Twisted Flames (Twisted Intentions 4) by Savannah Rylan-review

Twisted Flames (Twisted Intentions 4) by Savannah Rylan-review / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date September 8, 2023

Three bikers have me straddling the line between duty and desire…

As a DEA agent, I’ve always kept a distance wider than Smuggler’s Bay between me and biker gangs like the Death Cheaters—until three of their members crash into my world and set everything on fire.

Suddenly, I’m caught in the crossfire between them and another MC that couldn’t be more different—the Black Diamonds. The Death Cheaters despise those drug-running scumbags just as much as I do.

With my dark past and inked-up skin, I’m more like them than I’d ever admit—but they see right through my defenses and into my soul, despite the years that separate us.

Reid, the strong and silent type with bloodlust under the surface. Cash, the hothead who wears a playful mask. And Baron, the mountain of muscle with enough integrity to save them all. Each of them ignites something in me that I couldn’t resist if my life depended on it—and it just might.

We may be the least likely of allies, but I know they’d do anything to protect me—even though I’m just as capable as any outlaw on a Harley. Because there’s something fierce between the four of us, and no matter how much danger is hot on our trail, when I’m with them, it’s a hell of a ride.


REVIEW: TWISTED FLAMES is the fourth instalment in Savannah Rylan’s contemporary, adult TWISTED INTENTIONS erotic, reverse harem, MC romance series. This is DEA agent Lonna ‘Angel’ DeMarco, and Death Cheaters MC President Baron, Cash and Reid. TWISTED FLAMES can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. .Any important information from the previous story lines is revealed where necessary.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including violence, there may be trigger for more sensitive readers.

Told from four first person perspectives (Angel, Baron, Cash, Reid) TWISTED FLAMES follows DEA agent Angel DeMarco as she endeavors to prove the Death Cheaters MC is responsible for the  designer drug destroying the vulnerable of South Carolina. Having lost someone close, Angel DeMarco is going off-book, intending to take down the Death Cheaters MC but from the outset the MC is unaware the drug is back on the street, and the DEA Agent gracing their club is about to become fodder in a war between rival MCs. What ensues is the relationship between Angel, and Baron, Cash and Reid, and the attacks that will target our story line heroine.

The world building, once again, focuses on the reverse harem relationship between our leading foursome. Angel battles between head and heart believing the men with whom she is falling in love are responsible for so much death and destruction.Forced to remain with the the Death Cheaters MC, Angel will discover that another MC is responsible including someone working from the inside.

The relationship between Angel and her trio of men begins acrimoniously as Angel is determined to destroy the Death Cheaters MC but it will become readily apparent that Angel has targeted the wrong people, people who are willing to risk their own lives to protect the woman they love. The $ex scenes are aggressive and intense but there is some question of believability in the face of a shooting and the health of our heroine, and the need for $ex while still in recovery 😉 .

There is a large ensemble cast of colorful and energetic secondary and supporting characters including several members of the Death Cheaters MC, the Black Diamonds MC, as well as several DEA agents .

TWISTED FLAMES is a story of power and control, vengeance and misdirection, acceptance and love. The fast paced premise is intriguing and captivating; the romance is provocative; the characters are determined and desperate.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Twisted Metal
Twisted Glass
Twisted Hearts

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy

Savannah Rylan is a romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading with her cat, Gris. When not writing about sexy bikers and the women that love them, you can find her on the beach with a drink in her hand or at the gym testing out some strange new position. Yoga, obviously. She lives in Southern California with her husband and Gris, the true love of her life.

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Twisted Hearts (Twisted Intentions 3) by Savannah Rylan-review

Twisted Hearts (Twisted Intentions 3) by Savannah Rylan-review / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 9, 2023

They think I’m afraid of them. But I’m only scared of how much I want them…
I’ve drifted through my life wanting more but never knowing what was missing—until three members of the Shadow Boys MC walked into my bar and changed everything.
Lance. Pike. Blaze. They’re all I can think about.
The attraction is electric, and not even seeing firsthand how dangerous they are can stifle the sparks that flare in me when I’m around them.
They don’t think there’s a place for me in their brutal world, but I refuse to back down until they see that I’m not too fragile to handle them and everything they stand for.
I don’t need to be protected, and I’m determined to prove it—but my need makes me reckless. I’ve set in motion something I can’t undo.
And it just might get us all killed.


REVIEW:TWISTED HEARTS is the third instalment in Savannah Rylan’s contemporary, adult TWISTED INTENTIONS erotic, reverse harem, romance series. This is Shadow Boys MC members Lance, Pike and Blaze, and bartender Dalia’s story line. TWISTED HEARTS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from four first person perspectives (Lance, Pike, Blaze and Dalia) TWISTED HEARTS follows in the wake of threats against the Shadow Boys MC territory by a rival MC, and the take down of a man suspected of working with the MC in question. Dalia is a bartender who is stiffed not once but twice by our story line heroes but Lance, Pike and Blaze are on the hunt for the MC encroaching on their territory, taking down one business at a time. When a suspicious stranger begins inquiring about Lance, Pike and Blaze, our heroes begin to suspect that their friendship with Dalia has now become a threat to our heroine, a threat that is about to implode for everyone concerned. As the attacks against the Shadow Boys MC become personal and deadly, Dalia is about to be caught in the cross-fire, when she is targeted by demons from her past. What ensues is the building relationship between Lance, Pike, Blaze and Dalia, and the potential fall-out as war between MCs threatens the lives of the everyone involved.

The relationship between Dalia and Lance, Pike and Blaze is a reverse harem relationship. This is not the first polyamorous relationship for Lance, Pike and Blaze but memories of what was, threaten to destroy what has yet to happen with our story line heroine. Each of Dalia’s lovers brings something different to the relationship including heart break and sorrow about memories from the past. The $ex scenes are provocative and intense.

The secondary and supporting characters include Dalia’s co-workers, as well as several members of the Shadow Boys MC.

TWISTED HEARTS is a story of love and loss, betrayal and vengeance, power and control, obsession and madness, family and acceptance. The premise is impassioned and dramatic; the romance is steamy and seductive; the characters are desperate and determined.

Reading Order and Previous Reviews
Twisted Metal
Twisted Glass

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Savannah Rylan is a romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading with her cat, Gris. When not writing about sexy bikers and the women that love them, you can find her on the beach with a drink in her hand or at the gym testing out some strange new position. Yoga, obviously. She lives in Southern California with her husband and Gris, the true love of her life.

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Twisted Glass (Twisted Intentions) by Savannah Rylan-review tour

Twisted Glass (Twisted Intentions 2) by Savannah Rylan-review tour / / / /

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ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date March 21, 2023

I’m not who they think I am—and my life depends on making them believe it.

How does a woman without so much as a speeding ticket find herself taken hostage by a biker gang with a vicious grudge?

Ask the twin sister I never knew I had.

Staying squeaky-clean has always worked for me, and I love the life I’ve built—but evidently my sister can’t say the same, and her choices have led the Road Raiders MC straight to my door.

Being dragged into their world is a total shock to my system, but I can’t deny the connection I feel with Axton, Dante, and Maverick. I see through their rocky exterior, and part of me wants to explore what’s between us, if only I can convince them of my true identity.

Unless they kill me before I get the chance.


REVIEW:TWISTED GLASS is the second instalment in Savannah Rylan’s contemporary, adult TWISTED INTENTIONS, erotic, reverse harem, MC romance series. This is primary school teacher Brielle Lancaster, and MC members President Axton, enforcer Dante, and Maverick’s story line. TWISTED GLASS can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise including graphic violence against an innocent woman, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from four first person perspectives (Brielle, Axton, Dante and Maverick) TWISTED GLASS follows in the wake of the abduction and torture of our story line heroine. Axton’s MC has been notified to be on the look out for a dangerous and deadly woman, and believe they have found their mark in our story line heroine but Brielle is an innocent; a woman who knows nothing about what is happening or why but she is about to bear the brunt of a vicious interrogation meant to harm and destroy. MC member Maverick begins to struggle with the attack against a woman who denies any involvement, a woman who is about to discover that someone else may be the ultimate target. What ensues is the torture of, and ultimate forgiveness by our story line heroine when a search reveals a twin sister Brielle never knew she had.

Brielle Lancaster was adopted at birth but her critically ill twin was left behind. Fast forward to present day, vengeance at the perceived betrayal has been fixated on anyone who crosses Brielle’s sister’s path, vengeance that is now aimed at our story line heroine.

The relationship between Brielle and her three abductors begins acrimoniously; a tortured woman who is unaware of what is happening or why; an abused heroine who is paying the cost for the sins of someone else. Forgiveness comes quick in the wake of the truth but club president Axton continues to struggle with what he did and why. The $ex scenes are intimate erotic and intense with all four participating in aggressive sexual contact.

The secondary and supporting characters are limited. We are introduced to Brielle’s adopted parents, her sister Rachel Ludick, as well as Blaze, Joules, Jax, Doc and Wolf.

TWISTED GLASS is a story of betrayal, mistaken identity, abuse and forgiveness. The character driven premise is fast paced and heart breaking; the romance is provocative; the characters are troubled and determined.

Click HERE for Sandy’s review of book one TWISTED METAL

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy


Savannah Rylan is a romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading with her cat, Gris. When not writing about sexy bikers and the women that love them, you can find her on the beach with a drink in her hand or at the gym testing out some strange new position. Yoga, obviously. She lives in Southern California with her husband and Gris, the true love of her life.

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Twisted Metal (Twisted Intentions) by Savannah Rylan-Review Tour

?Twisted Metal (Twisted Intentions 1) by Savannah Rylan-Review Tour? / / / /

Don’t own a Kindle? Download the FREE Amazon Kindle App for your mobile device or pc

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date November 14, 2022

I should be terrified of them—but I’ve never felt safer…
When I begged the Twisted Metal MC to take me in exchange for my father’s freedom, I never thought I’d be anything more than a trade to them. A transaction.
I was wrong.
On the surface, my three captors are nothing alike.
Trooper, who disarms me with a smile and helps me laugh away my fears. Dutch, whose cocky mask can’t hide his sweet soul. And Ranger, who frustrates me so much I can’t decide whether to kiss or kill him.
I’m more than a bargaining chip to them—and every day I spend with them proves it. But when my past catches up to me, everything threatens to come crashing down around me.
I don’t know how I’ll get out of this mess, but I do know one thing. No one is ever going to control me again.
My guys will stop at nothing to make sure of it.


REVIEW: TWISTED METAL is the first instalment in Savannah Rylan’s contemporary, adult TWISTED INTENTIONS erotic, MC , reverse harem romance series. This is nurse Naomi Ryland, Trooper, Lead enforcer Dutch and MC president Ranger’s story line.

WARNING: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from four first person perspectives (Naomi, Trooper, Dutch and Ranger) TWISTED METAL follows in the wake of a break in at Naomi Ryland’s father’s house. Naomi is engaged to a local police officer, and when help for her father does not arrive, Naomi finds herself the prisoner of the Twisted Metal MC, having sacrificed her freedom for the safety of her father but as the days pass, and still no one, including her police office fiancé, comes to her rescue, Trooper, Dutch and Ranger go in search of the truth, a truth that pushes our heroine into the arms of the three men with whom she will fall in love. What ensues is the building but acrimonious relationship between Naomi, Trooper, Dutch and Ranger, and the fall-out when the truth is finally revealed.

The relationship Naomi and Trooper, Dutch and Ranger is tempestuous at best. Naomi is their prisoner, and has no idea as to the who, how or why of the attack at her father’s home. Struggling between head and heart, Naomi wishes for her freedom but quickly discovers that she is freer with the three men with whom she has fallen in love. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic provocative with multiple partners, bondage and a little bit of daddy kink.

We are introduced to a few members of the Twisted Metal MC: Bury, Thor, Doc; Naomi’s fiancé Gordon, her father, and Sheriff Barnes.

TWISTED METAL is a story of secrets and lies, betrayal and vengeance, power and control, forgiveness and love. The premise is dramatic and intense ; the characters are animated, determined and dynamic; the romance s spirited and edgy.

Copy supplied for review

Reviewed by Sandy



Savannah Rylan is a romance writer that spends most of her time writing and reading with her cat, Gris. When not writing about sexy bikers and the women that love them, you can find her on the beach with a drink in her hand or at the gym testing out some strange new position. Yoga, obviously. She lives in Southern California with her husband and Gris, the true love of her life.

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