun process.

TRC: Have you ever had a photo shoot that went completely wrong?

Joseph: Hmm, I think I’ve only experienced one cover shoot with an issue. I was working with two little twin girls. Working with children is always very challenging, their parents are on set and close by and I find that is a huge distraction, not only for me, but for the children themselves. One of the girls was very comfortable with me, the other wouldn’t stop crying and wanting her mother. I felt that it was my fault that, wow! I must be bad at my job to make this little girl cry, ha ha! It all worked out in the end, with a little photoshop magic, both girls appeared on the cover.

TRC: Nudity in modeling or acting can be controversial. Some pictures can cross the line between sexuality and pornography. What would you tell young models just entering the business about nude modeling?



Joseph: My personal opinion on it, male or female. You have to ask yourself, what type of work it is you’re in the business for. There is nothing wrong with sexuality or pornography in print, however they are completely different areas of modeling. It all comes down the project, what it’s being used for, who’s the photographer and where it will be published.

TRC: Who do you most admire and why?

Joseph: It may sound cliché, but I’ve got to say my mother. Not only has she brought me into this world, but also she has raised me exactly the way I would want to be raised, with nothing but love and affection. She is my biggest fan, always supporting me when things are going well and when I’m having moments of “can I really do this job forever”. She will always push me and keep my confidence at a healthy level, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without her support. I’ve seen her go through a lot the past year and her strength and patience deserves an award.


TRC: What is your most embarrassing moment?

Joseph: Oh boy, I think every audition I go to is my most embarrassing moment. They’re always so silly and will never be able to accept them for what they are! However a very embarrassing story before I was acting/modeling happened at a clothing store I used to work at. A customer was taking fancy to me, of course I didn’t really put it all together until all the girls and manager at the store were laughing at me. The customer had asked me to try on a few articles of clothing because I was roughly the size of the person she was shopping for. That was the easy part, until she asked me if I could try on some underwear for her. Me being me, I went to my manager and asked if I could try on the underwear for this customer, you know, you’ve gotta keep the customers happy. She laughed at me and said Joseph, I think she likes you! I felt my face start heating up and I finally figured it out that she wanted to see me in some briefs!

TRC: When you are not modeling what can we find you doing-in other words-what is your ‘day job’? 😉


Joseph: I am very fortunate enough to treat Acting/Modeling as my ‘day job’ it’s something I continue to work very hard at and persue, I’m in it for the long haul. You can see me out and about shopping, and keeping healthy at the gym too ☺

TRC: What three (3) things would you like to accomplish in the next ten (10) years?


1 – I would like to be lucky enough to book roles without having to go to auditions. Hopefully in the next 10 years of hard work I’ll have graduated to that level, or at least be offered roles.

2 – Even though I am a full time Actor/Model, I still feel there’s plenty I need to accomplish and learn in this business. More international work, having done some recently I am hungry to attack many more international markets

3 – Like everyone else in this world, I just want to enjoy what I do for the rest of my life, while having a great balance between work and leisure. It’s important to find a job you are passionate about and not worry about money so much. A great philosopher Alan Watts asked the question ‘what would you like to do if money were no object?’ How would you really enjoy spending your life? I think that’s a great question that many people don’t stop to really think about.

TRC: What is something that few people (if any) know about you?


Joseph: When I mention to people who don’t know me that I used to be and still can be very shy when I’m not working. They find it hard to believe, considering my job. I always tell them, work is different, I’m hired for the skills that I bring to set. I don’t bring those skills to a shopping mall when I’m alone shopping in a crowded mall, that just gives me anxiety!

TRC: Would you please tell us what you do to relax?

Joseph: I really enjoy reading, listening to music, watching movies is very relaxing for me. I find the gym as well, a place of relaxation; it’s my own personal therapist. I throw everything at it and all it gives back to me is this utopic feeling. It’s a good relationship

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Joseph: I’m not currently working on anything specific, everyday is a new day. I’ve recently returned from working in South Africa where I had the pleasure to book a few great jobs. I really fell in love with the country and may perhaps be returning once again in the fall.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Joseph: Oh I’m sure I’ve bored all of you by now, just want to say thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better and I hope everything has enjoyed reading this interview as much as I’ve enjoyed discussing it. If anyone is interested in keeping up with my daily, weekly, monthly, yearly shenanigans you can find me on Instagram @Josephcannats twitter @JosephCannata, and soon I will have a public profile page on Facebook. Be well everyone ☺


Favorite Food: Italian

Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake

Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones

Last Movie You Saw: Spider-man 2

Dark or Milk Chocolate: Dark

Favorite Song (at the moment): City and Color – The Lonely Life

Secret Celebrity Crush: Amber Herd

Last Vacation Destination: Mexico

Pet Peeve: People who walk slow

TRC: Thank you Joseph for taking the time to answer our questions. Congratulations on all of your success and we look forward to many more covers and one day seeing you on the big screen.
