Ghost Note by Vicki James-Review Tour

Ghost Note by Vicki James-Review Tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date July 17, 2020

Six years.
Seventy-two months.
Over two thousand days.
That’s what I’d dedicated to that guitar-playing a*sehole, Danny Silver.
Now I, Daisy Piper, was left to pick up the wreckage of his love while he ran off with the band to find fortune and fame.

Life went on without him, and a new man soon rescued me from the ashes of Danny, but a part of my heart remained a little broken, no matter who tried to fix it. First loves can’t be forgotten so easily, and when Danny returned to our small hometown in Devon—famous and adored by millions—I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to get a glimpse of the man I’d once laid beside, to see how much he’d changed.

The smallest actions make for the biggest mistakes, and a single look into Danny’s eyes was all it took before I ran. I ran because the spark that came to life inside felt dangerous, and I wasn’t the kind of girl who enjoyed getting burnt twice.

But running from a rock star isn’t as easy as I thought it would be, and with Danny’s sights now firmly set on me again, all I could do was pray that he got bored of the chase. That he thought life in Devon was too slow for him, and that he craved the bright lights of the city, as well as the noise of the stadium.

If he didn’t, I was about to ruin everything for everyone.

Especially myself, and my stupid little Silver-lined heart.


REVIEW:Ghost Note begins with long time couple Danny Silver and Daisy Piper out for a walk along the shore. The last thing that Daisy ever expected was for Danny to tell her he was leaving to pursue a music career with his fellow bandmates. Broken hearted, Daisy does the only thing she can……….she runs.

Years later, Daisy finds herself in a pretty good place. She has a gift shop that does well and enjoys the tourists who stroll in and out. She also has a male friend, Ben, with whom she sees regularly. Her anchor, though, is her best friend, Gina, who also happens to be her silent business partner. Gina was also the one who helped put Daisy back together after Danny left and he hasn’t been seen in their hometown since.

Daisy and Gina are together, later, when Gina receives a phone call. Daisy immediately knows something is wrong. Gina tells her that Danny’s grandmother has passed away, which upsets Daisy. They had been close for years, but what infuriates Daisy more is the fact that she knows he won’t show up for the funeral……..because he didn’t even come for his parents’ services.

Daisy and Gina attend the service and then later go to a small gathering. As they sit having a drink, Jackson, Gina’s little brother, runs in with some big news of his own: the one and only Danny Silver is indeed in town. Daisy feels everyone’s eyes on her and the news is delivered. Finding herself a bit overwhelmed by the attention, she leaves and heads out. She later is so restless that she decides to walk down to the beach for some fresh air. She is sitting alone when she sees someone headed towards her. Yep, Danny Silver. The encounter doesn’t go well and Daisy makes her way back home.

Of course, with her hometown being so small, she was bound to run into Danny. And, she did. However, when he finally convinces her to talk to him, things that she thought she knew ended up being a little more complicated than she had ever known. She now finds herself doubting everything that she thought she knew not only about Danny, but about her heart.

Ghost Note is a wonderfully written story of second chances. Daisy and Danny are both wonderfully written. The two had been together since they were fourteen, so the breakup was hard on them both. They had both tried to move on from each other, but when it is revealed that they both had failed spectacularly, you feel your heart melt just a little more. They have mega chemistry, but when truths are revealed and Daisy sees what could have been, and gets a taste of it? It. Is. Palpable. The secondary characters are well written and intriguing as well. I had no idea this is a series, but can totally be read as a stand alone. I will go back and read the previous stories though, because Ghost Note was that good. If you’re a fan of the genre, you’ll not go wrong with this one. Well done, Vicki James!

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Vickie K

Vicki James is a pseudonym for Victoria L. James, taking her stories from heavy angst to heavy romance and bad boys you can’t help but fall in love with. She is, however, one and the same person so feel free to follow her on any of her platforms, be it Vicki James or Victoria L. James. Most importantly, enjoy the stories she tells, no matter what name she releases under.

Stalk Vicki


Insta: @Victoria_LJames

