The Wrong Kind of Compatible by Kadie Scott – a Review

The Wrong Kind of Compatible by Kadie Scott – a Review


The Wrong Kind of CompatibleAmazon / B&N / Kobo / BAM / Book Depository

Data analyst Cassie Howard may be brilliant (and, okay, a little awkward), but she’s worked hard to get where she is. She definitely doesn’t need some sexy new analyst coming in and taking credit for her work. Or the inappropriate thoughts that keep popping out of her mouth she’d rather he not hear.

For undercover FBI agent Drew Kerrigan, computers have always made more sense than people, but he’d better develop some slick social skills in a hurry if he’s going to win over the too-tantalizing-for-his-sanity Cassie. Hacking their systems was easy. Now he’s just got to hack the one person in the company most likely to see through his ruse…



The Wrong Kind of Compatible by Kadie Scott is the 1st book in her Love Undercover series.  Cassie Howard is a data analyst for a government contractor. She is a woman who simply doesn’t do good, she has to excel or go home, she is focused on an analysis that will take the company she works for to an even higher level, but she is lacking all social skills, I love the fact she has no “inner voice” all she says just comes out of her mouth. 

Drew is the new computer whiz hired to help her make that happen – who also happens to be one of the best hackers in the world.  But Drew Kerrigan is an undercover FBI agent investigating shady dealings at Cassie’s work place.  He’s also a lovable nerd. 

And guess who is his prime suspect for the shady dealings ….. none other than Data Minds’ prodigy data analyst, Cassie. As Cassie and Drew bond over a love of Star Wars and codes, can Drew uncover the real criminal? And what will Cassie say once she knows who her new love actually is ? 

The quirky dialogue of these characters will have you cracking up….Holy smoking hotness, Batman. No computer nerd has a right to look like that.” “Computers he got…  Interactions with people took effort.” Wait? Did I say that one out loud?”

Romance, comedy and a little mystery; The Wrong Kind of Compatible has a little bit of everything.  I really enjoyed these characters. And would recommend you read it and laugh along with Cassie and Drew. 

Reviewed by Julie B

Copy provided by Publisher

