Terror by Crea Reitan-review tour

?⚔ TERROR by Crea Reitan-review tour ?⚔

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date February 23, 2023

There are beings in this world that are the embodiment of fear itself – we call them Terrors.

Already an outcast shunned beyond the edge of town, I’m regularly ridiculed for my ungainly appearance. In this time of darkness, I simply do what is necessary to survive—like inviting in strangers who come knocking.

Which is what happened with The Unwanted—a Terror so cruel that if you turn him away, he will rip out your eyes before eating your heart. My act of kindness has entrenched me into an even darker world of monsters like no other. It’s made all the more terrifying because I don’t understand the language the Terrors speak.

As the Order of Ipsom launches a campaign to end the Terrors, the world turns medieval as fear grips the land. Fires burn the forests, screams fill the air, all while the Guardians try to kill the unkillable.

But I’m not immortal. And I might just become collateral damage.


REVIEW:Is there nothing this author can’t turn her pen too? Steampunk/Omegaverse/Reverse Harem/ her stories are all different (a lot of authors just swap names and churn another book out!) and they just drawn you in.

My heart just broke reading Voe’s hard life. Being horrifically injured and disfigured as a child (a bakery accident) Voe has had nothing but contempt and hatred thrown at her, all she is good for is ridicule and derision! Her trek to the local village is nothing short of an ordeal for Voe……

Unwanted has known nothing but justice, well his type of justice. Turn him away at your peril, no one has ever invited him into their homes. His punishment is not for the squeamish nor the faint hearted (triggers are given) and he’s expecting the same from the owner of the isolated cottage…..

Our “monster” is a Terror (Terrors are monsters that roam the night) each monster has an ability that they use to punish the corrupt. They aren’t men that turn into monsters, they are monsters, more limbs and appendages than you can count. So when Voe invited the Terror into her home, she’s not sure what to expect. So she feeds him and tries to communicate with him. The food is eaten, but the language barrier is a problem.

She also doesn’t expect kindness and understanding from the Terror, he sees her scars and finds her beautiful anyway. And when they give into the chemistry that is between them, both are shocked! Want (shoe fir Unwanted) needs to show off this wondrous creature with his pack of Terror’s….

As Loop/Warp and a host of Terrors meet Voe, they are struck at how age can be with a Terror, they too want Voe! And suddenly she’s being shared by the Terrors! (She’s writes about multiple partners, so why should this book be any different ?) The fact Voe and the Unwanted don’t really understand one another was a little frustrating, I had hoped a mind link would occur and they could understand one another.

I liked how Unwanted saw Voe as a copy of himself (he sews pieces of flesh onto his own body) she’s scarred, he’s scarred, he’s fascinated with her, she’s still terrified of him, but he does look at her with disgust. But the Order of Ipsom want the Terrors gone, they are a religious order that bring their own form of justice to the villages. They want the villagers to rise up and kill the Terrors. But it’s not going to be an easy feat!

The Guardian is a type of law enforcer, they also uphold the laws brought in by the Order of Ipsom. So how can one woman save these creatures? She has no powers, and she tries to save both the villagers and the Terrors. But neither really understand her nor do they want to stray from their paths.

It’s another great story from this author , I couldn’t put it down. So if your a fan of gothic horror with a little romance thrown in for good measure this is a book you’ll enjoy. And for fans of the author, you won’t be disappointed.

Another highly recommended book from this author.

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Reviewed by Julie B ?

Crea lives in upstate New York with her dog and husband. She has been writing since grade school, when her second grade teacher had her class keep writing journals. She has a habit of creating secondary, and often time tertiary, characters that take over her stories. All of her RH relationships end up being heavily polyamorous – meaning it’s not just all the men for one woman. There’s also some M/M action going on. When she can’t fall asleep at night, she thinks up new scenes for her characters to act out. This, of course, is how most of her meant-to-be-thrown-away characters tend to end up front and center – and utterly swoon-worthy! Don’t ask her how many book boyfriends she has…

When not writing, Crea is an avid reader. Her TBR pile is several hundred books high (don’t even look at her kindle wish list or the unread books on her tablet). Sometimes, she enjoys crafting; sometimes, exploring nature; sometimes, traveling. Mostly, she enjoys putting her characters on paper and breathing life into them. Oh, and sleeping. Crea loves to sleep!

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Terror (Untamed Sons MC: Manchester ) by Jessica Ames-review tour

Terror (Untamed Sons MC: Manchester 3) by Jessica Ames-review tour

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date October 28, 2022


As Sergeant at Arms of the Manchester chapter of the Untamed Sons Motorcycle Club, my job is clear–protect my brothers and uphold the bylaws of my club. I’ve done that from the moment I patched in, risking my life and freedom for men I consider closer than blood.

I never thought I’d need anything else until she walked back into my life.

Finding Hope on a stage taking her clothes off for strangers enrages me. This isn’t how her life was supposed to turn out. I walked away so she could have everything she deserved. Now, she’s in danger and I’m going to destroy everyone who threatens her.


Seeing Terror again after all this time has me on edge. He can’t know the truth about how low I’ve sunk since I saw him last. I tried for years to put Terror out of my head, but my love for the boy who made my heart skip a beat never faded. I tried to move on, to marry and have a family and, for a while, things were good. Then the nightmare began.

My ex-husband despises me. He’s done everything in his power to hurt me both mentally and physically, but now he has something that can tear me apart.

My daughter.

Terror might have crashed into my life without an invitation, but now he’s the only one who can save me.

Warning. This book contains themes that might be upsetting. For trigger warnings visit: https://www.jessicaamesauthor.com/jessicaamestwcw


REVIEW: TERROR is the third instalment in Jessica Ames’ contemporary, adult UNTAMED SONS MC: MANCHESTER erotic, MC romance series. This is thirty year old, SAA (Sargent at Arms) Kayden ‘Terror’ Walsh, and twenty-eight year old, exotic dancer/single mother Hope Buckley’s story line. TERROR can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous story line is revealed where necessary.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise there will be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Hope and Terror) TERROR focuses on the rekindling romance and relationship between thirty year old, SAA (Sargent at Arms) Kayden ‘Terror’ Walsh, and twenty-eight year old, exotic dancer/single mother Hope Buckley. Approximately twelve years earlier Kayden ‘Terror’ Walsh walked out of Hope Buckley’s life having endured a life-time of abuse at the hands of his father. Kayden’s father, and Hope’s mother had married, uniting Hope and Kayden as step brother and sister but the abuse Kayden endured came at the cost of losing the woman he loved. Several years would pass, Hope would marry a man she thought she could love, only to discover she would also become the victim of domestic abuse, abuse that continued throughout her marriage and subsequent pregnancy. Working as an exotic dancer to pay her legal bills, Hope has lost custody of her daughter, and is about to lose her job when Kayden now known as Terror comes back into her life. What ensues is the rebuilding relationships between Kayden and Hope, as Kayden and the Untamed Sons MC put a plan into place to ensure Hope is protected, and she regains the custody of her three year old daughter.

Hope Buckley has struggled in the years since Kayden left. Kayden knew Hope was too good for the lifestyle he was about to lead but leaving Hope behind broke both of their hearts, leaving Hope to the vultures including Kayden’s father, and the man with whom Hope would eventually marry. Used and abused, Hope battled between head and heart knowing she may never see her daughter again but with the return of the man that she loved Hope continued to struggle with what was and what may never be.

The relationship between Hope and Kayden is one of second chances; a rebuilding relationship between two people destroyed by power and control, abuse and neglect. Kayden has never stopped loving our story line heroine but as Terror, Kayden now has the power to destroy the demons that continue to beat at the woman he loves. The $ex scenes between Terror and Hope are intimate, erotic and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful secondary and supporting characters including Hope’s mother Marie, Kayden’s father Tim Walsh; Hope’s boss Zack Carmichael, her ex husband Mike, as well as MC members, Trick, Howler, Blackjack, Brewer, and solicitor Gerald. Brewer’s story line is next.

TERROR is a story of power, control, abuse and vendetta. The premise is gritty, dark and emotional; the characters are broken, determined and struggling to move forward; the romance is passionate and provocative.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Jessica Ames lives in a small market town in the Midlands, England. She lives with her dog and when she’s not writing, she’s playing with crochet hooks.


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