SHARK’S RISE (Shark’s #3) by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue-Review Tour

SHARK’S RISE (Shark’s #3) by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue-Review tour


Shark’s #3
by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue
Release Date: December 31, 2019
Genre: adult, contemporary,erotic, romantic, suspense / / B&N / KOBO / Apple / Google Play

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date: DECEMBER 31, 2019

When a dream is taken to the edge of destruction, what will it take to rise again?

Abbigail Gibson has finally broken through Sebastian Shark’s staunch defenses, erected through years of having to fight for his multimillion-dollar success and the skyscraper that will be his legacy.

But as construction starts on the Edge, the foundations of Sebastian’s world are crumbling. Security has been breached, lives have been taken, and Bas has no choice but to hide Abbi to secure her safety. But at what price? As each day goes by, Abbi’s health drains away by frightening degrees. Has he kept her safe, only to sacrifice her vitality? Her light?

Separated, miserable, and on the trail of bizarre clues that lead to dead-end shadows, Sebastian and Abbigail can’t be sure of anything anymore…until destiny intervenes with a precious gift for them both.

They must now decide between living in fear, letting enemies shatter their trust and destroy their bond, or defy the odds and believe in their love—and see just how high they can rise.


REVIEW: SHARK’S RISE is the third instalment in the contemporary, adult SHARK’S erotic, romantic suspense series co-authored by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue. SHARK’S RISE is the continuing story of billionaire real-estate developer Sebastian Shark, and caterer Abbigail Gibson, and should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events and cliff hanger of book two SHARK’S PRIDE.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sebastian and Abbigail) SHARK’S RISE focuses on the relationship between billionaire real-estate developer Sebastian Shark, and caterer Abbigail Gibson. At the end of Shark’s Pride, Sebastian had hidden Abbigail Gibson away from the public eye in an effort to protect her from possible harm. Sebastian was battling between head and heart when the threats against his business and his life had taken a more personal turn, as the number of dead women connected to his past, pulled him further into an investigation that was quickly growing out of control. Believing the ‘threats’ had come from one of two sources, Sebastian sent Abbigail into hiding only to discover that not all was well in Abbigail’s life. Hoping to reconnect with the woman he loved, Sebastian heads to Abbigail only to discover that truth behind Abbigail’s quickly deteriorating condition.

The relationship between Abbigail and Sebastian is intense and highly erotic. Days apart further complicates their need for one another, a need that is matched by the passion, anger and palpable sexual energy. The $ex scenes are intimate and seductive but I continue to struggle with the use of a certain four-letter word in my ‘romance’ story lines.

The world building takes an abrupt turn away from, and pause in the growing suspense surrounding the implied threats to our story line couple although the body count will increase by one more but saying that the authors have chosen to focus mainly on the relationship between Sebastian and Abbigail, and Abbigail’s time spent away from the man that she loves, leaving numerous questions unanswered about the who and why behind the questionable deaths. The next instalment -Grant’s Heat-follows Sebastian’s best friend Grant Twombley, and Abbgail’s business partner / sister in law Rio Gibson. SHARK’S RISE is by no means the conclusion to Abbigail and Sebastian’s story but more of a happily ever after -for now-as the authors will now focus on Grant and Rio.

SHARK’S RISE is a story of love and desperation as one man struggles to protect the woman that calls to his heart. The premise is entertaining, enticing and diverting; the romance is hot and steamy; the characters are spirited and lively. Here’s hoping for a resolution and damage control to the ongoing death and destruction surround Sebastian Shark.

Reading order and previous reviews
Shark’s Edge
Shark’s Pride
Shark’s Rise

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



USA Today bestselling romance author Angel Payne has written for four publishing houses, and is also independently published. She loves to focus on high heat romance starring memorable alpha men and the women who love them.

She has numerous book series to her credit, including the Suited for Sin series, the Cimarron Saga, the Temptation Court series, the Secrets of Stone series (with Victoria Blue), the Lords of Sin historicals, and the rebranded Honor Bound series, as well as several stand-alone titles.

Currently, she is serving as the Vice President of Romance Writers of America’s Passionate Ink Chapter.

She lives in Southern California with her soul-mate husband and beautiful daughter.


Victoria Blue lives in her own portion of the galaxy known as Southern California. There she finds the love and life sustaining power of one amazing sun, two unique and awe inspiring planets and three indifferent, yet comforting moons.


Life is fantastic and challenging and everyday brings new adventures to be discovered. She looks forward to seeing what’s next!


Shark’s Pride (Shark’s Edge)by Angel Payne & Victoria Blue-Review Tour

Shark’s Pride (Shark’s Edge 2) by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue-Review Tour

Shark’s #2
by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue
Release Date: December 17, 2019
Genre: contemporary adult, erotic, romantic, suspense / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play/ Apple

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 17, 2019

Dreams come at a price…

Hidden enemies are tormenting Sebastian Shark. They’re determined to see his reputation in shreds and his plans for building the Edge in ruins. To make matters worse, Abbigail Gibson has written him off for good, choosing to believe their night of blistering passion was just another one of his playboy conquests.

When an unexpected visitor arrives on Sebastian’s doorstep, he can no longer ignore the danger Abbigail is in because of him. Someone has declared war, and the woman he loves could become collateral damage. Unacceptable.

But Abbi’s not about to ditch the man of her dreams just because things get tough.
His rules. Her trust. His world. Her safety. Their power struggle threatens to rip them apart again—but believing in their dream is the only way they’ll survive.


REVIEW:SHARK’S PRIDE is the second instalment in the adult, contemporary, SHARK’S EDGE erotic, romantic suspense series co-authored by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue. SHARK’S PRIDE is the continuing story of billionaire real-estate developer Sebastian Shark, and twenty-two year old, caterer Abbigail ‘Abbi’ Gibson, and should not be read as a stand alone as it picks up immediately after the events of book one Shark’s Edge.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Abbi and Sebastian) SHARK’S PRIDE focuses on the building romance and relationship between Abbi and Sebastian as Sebastian’s life continues to spiral out of control. Someone is determined to destroy Sebastian by leaving a trail of bloody bodies in his wake. As Sebastian prepares to move Abbi into a safer environment, Abbi struggles with the possible repercussions of leaving Sebastian to fight the demons on his own.

SHARK’S PRIDE is a story of betrayal and vengeance; of love and understanding. Sebastian is desperate to protect the woman with whom he has fallen in love, a love and relationship that is now threatened from an outside source. With the announcement and ground breaking reveal of Sebastian Shark’s new building The Edge, the ‘sharks’ have literally come out of the woodwork in an effort to take down the man in charge.

There is plenty of back and forth between our leading couple. Abbi struggles with issues of trust as Sebastian battles between head and heart as it pertains to Abbi, and the threats that have now been directed at her. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense but once again, I struggle with the use of a certain four-letter word in my romance story lines.

All of the previous story line characters return: PA Terryn; his best friend Grant Twombley; Abbi’s business partner Rio, and businessman Viktor Blake, as well as the introduction of PI Elijah Banks.

SHARK’S PRIDE is an exciting and intriguing story line with a colorful and energetic cast of secondary and supporting characters; the romance continues to be hot and heavy. SHARK’S PRIDE ends on a cliff-hanger, you have been warned.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of books one SHARK’S EDGE

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


USA Today bestselling romance author Angel Payne has written for four publishing houses, and is also independently published. She loves to focus on high heat romance starring memorable alpha men and the women who love them.

She has numerous book series to her credit, including the Suited for Sin series, the Cimarron Saga, the Temptation Court series, the Secrets of Stone series (with Victoria Blue), the Lords of Sin historicals, and the rebranded Honor Bound series, as well as several stand-alone titles.

Currently, she is serving as the Vice President of Romance Writers of America’s Passionate Ink Chapter.

She lives in Southern California with her soul-mate husband and beautiful daughter.


Victoria Blue lives in her own portion of the galaxy known as Southern California. There she finds the love and life sustaining power of one amazing sun, two unique and awe inspiring planets and three indifferent, yet comforting moons. 


Life is fantastic and challenging and everyday brings new adventures to be discovered. She looks forward to seeing what’s next!


Shark’s Edge (Shark’s #1) by Angel Payne & Victoria Blue-Review tour

Shark’s Edge (Shark’s #1) by Angel Payne & Victoria Blue-Review tour / / B&N (paper) / KOBO / Chapters Indigo / Google Play / Apple 

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date December 10, 2019

Every great dream begins with a dreamer…

Sebastian Shark is on the verge of realizing his dream. The Edge—the most luxurious Los Angeles skyscraper ever conceived—will be his legacy, an icon to dominate LA’s skyline just as Shark dominates its boardrooms.

Self-made businesswoman Abbigail Gibson is on a trajectory toward massive success, but to get there, she must navigate the egos of her demanding clients—particularly the driven and obstinate Shark, who possesses the special talent of aggravating and arousing her within the same breath.

They are a collision of chemistry, but is their potent attraction toward each other worth losing sight of their ultimate goals? Taking a bite of passion has never carried more risk—or promised sweeter reward.

Fate has other ideas, however, as Sebastian is targeted by unknown enemies and Abbi is caught in the fray. Will the danger draw them closer or drive them apart?


REVIEW:SHARK’S EDGE is the first instalment in the contemporary, adult, SHARK’S erotic, romantic suspense series co-authored by Angel Payne and Victoria Blue focusing on billionaire real-estate developer Sebastian Shark, and twenty-two year old, caterer Abbigail ‘Abbi’ Gibson.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Sebastian and Abbi) SHARK’S EDGE follows the building relationship between billionaire real-estate developer Sebastian Shark, and caterer Abbigail ‘Abbi’ Gibson. Sebastian Shark is working on the biggest deal of his life but finds himself distracted by professional caterer Abbigail ‘Abbi’ Gibson, a woman who stirs something deep within our story line hero. A dominant by nature who doesn’t do relationship preferring to pay for the use of a woman’s body, Sebastian makes Abbi an offer she struggles to refuse…but not all is well in Sebastian Shark’s well-ordered world when he becomes the target of someone desperate to destroy his business and his life. What ensues is the building but petulant and caustic relationship between Abbi and Sebastian, and the potential fall-out as there may be more than one player determined to take down Sebastian Shark.

Sebastian Shark knows a thing or two about dominating both in and out the boardroom. From business to pleasure, Sebastian is all about sealing the deal using contracts, NDAs and closed door tactics but for months Sebastian has battled his attraction to business woman and caterer Abbi Gibson, a woman who has no place in Sebastian’s world of power and control. Abbi Gibson finds herself attracted to a man who is way out of her league but Sebastian is desperate to keep Abbi under his control realizing there is more than one man hoping to make Abbi his own.

The relationship between Abbi and Sebastian is one of mutual attraction but Sebastian currently holds all of the power in their ‘non-relationship’. Sebastian doesn’t do romance or love but battles between head and heart as it pertains to his feelings about our story line heroine. When more than one man shows interest in our story line heroine, Sebastian struggles to keep himself under control.The $ex scenes are erotic and intense but I have issues with the use of a certain four-letter word in my ‘romance’ story lines.

We are introduced to Sebastian’s PA Terryn; his best friend Grant Twombley; Abbi’s business partner Rio, and businessman Viktor Blake. Grant and Rio’s story commences with Grant’s Heat, Shark’s #4 beginning in May 2020.

SHARK’S EDGE introduces the players and characters who will play pivotal roles in both Sebastian and Abbi’s life. Someone is determined to destroy Sebastian Shark using any means possible including murder and blackmail, one body at a time. The premise is dramatic, engaging, fast paced and captivating; the characters are colorful, energetic and seductive; the romance (or non-romance) is steamy and provocative. Payne and Blue reveal just enough clues to start building the suspense between Sebastian Shark and those trying to take him down. SHARK’S EDGE ends on a cliff-hanger, you have been warned.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


USA Today bestselling romance author Angel Payne has written for four publishing houses, and is also independently published. She loves to focus on high heat romance starring memorable alpha men and the women who love them.

She has numerous book series to her credit, including the Suited for Sin series, the Cimarron Saga, the Temptation Court series, the Secrets of Stone series (with Victoria Blue), the Lords of Sin historicals, and the rebranded Honor Bound series, as well as several stand-alone titles.

Currently, she is serving as the Vice President of Romance Writers of America’s Passionate Ink Chapter.

She lives in Southern California with her soul-mate husband and beautiful daughter.


Victoria Blue lives in her own portion of the galaxy known as Southern California. There she finds the love and life sustaining power of one amazing sun, two unique and awe inspiring planets and three indifferent, yet comforting moons. 


Life is fantastic and challenging and everyday brings new adventures to be discovered. She looks forward to seeing what’s next!
