Karen Ranney-Catching up with the Author and Giveaway

Karen Ranney-Catching up with the Author and Giveaway

The Reading Cafe was honored to schedule Karen Ranney as the FIRST official author interview to our new site back in February 2012. With the release of THE LASS WORE BLACK -another fabulous Highlander novel- we would like to welcome back Karen and delve deeper into her psyche!!

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Hi Karen and welcome back to The Reading Café. Congratulations on the release of THE LASS WORE BLACK.

The Lass Wore BlackTRC: The Lass Wore Black was released January 29, 2013. Would you please tell us something about the premise?

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Karen: When I finished A Scandalous Scot, I realized that Catriona was bugging me. I wanted to know what happened to her. She was a thoroughly dislikable person and I wanted to know how she could have been so different from her sister. So, I decided to write her book. In the process, Catriona goes from being a self-absorbed hedonist to a much better person mainly because of falling in love with a generous and giving man.

TRC: If you could virtually cast the lead characters from The Lass Wore Black –Mark and Catriona-which models or actors would best represent your ideal image?

Karen: Oh, I am lousy at that. Truly awful. Besides, I’d much rather the reader picture the characters in her mind. Aren’t you ever disconcerted when someone mentions that her hero looks just like XXX and you happen to really dislike XXX?

TRC: Do you ever dream about your characters then bring their stories to life on paper?

Karen: I have dreamed a few books. My Beloved was a start to finish dream and the minute I woke I knew I had to write that book. If I’m really in deadline hell, I’ll dream about the characters, snatches of dialogue that I “overhear”. It’s a fascinating thing when it happens.

TRC: The Devil of Clan Sinclair will be your next release in July 2013. Would you please tell us something about the story line?

Karen: It’s an unrequited love type of story. Two people meet, fall desperately in love, and are separated by forces beyond their control. Then, even when the path looks clear for them, other circumstances prevent them from achieving happiness. The hero is a self-made man who wants an empire and a clan. The heroine is an American born heiress who is no longer an heiress and also a widow.

TRC: What do you believe is the biggest misconception about you?

Karen: Now, that’s a great question! However, I haven’t the slightest idea how to answer it. I think I live in a bubble – carefully constructed, mind you. I don’t read reviews, good or bad, most of the time. And if I notice that people are talking about me, I back out of the room. So, I don’t know what conceptions people have made about me.

TRC: If you could change something about yourself personal or professional, what would it be and why?

Karen: I am constantly changing and evolving. I’m not the same person today that I was even last year. I have personal goals and career goals out the wazoo but I’m odd in that I never talk about my goals, for fear of them being diluted. I feel the same way about a book I’m writing. I just don’t talk about it. That said, I would like to be more courageous in a lot of ways, stop procrastinating about cleaning, and lose more weight.

TRC: Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life and why?

Karen: Another great question. My mother was a great influence in my life, but she’s been gone for a great many years. Her loss affected me deeply, in ways that I’m still feeling. I think I could honestly say that life has been the biggest influence. I’ve experienced a few traumatic events, and each one has taught me something and influenced how I act as well as deal with other people.

TRC: Who is the first person you think about when you need someone to talk with and why?

Karen: Probably my son, because I can never do anything wrong in his eyes, and he’s remarkably compassionate and understanding. I don’t complain about stuff, though, but I do share when I’ve been an idiot.

TRC: Is there a question that you would like to be asked in an interview, but nobody has asked? If so, ask away!

Karen: I haven’t the slightest idea what to ask me!

TRC: What five things would you like to accomplish in the next ten years?

Karen: See question on changing something about myself, please.

TRC: 😉

TRC: What are your thought on book reviews-good or bad?

Karen: Everyone who purchases a book has a right to comment on it. I don’t read reviews, however. If I sell 100,000 books, it’s entirely conceivable to receive 100,000 opinions about it. Each review is one person’s opinion.

My goal is to tell a story that resonates with the reader. Some stories will, but some stories won’t.

TRC: Did you ever get a chance to write/publish Flash’s book?

Karen: I’m finishing it up as we speak.

TRC: What do you do in your spare time?

Karen: I love techie stuff. It’s kind of a hobby of mine, so when I’m not writing, I’m fiddling with the website, or writing blog posts – something to do with the technical aspects of my career. I also love reading (of course).

TRC: On what are you currently working?

Karen: Book Three of the Clan Sinclair books. Yep, I’m that far ahead. Book 1 – The Devil of Clan Sinclair – will be out in July, 2013. Then, Books 2 and 3 will be released back to back in 2014.

TRC: Would you like to add anything else?

Karen: Only that I love your questions. Thank you for the opportunity!

TRC: Thank you Karen for taking the time to answer our questions We wish you all the best.

Karen: Thank you, Sandy!


The Lass Wore Black


AmazonBarnes and Noble /KOBO/ The Book Depository

Mass Market Paperback, 384 pages
Release Date: January 29th 2013 by Avon
ISBN 0062027808 (ISBN13: 9780062027801)


Catriona Cameron was once famed for her seductive beauty and charm. Now she saw no one, hiding from the world…and no one dared break through her self-imposed exile.

No one, that is, until Mark Thorburn burst into her home, and Catriona’s darkened world began to have color again. Thorburn, secretly the heir to an Earldom, claimed he was a footman. But Catriona didn’t care about the scandal their passion could cause…for this very touch sparked her back to a life of sensuality, one she thought she’d never have again.

Little does she know that Mark is part of masquerade. One that will end when they become the target of a madman set on revenge. Mark realizes he will have to do more than win her love…he will have to save her life as well

Giveaway Pink

NOTE: Karen had offer has offered to increase the giveaway to 3 winners-each to win a copy of THE LASS WORE BLACK

Karen is offering 1 paper copy of THE LASS WORE BLACK to THREE lucky members at The Reading Cafe.

1. Please register using the log-in at the top of the page or by using one of the social log-ins.

2. If you are using a social log-in, please post your email address with your comment as Facebook and Twitter do not allow for email contact.

3. Giveaway runs from February 10-13, 2013

4. Giveaway is open to USA and CANADA only
