Wicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost – a Review

Wicked All Night by Jeaniene Frost – a Review


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Set in the Night Huntress World, ancient deities are poised to wreck havoc, unless vampires Veritas and Ian can stop them!

A gift from the gods…

Veritas and Ian have finally defeated their worst enemy, but the power it took to pierce through to the netherworld has unexpected consequences. Soon, Veritas is forced to rely on the last person she trusts—a golden deity named Phanes, who seeks far more than a temporary alliance with the beautiful vampire.

Can unleash hell…

But an escape from the netherworld soon pits Veritas and Ian against supernatural beings seeking to rule over mortals once again.  Now, they must rally friends and foes alike—if the vampire council doesn’t execute Veritas first. Plus, a wedge between Veritas and Ian threatens to destroy their love. Can they stand together against the unearthly powers about to be unleashed? Or does their love—and humanity—not stand a chance?




Wicked all Night by Jeaniene Frost is the 3rd book in her Night Rebel trilogy.  I am a major fan of Jeaniene Frost and her Night Huntress series, as well as her spin offs in that world, which is also Night Rebel.  When I started reading the Night Rebel series, I was surprised at finding myself totally loving Ian, the man we used to hate in her Night Huntress series.  After two books, I love Ian and Veritas, another bad ass. In the last book, Veritas and Ian, managed to defeat and kill Dagon, their worst enemy.

Wicked all Night begins with Veritas doing everything in her power to save Ian, including trying to find her father.  She is approached by a golden god named Phanes, who was the original intended betrothal force upon her by her father.  Phanes says he will help find her father, if she comes with him to show off his betrothed to his people. Veritas figuring, she will be gone 24 hours, though later learns in his world, time is different (24 hours equals months).

Ian and her brother Ashael manage to find Veritas, much to Phanes surprise, and Ian manages to rise up and defeat everything Phanes throws at him. Phanes agrees to take her to her father in the netherworld, where he tricks them and leaves them trapped unable to leave.  But fortunately for Veritas, her father will help them leave, but they have to find the two gods who escaped with Phanes.

What follows is an exciting, nonstop action and an amazing story that has Veritas and Ian working together to find Phanes and the two escapees. They will find themselves in dangerous situations throughout the book, coming up against powerful enemies.  It was great to get to see our favorites, who come to help them; Cat, Bones, Mencheres, Spade, Vlad, Denise, Marie. These are fantastic characters from Jeaniene that we have come to love.  So wonderful to see them again.

Veritas and Ian approach both Marie and the Vampire Council to convince them to help fight these evil destructive gods.  Ian mostly proves to the council that Veritas is innocent of the crimes they accuse her of, and convinces them to change the rules, allowing Veritas to be safe and free. When they face the villians, everyone will join the fight, and Ian implores Veritas to use her god like power to defeat them.

The last half of the book was exciting, intense, pulse pounding non-stop action, as we raced to the battle filled climax.  Wicked All Night was also sexy, fun, with our wonderful favorite characters to enjoy, and I loved every moment of it.   Ian and Veritas turned out to be a fabulous couple with a strong connection and scorching chemistry.  I absolutely adore Jeaniene Frost and these fantastic worlds she’s has created; I can’t wait to see what she has instore for us next.

Reviewed by Barb

Copy provided by Publisher



