The Other Man (Rose Gold #1) by Nicole French-Review Tour

The Other Man (Rose Gold #1) by Nicole French-Review Tour / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /Apple /

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date: March 10, 2020

Former Marine. Criminal prosecutor.
I was one of the good guys. Until I met her.

With beauty like a rose and a mind as sharp as thorns,
Nina Gardner went from dalliance to obsession in a single night.
I’d stop at nothing to find her again, to make her mine.

Then I find out:
She’s the daughter of a New York dynasty.
Property of the scum of the earth.

And the subject of my next investigation is…her husband.
Which makes me the other man.

Well, I don’t think I can live with that.
Because now, I don’t think I can live without her.


REVIEW:THE OTHER MAN is the first instalment in Nicole French’s contemporary, adult ROSE GOLD erotic, romantic suspense series, a spin off from the author’s Quicksilver series. This is thirty-six year old, former Marine, and criminal prosecutor Matthew Zola, and heiress and philanthropist Nina Gardner’s story line. THE OTHER MAN can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from the previous series is revealed where necessary but I recommend reading the Quicksilver series for back story and history. Matthew Zola and Nina Gardner were first introduced to the reader in the Quicksilver trilogy.

NOTE: Nina and Matthew’s story begins in the novella THE SCARLET NIGHT (released November 2019).

THE SCARLET NIGHT: / / B&N / KOBO / Chapters Indigo /

Told from first person perspective (Matthew Zola) and third person (Nina Gardner) THE OTHER MAN follows two paths as criminal prosecutor Matthew Zola continues the investigation into the kidnapping of Jane DeVries (Quicksilver Series); its’ criminal connections to the world of human trafficking and sexual slavery; as well the forbidden relationship between Matthew Zola and Nina Gardner. Nina Gardner is Eric DeVries’ (Quicksilver Series) cousin; a married woman who is struggling with her place in society and the family. Months earlier, a one night stand between Nina and Matthew resulted in our hero desperately searching for the woman who got away. Matthew has a bit of a reputation with the married ladies, and in this Nina has made it clear that their affair can no longer continue beyond the present but Matthew and Nina ultimately find themselves together at various functions, family gatherings, and meeting in secret for their clandestine affair…but…all is not well in Nina’s world, and our heroine battles between head and heart as she begins to fall in love with our story line hero. What ensues is the building but forbidden relationship between Nina and Matthew, and the potential fall-out as Matthew’s investigation takes on a familiar foe.

THE OTHER MAN is a story of family and betrayal; infidelity and cruelty; secrets, lies and the painful truth. Matthew Zola is a throwback to the gentlemen of the 40s: fedora, expensive suits and calling the woman he loves ‘doll’ but Matthew is also a philandering hero whose numerous affairs with married women could very well come back to bite him in the a$$. Nina Gardner is a woman caught in a loveless marriage, a marriage of which she is no longer in control. The premise is gritty and engaging; the romance is heart breaking, passionate and intense; the characters are colorful , dynamic and broken.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



Nicole French is a East Coast/West Coast hybrid creature, Springsteen fanatic, hopeless romantic, and total bookworm. When not writing fiction or teaching writing classes, she is hanging out with her family, playing soccer with the rest of the thirty-plus crowd in Seattle, or going on dates with her husband. In her spare time, she likes to go running with her dog, Greta, or practice the piano, but never seems to do either one of these things as much as she should.

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